Actor and car enthusiast, Huntington Beach local Deis in car crash today

Gotta love some of the comments. Like the more cash than sense one. Really? There's a price point on stupidity? I don't know about the rest of you, but by the time my license had cooled off the printing press I was pretty good at doing donuts and rockfords in empty parking or dirt lots. I was and am a broke *** white dude.

For those of you standing high in your pulpits condemning these poor souls on what you assume happened, you're what I always love about Christians. I didn't realize that turning the other cheek was just the first step to turning your back on your fellow man.
explain further please .
Still doing stupid **** like that at 40 years old on public roads?

Me? Oh no, never now. I'm a perfect angel. I drive under the speed limit, never change lanes with out using my signals, never spin my tires, always concede the right of way.....

It's the whole point behind having a 275 horse factory rated 340. :D
I didn't see anybody say he was a dumbass or that he had more money than sense. Would you mind linking those comments?
Me? I drive under the speed limit, never change lanes with out using my signals, never spin my tires, always concede the right of way...... :D

But we're not talkin about any of that here. We're talkin about a blatant violation of the speed limit in a car that was capable of formula one speeds and doing it on a public street. That's what we're talking about.

Sorry, but yes, I will condemn that over anything I have ever done on the street. Whether you like it or not makes no difference to me.
I do and will till the day I die.
Come on over and go for a ride if
your not afraid.

I'll pass. I would like to be around to see my kids grow up.

I just hope you don't kill some poor innocent family that's just out minding their own business while you are driving like an asshole on public streets.
and the Men and Women fighting so people with to much cash and to little sense can do crap like this, not knocking Paul he was just in the wrong car.

we all put our foot to the floor but we don't leave it there until **** like this happens if so there would be none of us here

I bet those two were laughing and all smiles too..... Right up to the point where they were both, nothing but, burning bodies.

The absolute best comment of all....

They both got what was coming to them. They did it to themselves.

Really? Is that how your warm and fluffy God tells you how to treat people? Is this how you want to be treated?
But we're not talkin about any of that here. We're talkin about a blatant violation of the speed limit in a car that was capable of formula one speeds and doing it on a public street. That's what we're talking about.

Sorry, but yes, I will condemn that over anything I have ever done on the street. Whether you like it or not makes no difference to me.

Funny, the talk about the tire marks on the ground said "Doughnuts"....
You assumed blatant speeding.
I'll pass. I would like to be around to see my kids grow up.

I just hope you don't kill some poor innocent family that's just out minding their own business while you are driving like an asshole on public streets.

You are a Hipocrite when it comes to this subject. I've seen the Videos of you in your Dart going 115-120 MPH weaving in and out of traffic on the Freeway before you crushed it. We all do stupid **** and just have not paid the piper......Yet! Don't be acting like an angel.
Funny, the talk about the tire marks on the ground said "Doughnuts"....
You assumed blatant speeding.

No, I read and comprehended the article as you must not have. The police PROVED very high speeds. I didn't assume anything. They put themselves in that position. Nobody else did. They did something stupid and paid the price for it. Why you keep attacking me over it, I have no idea.
No, I read and comprehended the article as you must not have. The police PROVED very high speeds. I didn't assume anything. They put themselves in that position. Nobody else did. They did something stupid and paid the price for it. Why you keep attacking me over it, I have no idea.

I'm actually not really attacking YOU. I really like you. I just hate the comments that are so cavalier about another human's life.

Sorry, I have not seen actual proof of speed, nor have I seen the forensics on the crash sight. I have only seen news and media reports which I guess are always accurate.
I'll pass. I would like to be around to see my kids grow up.

I just hope you don't kill some poor innocent family that's just out minding their own business while you are driving like an asshole on public streets.

I probably won't kill anybody, but you should probably stay on the porch
just in case.
I wouldn't want to offend you delicate sensibility with my
asshole ish driving practices.
I'm sure you would just call the popo and cry to your boyfriend anyway.
Doughnuts are not going to split a car in half nor catch it on fire unless they are at a very high rate of speed, like out of control at 100+ MPH!
Doughnuts are not going to split a car in half nor catch it on fire unless they are at a very high rate of speed, like out of control at 100+ MPH!

Pssst, I know, but the actual cause of the "accident" hasn't really been disclosed yet.

Besides, it would seem that doing stupid **** means you deserve a fiery death. Which kinda bums me out. I'm not even Catholic.
No, they ain't always accurate, but they are all we have to go on. It was an exotic, very powerful car. There were plenty of burnout marks at the scene. Cars don't just explode hitting something at 30 MPH, agree? Before I ever said a F'ing thing, I said it was a tragedy, but that got overfuckinlooked.

I never got on a pulpit. Here's my whole point. These Hollywood types are already in the spotlight. OUR KIDS watch the movies they puke out. OUR KIDS worship these people. OUR KIDS do things they do. So, when they do something STUPID it weighs much more heavily than the rest of us. One of us here crashes his car and kills the **** outta himself doin something STUPID and all we get is maybe local headlines.

Our men and women get killed PORTECTING OUR NATION in combat and get nothing. It sickens me to death. I am sure Paul what's his face was a good guy and all. The fact is, he was no more important than any other person on the face of this rock. We all do stupid stuff. But in my eyes, when you're making movies and in the public eye, you have higher standards of behavior to adhere to.

