Teenagers suck sometimes



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
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Cincinnati, OH
So tonight the wife and I go to Walmart. Actually she went into Walmart and I sat in the car and waited because, you know, Walmart.
Anyway, I'm sitting there and I see two teenagers come out the door each riding on handicap buggies. They promptly ride the buggies to a handicap parking spots and park the buggy in the middle of each one blocking the two handicap spots.
They hop off laughing about what they just did.
I hopped out of my car and yelled over to them "do you two spit or swallow?"
They looked me confused and I asked again "do you two spit or swallow? cause that was a cocksucker thing to do!"
They didn't say a word, just bolted. I wound up moving the buggies out of the way.
**** like that pisses me off. The place was mostly deserted, but if someone would have needed those spots they couldn't have gotten to them.
I wish I would have seen where they took off to, I'd said something to their parents. But they're probably the same way.
Gotta love Walmart.
There TEENAGERS which equals STUPID!
On the other hand, half the people who use handicapped parking do not need it...

But it's a shame to block it from somebody that does...
Agree. Handicap placards should be given only to people having issues related to walking or breathing.
Not tennis elbow, ED or carpal tunnel syndrome.
Agree. Handicap placards should be given only to people having issues related to walking or breathing.
Not tennis elbow, ED or carpal tunnel syndrome.

My mom used a walker at the end... I used to take her shopping and she always said to grab the placard...

If I dropped her off at the door, I would still park in regular parking as I was the one walking through the parking lot and wasn't handicapped...

I would park in handicapped if I went in to fetch an electric buggy for her....
Agree. Handicap placards should be given only to people having issues related to walking or breathing.
Not tennis elbow, ED or carpal tunnel syndrome.

You forgot obesity. That is 100% controllable. Those fat fucks need to park in the most distant spots and walk. Anyone who responds with 'thyroid' needs to get their tsh levels checked, take more synthroid, or talk to their doctor.
I'll assume cameras in the parking lot captured the whole event. I guess you did do the right thing, risking getting beaten and robbed, shot, whatever. Just a day in this life.
Hasn't been so long since I made a similar thread concerning our grandson and his disrespect/ "stooped hat" moment. That day passed. He's a good boy at heart.
I recalled some of the ignorant chit that I did as a teenager. And I often got called on it.
Why the "stoopid hat" goes on and off a teens head? Who knows? These "stoopid hat" moments are in no way a reflection on parents or how one was raised. That's a false/stereotype assumption. Just ask your memories.
I'll submit that in your given moment in time, had a handicapped person drove up needing to park there, you would witnessed the most courteous of teenagers, parking that power cart under a persons butt. I think we all would, regardless of the handicapped's condition.
So lets try to believe most folks still have good hearts even though it doesn't always show.
I have to stand up for teens here. Sure there are some jerks like that, but we just had a senior class graduate that was outstanding. My grandson was in there too, but they had many hours of community service, were positive leaders in the school, and were very respectful of everybody. They set great example for younger classes. Had 2 young men accepted into military academies too. One of best classes as whole in our HS.
I have to stand up for teens here. Sure there are some jerks like that, but we just had a senior class graduate that was outstanding. My grandson was in there too, but they had many hours of community service, were positive leaders in the school, and were very respectful of everybody. They set great example for younger classes. Had 2 young men accepted into military academies too. One of best classes as whole in our HS.
one of the best classes in your school and they had allready been sentenced to many hours of community service?
You forgot obesity. That is 100% controllable. Those fat fucks need to park in the most distant spots and walk. Anyone who responds with 'thyroid' needs to get their tsh levels checked, take more synthroid, or talk to their doctor.
I'm taking exception to those remarks. While I might agree that there are people like that, both normal, and overweght, who might do that, I for one who is around 300 lbs has never even thought about trying to get a handicap placard. I'm not afraid to walk. So don't lump us all together. That would be like me complaining about all those Skinny fucks who rent the golf carts at the Nats that so many people complain about. I wanted so bad to say to those people look at this fat **** who's 300 lbs and 60 yrs old and I'm walking around here in this heat and humidity, what's your problem? And no, I wasn't thinking of getting a cart. So don't go lumping us all together. Rant over.
I'm taking exception to those remarks. While I might agree that there are people like that, both normal, and overweght, who might do that, I for one who is around 300 lbs has never even thought about trying to get a handicap placard. I'm not afraid to walk. So don't lump us all together. That would be like me complaining about all those Skinny fucks who rent the golf carts at the Nats that so many people complain about. I wanted so bad to say to those people look at this fat **** who's 300 lbs and 60 yrs old and I'm walking around here in this heat and humidity, what's your problem? And no, I wasn't thinking of getting a cart. So don't go lumping us all together. Rant over.
Thank you!
I am also staring 300lbs square in the chops.
Having said that, I can also state for a fact that it is far cheaper to unhealthy than it is to eat right.
When you can buy a .99 cent box of spaghetti, $2.00 for a jar of sauce and $1.25 for a loaf of garlic bread and feed a family of 6, you do it. Even when you go out, Wendy's will sell you a bacon cheeseburger, fries, chicken nuggets and a drink for $4.00 but a salad cost $7.00. There's a problem.
On to the placard issue.
I have one. I don't use it much, I got to be in a bad shape before I do.
I didn't get because I'm overweight either. I got it because I'm a service connected disabled veteran.
How I got that way is a conversation for the 18-year-old me that thought it would be a great idea to jump from airplanes and follow cannons.
When I saw these little A holes, I had been in the store and got the few things I needed and went back out. My legs were done.
I also have a pacemaker. Not because of my weight, but blunt force trauma. My heart was damaged when I was involved in an explosion. The trauma damaged the sinus node and now I need the pacemaker.
From outward appearances, one would wonder why I have a placard.
I seen it go badly for people who've challenged a friend of mine over his.
On a good day you'll get a "f"off, on a PTSD day you may get a 9mm in your face as he always carries.
I went to walmart today, would have rather shoved a bottle of shampoo up my ***. Saw so many disturbing people, shelves destroyed and unorganized. All and all a miserable experience. The parking lot was the worst. It reminded me why I only go like 1 time per year.
So tonight the wife and I go to Walmart. Actually she went into Walmart and I sat in the car and waited because, you know, Walmart.
Anyway, I'm sitting there and I see two teenagers come out the door each riding on handicap buggies. They promptly ride the buggies to a handicap parking spots and park the buggy in the middle of each one blocking the two handicap spots.
They hop off laughing about what they just did.
I hopped out of my car and yelled over to them "do you two spit or swallow?"
They looked me confused and I asked again "do you two spit or swallow? cause that was a cocksucker thing to do!"
They didn't say a word, just bolted. I wound up moving the buggies out of the way.
**** like that pisses me off. The place was mostly deserted, but if someone would have needed those spots they couldn't have gotten to them.
I wish I would have seen where they took off to, I'd said something to their parents. But they're probably the same way.
Gotta love Walmart.

