5 Random Things About Yourself

1) I met my wife in a AOL chat room.Been together 11 years.
2)Today is our 8th aniversity.
3)It has to be coke.Pepsi wont do.
4)I need to loose 80 pounds.
5)No turn signal,your not getting outor over.Its there for a reason.
1. I am 28 and have never had my license or driven on the road. Though I have owned 4 cars, only one of them ran ( 1979 Buick Regal, 1984 Olds Cutlass, 1991 Geo Storm, and currently 1966 Dodge Dart. The oldest, the Dart is the one that runs)
2. I lost my virginity at Age 20, and have only had sex with 3 people in my life, and until 2003 could count on 2 hands how many times i actually had sex
3. When My fiance and I met, she didn't like me. I was part of the staff at youth group and was in charge, and she didn't like that I told her what do to do. couple years later, we started dating, that was 6 years ago.
4. I lost my Father 11 days before my 12 birthday, He died of Congestive Heart failure, he was 32
5. I have never broken a bone in my body

???????????????? Whew!!!!!!!!!
1.) I can speak Spanish. French, some Japanese & some Italian. I can cuss someone out in Vietnamese & Polish. I speak to my kids in German oh, yeah, and I can speak English too! :read2:

2.) I love to paint, mostly water colors. I have some of my work displayed in a museum in Jonestown, Pennsylvania and London, England. My favorite painting of the Gristmill at Babcock State Park is hanging in my living room.

3.) I am the oldest in my family and the only daughter.

4.) I was born on my grandmothers' 50th birthday( Dad's Mom).
My First born was my Mamaw's 50th great-grand child I am one of 25 grand children,
( BIG FAMILY 78 great grand children and 140 Great-great grand children and 7 Great-great grand children) 6 generations alive and kickin'

5.) I love the sound of the rain on a tin roof...:love5::toothy2:
1. I have red hair

2. I hate my job, but it allow's me to be home everynight with my family(that part I love)

3. I cant stand bad acting or "B" movies

4. I have one child and another one on the way, Due date Jan 5th.....Yahooooo

5. I am a christian, and not afraid to say it!
Ho , I see one can post more than once!

1.) I was a Morning Radio DJ here in Charleston back in the 80's.

2.) I can drive an 18 wheeler

3.) I am a redhead, But I joined the Hair Color of The Month Club a long
time ago.

4.) I can write with either hand.

5.) I can bake wonderful homemade yeast rolls and bread loaves
from scratch.
Since 'spaz is finding this all amusing, I'll have another go...

1.) I'm left-handed.

2.) My mother placed me at the deep end of the gene pool. My hair is brown, my mustache and beard are red, my eyes change colors green to brown and back again.

3.) I have been fired from six jobs. I have to learn to keep my mouth shut. I usually bash heads with management, especially if management doesn't have a clue what's going on. I'm supposed to be good at my job, so why aren't they?

4.) One of my former employers who fired me called the cops on me for stealing my own tools. I was able to produced receipts for all tools. During the investigation the cop threatened charges against my former employer.

5.) I have a deep voice and have been told that I should sing (I don't), do voice overs for commercials or use it to make money. Instead I'm a lay speaker in the United Methodist Church.
???????????????? Whew!!!!!!!!!

Is that good or bad?

Here is some more:

6. I am an identical twin

7. after my mother remarried, she had 2 more kids, so my family is myself, 2 brothers, a sister, 3 step sisters, 1 step brother, and 2 half brothers, making a total of 10 kids.

8. I am going to school for computer information systems, and have worked on computers since 1997

9. I have played magic the gathering

10. I don't really care for many cars made after 1987.
My favorite painting of the Gristmill at Babcock State Park is hanging in my living room.

I used to paint in oils, and my favorite painting was also of a grist mill, located in Colonial Williamsburg, VA. I gave it to a girlfriend in high school, and I haven't seen it in 34 years.
8. I never hit a woman and I never will.

I'm with ya on that one.Had a woman kick me right in the knackers and she had a laff bout it.When I managed to get up I just stared at her for a sec and walked away. did raise a fist at her before I left.
I'll have a go.
1. I met my wife when I was 15....and been whipped ever since. Next year will be our 14th anniversary.

2. I was accepted to a fine arts college after high school but never enrolled.

3. I have to know "why"... to the point of taking stuff apart just to figure it out.

4. I get my work ethic from my Dad, and my word is my word.

5. I over-explain things. When my kids ask me a question they have to specify if they want the long or the short version. It's important to be understood the way the words were intended and I'll keep explaining it every which way from Sunday till I see the light bulb come on. - Some of you have experienced this in my replies to posts ( sorry ) but it's very important to be understood... good there is the light bulb :lol:
Mee too again.LOL.