Did he have more money than sense? Maybe. But I never said that. What I said was that he had enough money to rent a race track, and that was true. He could have done what he did on a closed course and he might still be kickin. He chose the path he took and it was a damned stupid one. It cost him everything and is friend too.

I don't condone those actions. And if you have a problem with me condemning them, then that's a bridge you're just gonna have to build and get over. I don't really give a **** about what you think about the situation. You're entitled to your opinion. Leave me the F alone and let me be entitled to mine.
Gotta love some of the comments. Like the more cash than sense one. Really?

your damn right, if you looked you would see I quoted ink junky's thing about all the people who die who are not celebrities, and then I added, and to all the Men and Women who fight so people with more cash than sense can do this crap, if it upset's you, then to fricking bad:finga:
Regardless of circumstances, it's a loss of a life or in this case lives. Sounds like they were being stupid but that does not in any way change the fact it's a life lost. Have a little respect for that. Famous or not in the end it's a life.

I am not condoning doing that crap on public roads by any means, and I live to my word, I don't. Real glad they didn't involve anyone else, that's when it really is a tragedy that should have never happened.
Every time there is a thread like this, some get all upset with people saying "they deserved" to die. Maybe someone did specifically say that, I'm not going to go back and look, but the point is that they made a CHOICE, one that brought with it higher risk, and they suffered those consequences.

It's not about "deserving" anything, it's about making a choice and accepting responsibility for the consequences, up to and including death in this case. It's about a "victim" mentality where everything that someone does is "okay" and "poor them" vs. accepting accountability for one's actions.

It's a shame and tragic, and sad, and all that, but they chose to do something that had increased risk, and lost. Their own choice. Fortunately they didn't take out anyone else with them.
I love the comparisons and misdirection of topic
that occurs when these threads go off the rails.:D

I still think dude in the start of this thread is an alright guy,
bet Gob ain't afraid and does a couple hot laps and doughnuts with him.
Bet their laughing their asses off tearassin around pearly gates!
Very sad regardless of how we feel about the movie series or his acting, as far as the eledged street racing who knows what they were actually doing at the final few moments............ We have all been there as car guys experiencing the thrill of speed and pushing a car to its limits. Though it should only be done on a track
There are many times it hasn't and as the tracks are slowly closing and giving way to shopping malls it's going to get worse as young guys will be looking for places to attempt it such as business districts....... Not saying its right but that it is happening and will happen as race tracks close.


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RIP Paul Walker, your dead by the choice someone else made.
sorry that last comment I made was a little rude I hope all is soon forgotten
sorry that last comment I made was a little rude I hope all is soon forgotten

It all good........ It's my thread I started and it was just to enform eveyone about a fellow car enthusiast that died. People tend to get too serious and get bent out of shape over things. I just tell it like it is and don't care what others think of me. I just try to help and use my car knowledge. When posts get out of hand or too off topic I just back out of the thread and go elsewhere as I have other things that are more important than negativity. I get enough of that from the wife and inlaws, lol! Good thing they don't come here or I'd get it from the wife.............
You are a Hipocrite when it comes to this subject. I've seen the Videos of you in your Dart going 115-120 MPH weaving in and out of traffic on the Freeway before you crushed it. We all do stupid **** and just have not paid the piper......Yet! Don't be acting like an angel.

lol.. you have never seen my dart on video weaving in and out of traffic at over 100. that is a fact.. i do not and never did do that weaving in and out of traffic. not even in my daily driver. i'm a one lane kinda guy. if i have to get over a lane i will do so to go around someone doing 50 in the left lane but hardly call that weaving in and out of traffic. in my daily driver its usually get in the left lane and stay there for me though. and truthfully in my dart, jamies dart and even my mustang i'm usually in the right or middle (not as grooved up) lanes cruising between 55 and 75.

you may have seen a burnout of two. or even a gps that had a top speed as 158 mph but like i said when that was posted. i think it had a hiccup or something. not sure if it jumped satellites or what. but there was no way i ever did that speed in that car.
latest i heard was that paul walker was the passenger, not the driver. he was on a racing team, and the racing team captain was driving when the accident happened. it was right up the street from that guy's performance shop.

Walker was in the passenger seat of a 2005 Porsche Carrera GT, driven by a racing team partner, that slammed into a light pole and burst into flames in an office park in the community of Valencia in Santa Clarita, about 30 miles north of Hollywood.
Walker’s publicist Ame van Iden confirmed his death Saturday. The driver, identified by CNN affiliate KCAL-TV as Roger Rodus, also died.
Los Angeles Coroner Investigator Dana Bee told CNN on Sunday it would likely take 48 hours to officially identify the remains taken from the twisted wreckage. The families are gathering dental records for use in the identification, which is necessary because of the condition of the bodies, Bee said.
Speed was a factor in the crash, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office said. A 45 mph speed limit sign was attached to the light pole knocked down by the Porsche.
The wreck took place about 3:30 p.m. just a few hundred yards from Always Evolving, a high-performance car shop owned by Rodus. Both men had attended a holiday toy drive for Walker’s charity, Reach Out Worldwide, hosted at the shop Saturday afternoon.

so really, it doesnt matter if you are a professional driver. track trained. whatever. there are many many variables on the street which makes them more dangerous than tracks.

also, that particular car has over 600HP with a V10 engine, but is notorious as being hard to handle.