Yep, nothing like teaching disrespectful kids respect by calling them **** suckers...
Pretty hypocritical.
So tonight the wife and I go to Walmart. Actually she went into Walmart and I sat in the car and waited because, you know, Walmart.
Anyway, I'm sitting there and I see two teenagers come out the door each riding on handicap buggies. They promptly ride the buggies to a handicap parking spots and park the buggy in the middle of each one blocking the two handicap spots.
They hop off laughing about what they just did.
I hopped out of my car and yelled over to them "do you two spit or swallow?"
They looked me confused and I asked again "do you two spit or swallow? cause that was a cocksucker thing to do!"
They didn't say a word, just bolted. I wound up moving the buggies out of the way.
**** like that pisses me off. The place was mostly deserted, but if someone would have needed those spots they couldn't have gotten to them.
I wish I would have seen where they took off to, I'd said something to their parents. But they're probably the same way.
Gotta love Walmart.

This is why I go to Kroger. Only time you will catch me in wal mart is for random items I need in a hurry and don't want to drive to eastgate or beechmont for. I avoid the Amelia wal mart like it's poison.
Yep, nothing like teaching disrespectful kids respect by calling them **** suckers...
Pretty hypocritical.
It was a messed up move. Maybe they'll think twice next time.
I showed them more respect than they showed others that's for sure.
This is why I go to Kroger. Only time you will catch me in wal mart is for random items I need in a hurry and don't want to drive to eastgate or beechmont for. I avoid the Amelia wal mart like it's poison.
That's where it was too.
They ran off towards the trailer park behind the old Kroger.
So you know what kind of kids you're dealing with from word go.
(for the rest of you, this is a "very ecomonicly stressed" trailer park. and that's being really nice.)
I hate going up in there.
Yep, nothing like teaching disrespectful kids respect by calling them **** suckers...
Pretty hypocritical.
Well, they were being disrespectful cocksuckers.
Gunbunny is right on this one, and did the right thing to resolve it.
They'll get paid back in spades in 50 years or so............