1. I was once jumped by 30 black guys (entire football team) and some of their friends, after they pushed some cracked up chick in front of my car and she went through my windshield.(Their version of "fun").I did not get any bones broken, and I did manage to break one guy's collar bone, and one guy's nose-not too bad considering the odds.LOL.
Cops told me not to get out of the car next time, and come straight to the police station.
I said "Yeah, and get written up for hit and run."

2.An explosion burned 30% of my body, three tiger stripe skin grafts, my face looked like Freddy Krueger for a while, but you can't tell now.

3.I have a twin Sister, she is prettier than me, and we used to think about one another and the phone would ring, happened all the time.

4.Wife and I adopted a sibling group of three Sisters, and have five Daughters total, and had fostered more than 30 kids throughout the years.
The two oldest adopted turned out to be ungrateful, rotten, selfish versions of their scum bag birth Mother..can't fix genetics.

5.I have an uncanny ability to guess the value of items on the Antiques Road show almost to the point that it's scary.LOL.
My turn.

1. I am way to smart to be the redneck that I am. I passed the Mensa test in nothing flat.(Took the entire test in about 10 minutes, they allow you 1 hour). It is much more fun being a redneck than an egghead.
2. I know what it is like to roll a car end for end twice and 9 times sideways over a cliff and live to tell about it. (just barely and it was my first Demon).
3. I am married to the most wonderful wife a man could ask for. (I hope you read this honey).
4. I have 5 daughters and 3 sons. I have a favorite daughter though. (not politically correct but the truth).
5. I once came 4th in a North American wide hunting rifle shooting contest. (If you are coming after me, you better not let me see you coming because I don't miss).
6. I have tried beer from all over the world but I still like the one that is brewed in my hometown more than the rest. Alpine Lager brewed by Moosehead.
7. I love the people I work with and like the work, I just hate the management.
8. I am not always right, but I know enough to keep my mouth shut until I am sure I am right most of the time.
9. I scare the wife when we are out in the Demon on purpose. I think her cursing is funny as hell when I stand on the go peddle. It is the only time she ever swears. LOL
10. This is number 5 isn't it. (refer to #1)

1) I met my wife in a microbrewery, she never drinks.

2) The only fight! (if you can call it a fight) She got scared of my drunkness and threw a 5 pound sack of flower at my head, it missed due to my cat like reflexes. OBTW her dad used to beat mom when he drank, I'd kill him the first time.

3) I manufacture custom wetsuits and prototype stuff under a metal roof and I love it!

4) We just celebrated our 21st ann. (wow)

5) We have always had cats....on leashes...some like/love to go for walks.
One goes to the office to keep the customers in line.

and to top that we have no kids and are happy kids in old bodies.

Great thread

74Sport, Well, you see it's kind of a compulsive thing that just sorta happens, when I was a kid and people would ask...........oh I get it... :toothy10:
This IS fun!
1. I've broken my own nose... #-o

2. I've survived 2 motorcycle accidents, but have friends that have not.

3. I believe it's more effective to have someone realize for themselves that they are wrong than to beat them over the head with self righteousness.

4. I can't seem to finish a project with bleeding. ouch

5. My wife calls my Duster "smurfette" :angry7:
Coming up in Martial arts:
1.Taken Chucks in the eye more than once
2.Hit my mom in the head with Chucks
3.Hit my dad in the head with chucks
4.Hit my brother in the head with chucks
5.Hit my brothers girlfriend/common law wife in the head with chucks

Same goes with the Katana(No I was using my XMA sword, not the real ones), just not all in the head or face.
I heard the reason the kilt was invented was so your zipper wouldn't scare the sheep. LOL

Just the thought of a 280 lb. ninja scares the livin' **** out of me! LOL

I'm just glad you live in Texas. It would be a long drive just to thump my ***! LOL
Was tryin to get a daggum butterfly kick on camera but its ard to time the shutter speed in this thing, this is the best I could get it to take.



1. My wife is too good to me. but i will never tell her that.
2. My 2 daughters are the best things that ever happened to me.
3. I quit smoking 2 years ago
4. I was the lead singer in a "Hair Band"
5. I have the barracuda fish logo tattooed on my arm
6. I love my job working on private jets
7. I love to fabricate "1 off" sample parts
8. I bite my nails and hate that i do
9. I have vitiligo, Skin thing Michael Jackson claimed to have.
10. I was born white as a ghost so # 9 really dosent matter!
11. I love N.Y.C.
12. I dont follow rules too well. guess you can tell since i'm at #12 already.
13. I love my hyundai sante fe.
1. I broke my kneecap chasing ducks with a wheelbarrow as a teen.

I own 10 ducks but have never broken anything chasing them...CudasRule nearly broke his ankle chasing them though.

5. There's no better sex than that under a metal roof during a thunderstorm.

Although probably great - sex in a thunderstorm without any kind of roof is excellent!

2. If you're standing at the cashier at the supermarket and he or she is ringing up your items hang up the damned cell phone! You're doing business with someone, give him or her your undivided attention. It's rude to be chatting (loudly!) with someone else at this moment. I have and will tell you to hang up the damn phone because no one else wants to hear it. And if you're the cashier don't be chatting with your friend in line behind me while you're ringing up my items. Seriously, I've complained to management about this...

