Rod Bearings are Done :(



Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2008
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So the oil pressure issues I was questioning were true...Took the motor apart to check them and I found little pieces of metal in the pan. I also have a piece of metal I found. The main bearings are not as bad as the rod, but there are some none shiny parts which I dont know if its bad? I believe this happened when I got antifreeze into the oil. check the pics


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p.s. I felt a groove in the rod bearings...And when I took the cap off it was on the rod journal..are the bearings suppose to fit tight on the caps?
Ouch, doesn't look good
agreed, how would I know if the mains need to be replaced? The bearing has some dullness, its not all shiny like when you first buy them.
The rods and mains both oil through the crank. It needs both replaced and the crank pulled and checked. With metal chunks and shavings running through the engine, I would take it all apart and start over. Either the clearances were'nt right or there was dirt/shavings where they didn't belong. How was the engine assembled? Did a machine shop do it or were parts just purchased and assembled?
Let me back up a bit. Sorry to hear this happened. What a pain huh! Your photos are a bit blurry so I can't quite make out the chunk of metal is or how big it is. Did you ever figure out where the antifreeze came from? Almost any in the oil will wipe the bearings out. If the bearings are grooved there is a good chance your crank may be too. If the crank isn't hurt too bad may be it can just be polished and the correct bearings installed. I would still be suspicious as to where the coolant came from and what all the metal is about. Lots of unanswered questions.
The clearances were good, but it was antifreeze that ran through it. Every rod bearing I have taken off was down to the copper or grooved. Their are some marks on the crank, but I hope it can be polished off or I will have to offset with .20 on the rods and .10 on the mains or get a new crank!
It could have been the water in the oil. Hard to say but regardless the wear is odd and not spaced over the whole bearing face if I see it right. That tells me either the crank, or rod/main bore, had issues. As was said, you need to start from the beginning. Was the block align honed? Why would the crank be .010/.020? Was it already cut once? Don't forget the cam bearings. You can't get all the crap out of the oil gallies unless the bearings are removed.
It could have been the water in the oil. Hard to say but regardless the wear is odd and not spaced over the whole bearing face if I see it right. That tells me either the crank, or rod/main bore, had issues. As was said, you need to start from the beginning. Was the block align honed? Why would the crank be .010/.020? Was it already cut once? Don't forget the cam bearings. You can't get all the crap out of the oil gallies unless the bearings are removed.

My machine shop guy cleans everything 3 times after he does machining. I double checked everything after I got it home just to make sure. I wish you were across town. I would buzz over to your house and we'd check it out. With what has happened so far, starting from the beginning and double checking everything is really your only option. Mike
It could have been the water in the oil. Hard to say but regardless the wear is odd and not spaced over the whole bearing face if I see it right. That tells me either the crank, or rod/main bore, had issues. As was said, you need to start from the beginning. Was the block align honed? Why would the crank be .010/.020? Was it already cut once? Don't forget the cam bearings. You can't get all the crap out of the oil gallies unless the bearings are removed.

all the other bearings are to the copper in parts of the bearings. The block was line honed. It would be .010/.020 because it was already .010/.010. So your saying the cam needs to come out and I need to have it tanked or what?
Sorry to hear this.Rip open your oil filter,let us know if you find more crap in it.

It might, I didnt bother seeing as I knew either the rod/main or crank bearings were why there was crap in the oil pan.
Also the mains were all good and did not look bad at all besides their being some dullness on parts of the bearings and not completely shiny, so i dumped all the bearings and will get new ones later. Also the crank looks and feels like there are no grooves, but there are streaks like it needs to be polished. I will have it looked at tomorrow or tuesday and have them see if it needs work.
if you can feel anything on the crank by running your fingernail over the journal... i mean anything you need to have it turned...

remember that every groove has displaced metal around it...

we just had this happen on one of our hemis... a rocker arm tip came off and sent things around the engine... get all new bearings, including cam bearings...

also inspect your oil pump for issues or more junk...
I was going to replace all the bearings but the cam bearings...Should the be replaced?
The oil pump is going to be replaced along with a new pickup. And I will check the crank, but it looks like it needs to be re-polished no matter what!
Rods, mains, cam bearings all being replaced.
Being hot tanked
New freeze plugs
crank polished or turned...
clean the block or hot tank?

both... and then when you get it back from the machine shop... clean it again at least twice using strong degreaser and bottle brushes...

make sure to paint the out side ASAP and oil everything else or it will rust so fast it will make your head spin...
When I get IT back I will spray it will WD40, cylinders and rub with oil all the bearings and paint the outside, but this wont be for a month. Because I go back to so cal wednesday
what do you mean both? How do you "clean" the block if it was hot tanked
When I get IT back I will spray it will WD40, cylinders and rub with oil all the bearings and paint the outside, but this wont be for a month. Because I go back to so cal wednesday

WD will evaporate... use motor oil on everything other than the outside, use paint lol
mr gasket sells brush kit for galleys.

soap and water, rough side of sponge on bores, checking cleanliness with paper towel, then wd-40 finish

I motor oil the bores just before installing pistons.

if it its gona sit for a while, use cosmoline.
what do you mean both? How do you "clean" the block if it was hot tanked

all a hot tank is, is a box with a rotating table in it... there are jets on the top and bottom and it goes around for a while... gets alot but nothing inside if the oil galleys and all the other nooks and crannies...

mr gasket sells brush kit for galleys.

soap and water, rough side of sponge on bores, checking cleanliness with paper towel, then wd-40 finish

I motor oil the bores just before installing pistons.

if it its gona sit for a while, use cosmoline.

wild is right on as normal!