Coolant leak -hydro locked engine

I have to agree with some of the others. I too have seen bent rods and split cylinders from hydraulic pressures.That dark line stops short of the deck, about the thickness of the deck. It's very suspect.
IMHO, from the looks of the piston top it's been leaking for a while.
It did get down into the mid 20's overnight on the 19th in middle NJ; I've seen blocks and heads crank at 28F for a few hours with just water in them.
hit it with WD40, wipe it off and then powder it with cornstarch or some other soft powder. If its a crack, the powder will leech out the oil in the crack and itll be obvious where the crack is. concrete driveway does same thing with oil-eater powder when it hits cracks. looks great, 5 minutes later you see all your cracks start to bleed oil again.
Took the heads to my local machine shop tonight and it was quite upsetting at what he found. First he found epoxy in the intake runner when he took the intake valve out.
The epoxy had cracked and started to flake off and under the intake valve it a had .400 thick seat install and below it was a hole!!
My Machinist says he never uses a valve seat over .250 unless that is what was called for by the manufacture. So now my W2 heads are JUNK
That's a real shame. I have seen repairs tried in that area of the head before....but never succeeded.
I think MountainThunder (member) had a single W2 head for sale at one time....So the valve seat was hiding a hole? It must be repairable with maybe nickel rod brazing? Seems something that costly could be fixed, one way or another...bummer. A block is cheaper than those heads.....
See for yourself


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I'd try to weld and repair. Perhaps it has been seated 2x in that area, and the last one went into the water jacket.
It was running a week ago and went 11.20 @ 120 mph
Intake is W2 mopar M1

Sorry for your bad luck. I'd say it started leaking the last time you had it out. Look how clean the piston in that bore is compared to the others. water sitting on them won't do that, steam will.

I hope you can find a good replacement. BTW have the other head checked thoroughly.
Thanks Guys .. I was pretty pissed off last night when I saw this.

You know the machinist that did the seats knew that right?
Otherwise there wouldn't have been any epoxy.

BOY do I piss shops off with my comments sometimes. :D
Well I hate to sound so negative, but there's no way in hell I would ever try to weld that. No telling how thin the rest of that area is all the way around. What are you gonna do? Weld it all the way around? No way. No how.

I would try to get the shop to spring for a PAIR of new heads because there's no telling about the other one.
Well I was told by the shop , First why are we so upset over it! There is no valve seat there and that is sand hole common problem easy fix...