Why I've been snappy lately...



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
While it's really none of anybody's business, I sorta figure I owe yall as to why I've been kinda more snappy than usual. So here it is. Kitty lost her main job about a month ago. That was our main income. Now, we are officially in foreclosure. While our mortgage company is working with us, I honestly don't see a way out. I have been posting Kitty's resume everywhere and she has had some good strong interviews, but interviews don't pay the bills. I know there are some of you who will think this is a "woe is me" post. It is not. I am not asking for help and will refuse it. This community has been gracious enough. It is time to let whatever is going to happen happen. I just felt that since I have obligations to a few members regarding carburetor work, that I would make a public post to reassure those members that they will be repaid and or their carburetor work will be completed, but it may be a little while.....up to about 90 days. I have already contacted each of them through PM. My blaster has torn up yet again, and I do not have the extra money to repair it right now, so my carburetor work is halted for now. On top of everything else, we got a letter from the IRS today saying because of a mistake I made in our 2012 taxes, we owe them over a thousand dollars. We just cannot catch a break on anything I guess. At any rate, that's what's happenin with us. I hope yall are doin better.
Wow dude that sucks! I would not be able to be as nice as you if I was in that position. Good luck , and be assured that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
I know you and I have had our choice words with each other, but I wanted to take a moment and let you know that prayers and well wishes are on their way.
I feel your pain. We are coming off of a year where my wife was unemployed for 53 weeks. She is just now back to work and things are looking better. One thing my wife did while looking for a real job was work a couple of part time jobs. This allowed her the flexibility to interview and still have a little income coming in. It was minimum wage stuff but it got her out of the house and helped keep her sanity also. Keep your chin up, things will turn around.
The IRS can wait so don't sweat that one too much. As far as carb work goes, what does your blaster cab need to get it in working order so you can fulfill your current jobs and maybe even generate a little income? I would be happy to offer a little help in that department if it gets you back to being able to do some work for continued income. Your wife could get that "call" tomorrow, you never know. I hate to see anyone hit a wall and give up.

I am going through a divorce right now and had to even put a restraining order on my bride so I have my fair share of bad **** going on as well as catching up on some back taxes I owe from when the economy tanked and my business fell off to almost nothing. If I can do a little to help out someone else in a tough time I would be glad to do what I can, though it may not be much.
I have gained a ton of good info from this site that I have used on my car and some has come from reading some of your posts, attitude an' all.
I don't post a lot but I read a ton.

Either way, best wishes for things to turn around.

Wow. Rough on you for sure.
I do hope you and wife are in good heath. The most important thing.
Best wishes.


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The IRS can wait so don't sweat that one too much.

I would like like to put a friendly note on this.. They dont wait, they give you so long and if you dont follow thru you will have liens put against you.. Do as they ask and you will be alright. I know this for a fact for more reasons than I believe any of you know.

As for everything else. I wish you the best Rob! I hate seeing someone go thru hard times. If it helps just come in here and vent! My thoughts are with you and the family.
I would like like to put a friendly note on this.. They dont wait, they give you so long and if you dont follow thru you will have liens put against you.. Do as they ask and you will be alright. I know this for a fact for more reasons than I believe any of you know.

As for everything else. I wish you the best Rob! I hate seeing someone go thru hard times. If it helps just come in here and vent! My thoughts are with you and the family.

Yep, and being that Social Security is involved they will just gobble up whatever is necessary...We are looking at a potential 40k tax bill in the not too distant future....have spoken to one of those "tax relief" companies...they told me that more times than not the IRS will not even negotiate with the tax payer....if the tax payer has any "disposable income"....the logic is why take a small percentage up front when they can get it all....by leaving the tax payer damn near penniless while they are raping them....

Sorry to read of your troubles Rob....
Yep, and being that Social Security is involved they will just gobble up whatever is necessary...We are looking at a potential 40k tax bill in the not too distant future....have spoken to one of those "tax relief" companies...they told me that more times than not the IRS will not even negotiate with the tax payer....if the tax payer has any "disposable income"....the logic is why take a small percentage up front when they can get it all....by leaving the tax payer damn near penniless while they are raping them....

Sorry to read of your troubles Rob....

I sent you a PM on this. I didnt want to hijack this thread to much, but I do want to clarify a few things.

Although I will say this, stay away from the tax relief companies. They can not do anything for you that you can not do for yourself. Plus you end up paying them a fee along with what you already owe. So your really going backwards. Also yes the IRS will negotiate with you and even do payment plans, as long as you play by there rules. You must get them all the info they ask for on or before the deadline and filled out correctly. If they see that your willing to work with them then they will work with you.

And now back to your regularly scheduled program.
Sorry to hear this crap. I hope some good luck will find you.
Damn Rob if it wasn't for bad luck you wouldn't have any luck at all! I will keep You and Kitty in my prayers.
Don't know you but read your post, sorry to hear you are going thru troubled times and hope it turns around for you soon.

Be as open with lender and IRS and try and make it work out

You sound like a stand up guy, let's hope the good guy can come out on top sometimes
Damn Rob, that sucks. Prayers going out for you & Kitty.
Rob, Son-of-a-***** man. I'm sorry to hearthis, I know its been said to keep your chin up, and its hard, don't fold in as they apply pressure.... man really, this is all horse **** that times as such does this to us...

I know, I've gone through a Audit so.....Just because I paid in this amount in 2012, and in 2013 I paid in next to nothing.....Didn't bother looking up my medical records to see "why" I paid next to nothing in for the 2013 year.. Maybe because I didn't work nor was able...NOW, because the little I paid in, has a bit of a pay out coming to me as they seemed to think, I was going to be paying them. Whatever tho....I didn't even get a lawyer for it.... as I did nothing wrong! As it was said, play by their rules, you'll be OK, they will work with you!
the IRS will work with you, I've owed them many times, don't avoid them.
get on their web site, there you can make a payment arrangement that works for you.
you can do that without talking to anyone. anyway, I hope your life takes an upward swing! good luck and take care.
I already knew most of that . But Yall still in are praryers will talk soon

No you didn't cause I hadn't told anybody about the mortgage situation until now.

Thanks yall. I appreciate it. We're just gonna keep pluggin along until we caint do it anymore. I guess if we do end up losin the house, there's only one way from there. Up.
i dont want to hear this kind of stuff from one of my favorite members.
I understand...I am still looking for work....good luck with the irs...

That's messed up Rob, and I know pretty close to what it is like.
If there is anything at all I can do to help please say so.
Sometimes I think life would be a lot simpler if I didn't have this house.

Take Kitty and go have a cold one because they can't kill ya.