I believe in this concept as well but I also think the chick at the gas station or party store who is ALWAYS on the phone when customers come in needs to HANG UP and interact PLEASANTLY with her customers.

My random things are:

1. I'm learning to play guitar and can play the theme for the Godfather already.
2. I am a what you see is what you get kind of person. I don't like BS, posturing, or head games. If you are decent I'm happy to know you. If you are not, I won't pretend to like you.
3. I like dogs more than I like most people I meet.
4. I liked it better when the media was about reporting the news and not about entertainment.
5. I'm not quick to warm up to people but when I do finally consider you a friend I'd walk the ends of the Earth for you.
I'm old but don't feel old.

I'm kind of lazy.

People driving slow in the fast lane pisses me off.

I hate what's happening to the Chrysler Corp.

I love the new Challenger but don't want car payments.

1. Lost my dad to his 2nd heart attack when I was 7 years old (he was 44). Vowed never to smoke because of that and never have.
2. Lost my cousin -closest thing to a brother I ever had - when someone intentionally OD'd him. Vowed never to do drugs because of that and never have.
3. Born in SoCal and lived here all my life (hey, if the pilgrims had landed on the West Coast, would anybody have ever gone east?).
4. Grew up in the best times ever, the 60's and early 70's. Musclecars and the greatest music ever made.
5. Love the USA and will not tolerate anybody who badmouths either our country, our flag, or our freedom
1. Met my wife on a blind date after a nasty divorce. We've been together 10 yrs now.
2. Would rather have a cat than a dog
3. Spent 13 years in the Army doing a job that has no value outside the military. Field Artillery.
4. I have a son and 2 step children. one from wife #1 (who is my sons mother) and another from current wife. Both step kids are lazy and my son will work his butt off.
5. I don't and will not drink, smoke or do drugs. I have little sympathy for people who have problems due to those things. I'm sorry your sick but, you did it to yourself.
6. I don't care if people want to be gay, just don't be, around me please.
7. I don't care if your black, white, yellow, green, whatever, I'll treat you the way you treat me.
8. My mother had me when she was 16. My brothers and sister and I, were deemed "not worthy" by most of the family. Of all of grandchildren, the 4 of us are the only ones who have H/S diplomas, good jobs, college educations and we all own our own homes. The rest are drop outs, drug addicts, jailed, or are just in general losers. My mother got the last laugh.
9. I read everything.
10. I won't eat white rice, powdered milk, or powdered eggs. I can thank the Army for that.
5 random things, funny, embarrasing, anything.

1. What little money that is in my wallet has to be facing the same way and in order from largest to smallest

3. I hate when people don't use blinkers.

1. I'm with ya on that one.
3. Want to shoot 'em sometimes.

3.Want to kill all people who tailgate me while driving.

4.Can't stand when idiots don't turn on their headlights while driving in the rain, especially when they are talking on their cell phone, and chaning lanes to the left with the phone to their left ear with absolutely no regards to the people occupying that lane already.

3. Go the F*** around me but, you better not slow down when you do or I'll run your ignorant *** off the road. Done it before and I'll do it again.

4. Don't get me started...

5. There's no better sex than that under a metal roof during a thunderstorm.

AHHH memories.....

4. driving at me with your hi beams on and I flash you the brights, dim the lights. next step will be the 4 off road lights on the front of my truck getting switched on.
5. and for god sakes, when some one is pulling a trailer, let them in a merge situation, don't pull in front of them to make that exit or do anything else stupid.

4. Done that before too. State trooper didn't like that very much.

5. Yeah, really.

4. According to my family, I am very anal retentive about a lot of things and a perfectionist about most things. I can't help it if I have to have the toilet paper roll over the front not down the back.

Me too, though, my wife is the opposite on the TP. It's a never ending battle with her......

1) I lost my virginity to a hooker at the age of 11

2) I pitched 6 seasons for the Chicago Cubs

3) I Played drums for Aerosmith on the "Just push play" tour

4) I taugh John Travolta how to dance for the movie "Saturday night fever"

5) Whenever I make a list of 5 statements about myself, I write 4 lies and 1 truth.

Well played...

3.) I am a redhead, But I joined the Hair Color of The Month Club a long
time ago.

Why? Redheads are hot! I married one.

People driving slow in the fast lane pisses me off.

They do it on purpose. Believe me.

1. My dad shot me with a BB gun when I was 3. The BB is still in my leg (33Yrs).
2. I married my high school sweetheart 18 years ago Dec 5th.
3. My wife calls me a nerd. My kids call me a dork. My siblings call me moms favorite. I don't know why they do but they do.
4. I hate stupidity. Ignorance is one thing but stupidity just makes me nuts.
5. I hate Liberal idiots. See # 4.