A little bout the Doc



Asa style
Jun 19, 2010
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Don't matter
Ok i want to let u guys know alittle bout me. As ive been called out on it so many times . i cant spell im not got with all thes ?.,;'{}"; things ... Now theres alot of times i know some thing to help some one on here i just cant word it right with words i can spell ya im alittle slow on some things .. but thats just me ... i want to help so bad its just one of them things i need to work on ... now that being said . this site has helped alot with my spelling and what not so i would like to thank the ones that have been nice bout it and are being pashnit with me :cheers:. For the ones that made fun of me and no i will not say names cuz it would just cuz a pissing mach :finga: that for u .. now i will start trying to help u guys more instead for just bsing on here .... if i know some thing i will try :angel12:i needed to vent alittle thanks :fart:
Hey, DD- you don't have to be a genius or an english teacher to be a good dude with a good heart! For the guys that stay on you about it-it's their problem. I'd rather have a good dude any day. What you're trying to say not that hard to figure out!
hey, dd- you don't have to be a genius or an english teacher to be a good dude with a good heart! For the guys that stay on you about it-it's their problem. I'd rather have a good dude any day. What you're trying to say not that hard to figure out!

Good morning Doc :coffee2:
Vent away my friend, I have some old threads here that would make your writing skills and wording look like a skilled writer :D
I have had old members that are not on here anymore ask things like where or what do you mean super or supper time and laughing at me, My reading skills and righting has went from a 4rth gade level to I would think about 10th grade level in the last 4 years.
I have tryed at time to help in the tec area's when I think I am right but make sure I add I am not a great tec here and a tec will jump in soon.
But some times I am right and it does feel good to help and when I do good and help ssome one it sure feels good.
My good friend Bill Dedman here is a writer and has corrected and tought me on my writing and punctuations, He picks up on these things easily and has started a thread a couple years ago about people not using periods or coma's and not stopping a sentence correctly and :protest: about it.
Some members don't know he has written many articles for hot rod and other magazines way back in the day.
Like you my spelling sucks at times and I over right so I know I made my self clear
Don't give a rat's behind about who ever it is giving you chit, It's just there way of feeling superior or just don't use tacked Doc.
I help when I can and when I can not I wish and hope someone will jump in and do what they can
If I did not have tiny spell my spell would keep me from posting and some times I can't even get close enough to the word for it to help, Like the word squirrel :blob: I would have to open another window just to help me spell it.
onehellofadart pmed me about Tiny Spell because he seen me struggling and I had a few folks laugh at my spelling and writing and they tought I was drinking or had a number in my hand :toothy1: Yep Doc. I have been there to bud, Keep up your good posative help and creativity young gun, If I can get better I know it will happen to you also
I just started using the computer when I joined this great site and it helps kick start my brain.
Just cuz I am from Arkansas don't mean I don't have a brain :D and folks get a laugh out of my threads to I bet :toothy1:
Hang tough and let chit like that roll of your shoulders bud :coffee2:
Your Arkansas friend Mike :coffee2:
with ya dude! it seems that everybody has the right to an opinion excepts us at times! say what you what, within reason! You stated that you wouldn't do what I am with my car, then said you want to see the end result! Great, that's as it should be. I'm not offended, my car is a love it or hate it kind of thing! as for your spelling etc. keep going it will improve and I can't talk about mine at times.

A long while back there was a member who decided to bash me about my speelling. He was banned from the site. I'm sorry it turned out that way but... this aint the place for that type of thing. Those who want to get personal, like/dislike others, should post those comments at Facebook.
Good to learn a little bit about you Dart Doctor. My grandfather on my mothers side could not spell to save his life and could hardly write, but the man retired wealthy and started life without a pot to piss in. He was one of the most intelligent, hard working and down to earth people that you could ever meet. Just keep working at your spelling and don't worry about some of the guys on here that give you grief. :thumleft:
A long while back there was a member who decided to bash me about my speelling. He was banned from the site. I'm sorry it turned out that way but... this aint the place for that type of thing. Those who want to get personal, like/dislike others, should post those comments at Facebook.
lol face book i hate that thing lol it mite be one of the guys that was buggin me but as i said no name lol thanks red

with ya dude! it seems that everybody has the right to an opinion excepts us at times! say what you what, within reason! You stated that you wouldn't do what I am with my car, then said you want to see the end result! Great, that's as it should be. I'm not offended, my car is a love it or hate it kind of thing! as for your spelling etc. keep going it will improve and I can't talk about mine at times.

