Giant eff'n floater!!!



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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"About" when I was 50 started having some problem with eye "floaters." Little ones, come and go

Yesterday I stepped outside, and did "nothing" and "just like that" a HUGE floater appeared. Today it is wandering around right in my "eye level." VERY annoying. And, at my age, this could be "something"

I won't make it to the eyes people today, have to be Mon-Tues.
Have you had a good physical recently & had your blood pressure checked? I had a similar problem when my blood pressure spiked or when I was stressed.
The only reason you see "stars" is when you misinterpret the wife when she says "shut up & you hear stand up". LMAO
I've had some really small ones, but the kinda luck I have, a big one would be a hunk of burnt up used up brain floatin around.
If you start seeing a checker board when you know you are looking at a solid colored surface....
GET YOUR *** TO A SPECIALIST NOW! Do not pass go, or wait till next week.
I have had nine procedures on my eyes, ask me how i know.
I will be lookin for a doc next week. I was just to my Doc Tues, my BP is not bad
If you start seeing a checker board when you know you are looking at a solid colored surface....
GET YOUR *** TO A SPECIALIST NOW! Do not pass go, or wait till next week.
I have had nine procedures on my eyes, ask me how i know.

Could be retinal detachment really should see an ophthalmologist now.
here's a good test for your eyes.......... Are the black squares in perfect alignment horizontally and vertically??

As you scan the gray dots in the middle of each image with your eyes do the adjacent images seem to move/???

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Del, You posted a picture of your doctor a while back...... how can your blood pressure be normal around her? Hubba, hubba!
I don't mind floaters cuz they come and go, and so far, are easily blinked away. But the lightning bolts I used to get for no reason, that I could not even tell from which eye they originated (which persisted with eyes closed even), those scared me. But that was a long time ago. At 68ish now, I haven't seen any for several/many years. And I no longer wear corrective lenses, my eyes are now the best they have ever been since puberty. No doctors for me, you know my story.....Thank YHWH.
I used to stare at the sun when I was a kid. Don't know why I did it. Have 20/20 corrected vision but am f'n blind without my glasses. A neighbors porch light looks like 26 points of light (star cluster) in a diagonal football shape without my glasses on in my left eye. I just counted this last night.
I had wormy floaters but suddenly got a full cobweb floater in my left eye. Had it checked and she said it will deminish but she found a tear in the retina with blood. Had laser surgery and they basicly stapeled it down around the tear so it didnt get worse. Cobweb floater is slowly diminishing down to being not annoying. Get it checked! Floaters are trash in the gel.
FWIW, my wife's eye doctor said they can fix floaters now, when just a few years ago they couldn't.
**** I'm 34 and I get those floaters every once in a awhile, usually little squiggly ones. They are normal and I wouldn't worry about it. My BP checks out fine and I told my doc about them last physical (January) and he didn't seem to think they are big deal.

I always assumed it was a side effect from welding. I first noticed it about 8 years ago after I did a ton of welding for a week. I always wore the welding helmet and didn't short cut safety equipment but I just figured that's how it is. Who knows, who cares as long as you can see
I actually thought from the title we were gonna see a great big turd floatin in the toilet. lol
When I was around 60 I used to see floaters when I walked up (100 feet) from my shop to house. I light up my shop like a NASA launch pad. In the country at my house it’s very dark and my door light is back in a corner so there wasn’t much lighting. My eye doctor said my eyes were very dry and I was getting caderacs (bad spelling) but recommended getting some good eye drops. 5 plus years (65) later my eyes are still 20/20 and I use drops when I remember. I honestly haven’t noticed the floaters lately.