woke up with 5 holes in my gut



Not a Nova
Dec 26, 2006
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I had surgery yesterday and was admitted cause I was having a tough time waking up.I didn't talk to the doctor but I'm wondering if he not only took My gallbladder but fixed My heidla hernia(sp ).I'm home and sore
?? What happened ?? is whut yer thinkin?

Take er easy. That's what the TV and pain pills are for, LOL
Awake, talking, home, and complaining, are all good signs after being under the knife.
Hope you heal soon.
Get plenty of rest and heal up.

If you need any more holes in ya', go work on your car and bust a few knuckles... LOL!

But don't overdue it....
No doubt, thought you went hunting with Dick Cheney. Seriously get better and enjoy your recovery. Hopefully you have some good people to help so you don't over do it.
I had mine out a couple years ago. DO NOT try to move around too much or lift stuff. You can end up with scarred tissue that will have to be removed if you are not careful. No need for alarm, just making sure ya take it easy. It will feel alot better in time. Hope ya feel better.
Take some time & heal, B.D. You have some free time,relax. Truck drivers ,rarely get this..
"Woke up". That's the best part right there. Get well buddy.
The wife looked like she had been in a knife fight after her gall bladder surgery. Take it easy and give yourself time to heal up. You will be much better with time.
At first I thought you was a driveby victim. Best wishes for a fast mend.Ps. dont eat the truck stop burritos!
Umm! Didn't get the details before you went into surgery? Are you out of the hospital now? Should have figured out what was up before you left. I understand they make judgement calls, but should never leave without knowing exactly what is/went on.
Sounds like you're having a bit of a tough time with it, stay positive, pretty soon you will feel better. Maybe watch some really good movies to take your mind off it.
I had surgery yesterday and was admitted cause I was having a tough time waking up.I didn't talk to the doctor but I'm wondering if he not only took My gallbladder but fixed My heidla hernia(sp ).I'm home and sore

Ummm, That wasn't surgery...You were abducted by Aliens!

Good Luck with your recovery!


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