Marty wow i cant beleve u remember that post lol . Im better i can tell ya what i really thing i like it becuz u dare to be diff but there is some thing inside me tell me thats just wrong lol but its damn cool i cant help but love that thing .. u rock that thing bud thanks man btw i mite have some buds that have parts if u need them just hit me up i would be happy to ask them for u

There you Are Bill, I am up and on my way to Indy :toothy6:
By the time it took me to post my post you two have jumped in :toothy6::toothy6: Good morning sir :coffee2:

Good morning Doc :coffee2:
Vent away my friend, I have some old threads here that would make your writing skills and wording look like a skilled writer :D
I have had old members that are not on here anymore ask things like where or what do you mean super or supper time and laughing at me, My reading skills and righting has went from a 4rth gade level to I would think about 10th grade level in the last 4 years.
I have tryed at time to help in the tec area's when I think I am right but make sure I add I am not a great tec here and a tec will jump in soon.
But some times I am right and it does feel good to help and when I do good and help ssome one it sure feels good.
My good friend Bill Dedman here is a writer and has corrected and tought me on my writing and punctuations, He picks up on these things easily and has started a thread a couple years ago about people not using periods or coma's and not stopping a sentence correctly and :protest: about it.
Some members don't know he has written many articles for hot rod and other magazines way back in the day.
Like you my spelling sucks at times and I over right so I know I made my self clear
Don't give a rat's behind about who ever it is giving you chit, It's just there way of feeling superior or just don't use tacked Doc.
I help when I can and when I can not I wish and hope someone will jump in and do what they can
If I did not have tiny spell my spell would keep me from posting and some times I can't even get close enough to the word for it to help, Like the word squirrel :blob: I would have to open another window just to help me spell it.
onehellofadart pmed me about Tiny Spell because he seen me struggling and I had a few folks laugh at my spelling and writing and they tought I was drinking or had a number in my hand :toothy1: Yep Doc. I have been there to bud, Keep up your good posative help and creativity young gun, If I can get better I know it will happen to you also
I just started using the computer when I joined this great site and it helps kick start my brain.
Just cuz I am from Arkansas don't mean I don't have a brain :D and folks get a laugh out of my threads to I bet :toothy1:
Hang tough and let chit like that roll of your shoulders bud :coffee2:
Your Arkansas friend Mike :coffee2:
As always mike its good to here from u i was just thinking i aint seen a post from u in couple days ... Its i come on here and rant now in then u always get on and some how cool me off man ur also a grate guy ...... i aint seen u in chat in a long time i had fun the last time u was there :cheers: and have fun at ur mopar thing if ur ever this way stop by i will buy ya a soda pop ......:coffee2:
thank u u have been one that has helped me out too

Hey, DD- you don't have to be a genius or an english teacher to be a good dude with a good heart! For the guys that stay on you about it-it's their problem. I'd rather have a good dude any day. What you're trying to say not that hard to figure out!
well big jim thats what i said now i bet when this gos on in the day it will get bombed by some of the guys that was saying that but i know who my friends are and there not all on my list lol .... i want to thank u for sticking up for me im like mike i was like at 4 grade and now im bout 8th ish but thats only a year

