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  1. abdywgn

    Happy Birthday AJ\FormS

    Hope you have a great birthday, good friends to share the time with, a meal fit for a king with a follow up of your favorite dessert! (if it's cake, don't eat it all in one day) Bob
  2. abdywgn

    all electric house amperage

    how much amperage will an all electric house use? say in summer, you have the A/C on, washer,dryer,computer,radio,lights AND you have your (gag) electric car in the garage on a fast charge. is current house wiring/breaker boxes up for this change? is the infrastructure going to be able to handle...
  3. abdywgn

    cancer killing nutrients interesting reading, hope it can help someone.
  4. abdywgn

    any record (45/LP0) record collectors?

    have a couple boxes of LP's to sell and a little over 600 45's. leaving out the rare versions, what is a general selling price for these? if you are at a show and a guy has boxes under the table, what are those going for? I think the neatest one I have is "Be Good to yourself at least once a...
  5. abdywgn

    Home, home on da wheels...

    not mine, could be his n hers:
  6. abdywgn

    I salute you men and women who

    can keep a work bench clean and not use it as a shelf. I have my Dad's wooden work bench in the basement, covered with stuff. From time-to-time, I am able to use the table top drill press on it and leave saw dust on everything nearby. The other wooden work bench from my wife's Grandfather is in...
  7. abdywgn

    sump pump discharge question

    did a quick thru the wall discharge for the sump pump awhile back. this year, the outlet thru the wall froze up back into the garage a couple inches. should the discharge hose have a vacuum release on it inside the garage before it goes out the wall? this would be the kind that is used under a...
  8. abdywgn

    HO train enthusiasts?

    I am looking for a site or printed book that would give me an idea of what these boxes of cars/parts are worth. Most are from the late 40's into the 50's. There are some "kits"; some look like balsa wood and others are heavy stock paper for bodies. One batch is possibly stainless steel as they...
  9. abdywgn

    Happy Birthday 1/1

    Looking at the area with all the birthdays today, wishing you all a happy and healthy birthday.
  10. abdywgn

    anybody near Hackensack,MN?

    I am looking for a resort that used to be owned by Fred and Macie Zwiefel in the late 50's to sometime in the 60's. We used to stay there almost ever summer when we were kids. Wife asked where to spend vacation this year and I thought this would be a nice place but can't find any info. Have a...
  11. abdywgn

    Scary car movies

    Top six: Best scary car movies for Halloween
  12. abdywgn

    Root canal or extraction?

    Got a tooth that needed a gap filled between the crown and base of tooth. All well and good UNTIL the pain started. I thought maybe that was a response from not using novacaine. Well, no, there is an infection. Okay, got antibiotics going but the end game decision is: do you want a root canal or...
  13. abdywgn

    Mad Max feral child and "Last V8 Interceptor"

    how 'bout the engine?
  14. abdywgn

    remember this vehicle?

    Remembering the Dobbertin Surface Orbiter, the Amphibious Custom Build That Wrote History
  15. abdywgn

    I'm not in any hurry... do I need to wear this helmet?

    do you drink alot of coffee?
  16. abdywgn

    nutrient depletion caused by pharmaceutical drugs

    my favorite type of article, few words and easy to understand. hope it's helpful!
  17. abdywgn

    Mad Max TV show?

    The cars of Mad Max Furiosa: is the Interceptor back? or maybe a new movie?
  18. abdywgn

    refrigerator cleaning 101

    it blows! not the inside cleaning but the coils and compressor. remember when everything was on the back of the fridge, out in the open? just vacuum away and you were done. now, it's underneath and behind panels. last time we cleaned, just used the vacuum and a brush to knock dust bunnies loose...
  19. abdywgn

    1/8 mile "lawn mower"

    funny that the tilt hood/grille assembly I saved from a derelict mower. wonder what I can do with that? good thing I sold the Norton!
  20. abdywgn

    homemade air purifier Merv 13 20 X 20 filters, 4 pac from Honeywell $55.00, 20" box fan at Menards, $9.99. tape...$5 a roll? cardboard, probably in stock just hate to use the "good stuff" on this. Has college testing that shows it improves air...
  21. abdywgn

    when too much is just right Hemi Ranger...
  22. abdywgn

    bad back and sciatica help
  23. abdywgn

    for your prostate health
  24. abdywgn

    food for kidney health has "painter"(text) version and "pointer"(charts) version.
  25. abdywgn

    what are you watching on utube?

    found this one. I like the "golf car". would be great for getting the mail or going to the club house in a retirement community. always making noise and trouble...he-he.
  26. abdywgn

    acupressure for sinus and allergies may be like supplements, what works for some may not work for others. give it a try, it's free.
  27. abdywgn

    show your liver a little love

    there is a lot of wordy stuff in the article but I always go to the pictures for the readers digest version.
  28. abdywgn

    Drag strip list

    not mine, but found this looking for a dragster builder in Illinois. take some time and browse thru the states.
  29. abdywgn

    cancer killing nutrients I'm not a doctor but both my parents passed from cancer so I have an interest in reading what might stop it other than radiation and chemo. I like Dr.Jockers articles mostly because I can look at the diagrams and get a quick idea of the...
  30. abdywgn

    first hand sewing job

    I did not stick my fingers with the needle but threading it took a little doing. And trying to figure out how to loop thru the base burlap was a treat. Looks ugly but fixed the cats favorite kick toy she ripped up...10 years or so ago. Hope she still likes it!