to all of ya keep the wheels rollin :burnout:
Good to learn a little bit about you Dart Doctor. My grandfather on my mothers side could not spell to save his life and could hardly write, but the man retired wealthy and started life without a pot to piss in. He was one of the most intelligent, hard working and down to earth people that you could ever meet. Just keep working at your spelling and don't worry about some of the guys on here that give you grief. :thumleft:
Well there is more. grandfather sounds like a guy i would like to set and jaw with and learn from ..... Now i know im smart . I just learn diff then most and none of the teachers could get that b4 it was to late as im sure u have guessed i didnt finsh school :dontknow:but im not to upset at that any more .. i did finsh welding school but i got hert at the 1st job i had ive been with out a full good pating job for 5 years now :banghead: .When i was finnly getting better the chick hit me in my 64 val and mess up my knee a year ago ... now im getting better from that .. so the getting back in shape is a bitc@ and theres other stuff i have to get worked out in my head but im not getting into that .. that was what the post was bout when i said i was going into hiding ... some time all this stuff just makes u want to find a hole and crawl in it lol
Don't sweat it dude. Point me to one person whose not made a mistake. Somebody wants to make fun of you for sumffin, piss on um.
She's gettin better every day. Thanks man.
That good to here .. I like it when prayers are took care of ... now can i win the lotta .. wate i dont think it works like that lol .. well i think im getting off here my knees herting setting here
You sure that's what your knees are hurtin from? That ain't what Cliff said. LMAO.
Doc, don't sweat it. Remember that every novelist has a good editor sitting behind 'em correct spelling errors, continuity mistakes, punctuation, and grammar.

For all that, even with good editors and good writing skills on the author's end, and my good reading skills, I have to re-read sentences a few times in a book to get what the author is saying, and those folks get paid to write.
Doc, don't sweat it. Remember that every novelist has a good editor sitting behind 'em correct spelling errors, continuity mistakes, punctuation, and grammar.

For all that, even with good editors and good writing skills on the author's end, and my good reading skills, I have to re-read sentences a few times in a book to get what the author is saying, and those folks get paid to write.
ya im just glad i can read better then i spell or i woul be boned lol Thanks bud makes me feel better
Hey Doc, no worries on the spelling.
I had a friend that was terrible at spelling and grammar and it embarrassed him to send out emails. I suggested to him to start typing all his emails in Microsoft Word, use the software to help, then copy/paste it into his email (or forum post in this case). I use it as well from time to time. He is still not a great writer, but his spelling has improved immensely.
Spell check is my friend! I can do advanced math but I can't spell for ****. Everyone has their own strengths and people who pick on you for spelling and gramar issues are just trying to overcompensate for their weaknesses in other areas.
Why is it no matter where you go there's always some one who thinks they are better than some one else?
I've seen that on here about spelling, money, my car is better than yours.....etc.
In my opinion, this is a site that caters to a-body enthusiasts and that's where the line should be drawn.
So many people are worried too much about putting others down for whatever reason to make themselves look superior to them.
I haven't got time for that bullshit, and never will.
That being said dart_doctor, i have never had a problem understanding your posts, and your spelling has improved quite a bit since you started on here, as well as Memike. Cudos to you guys!
My typing has improved a lot since i joined here, i joined this site shortly after i got my first computer, now i'm up to 10 words a minute lol. I knew diddly squat about computers, and now i have learned a lot thanks to this site in particular.
I am on this site to learn as well as maybe i can help some people along the way. I am also a car **** addict lol!
Keep posting away, i like 'em all!
Hey Doc never had a problem understanding your posts, Hell my grand daughter sent my wife a text message on her phone and neither one of us could understand it. Looked like a whole language. You just keep up the great posts, you have a great deal to offer this site. Informative,and sometimes entertaining
Hey Doc never had a problem understanding your posts, Hell my grand daughter sent my wife a text message on her phone and neither one of us could understand it. Looked like a whole language. You just keep up the great posts, you have a great deal to offer this site. Informative,and sometimes entertaining
Well said! Great sites have "Stand-up People".
If we needed to use proper grammar on this site there would be a lot less members. Me included!
It's not about who did better in school, it's about our cars and helping one another.
Post on my friend, that's one way to get better at it.

As already said numerous times, dont worry the people bashing your spelling. For me I am a pretty good speller, with "some" tech knowledge and sometimes wish I was a lousy speller with more tech knowledge. It is what it is right??? I for one dont care about the spelling and punctuation, it just sometimes takes a couple times to figure out what is being said. Good idea someone abv posted with typing your work into Microsoft word and using spellcheck. This is a Mopar forum, so if you are able to learn a bit more than car stuff, its a bonus. The offenders can piss off, so post away Doc!