Does it help much at all....?



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
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Charleston cool the engine down by opening the hood for awhile when you park your car? You know, like in the old black and white movies, you'd see them do this. What do you think, does it make much difference?
When I bring my car home from the cruise ins I pop the hood to let the heat out. The COOLANT will actually get hotter sitting there and will turn on the electric fan automatically. I have a switch for the fan if I decide that I don't want it running but I just leave it on. I never does drain the battery down. It will come on one time then shut off and then come another time then it doesn't come on any longer. It more than likely doesn't make a difference but getting the heat out of the engine bay might make stuff like hoses, wire, etc... last longer. A hood closed with no air circulating is as close to a oven you can get. lol

Good question.
Back in the day we would roll bumper to bumper at 3 MPH up and down Ocean Blvd.for hours. it was common practice to raise the hood a few inches at the windshield to move more air.
When parked and shut down, it's cooling anyway.
Rapid temperature swings are not good for metals either.
When I bring my car home from the cruise ins I pop the hood to let the heat out. The engine will actually get hotter sitting there and will turn on the electric fan automatically. I have a switch for the fan if I decide that I don't want it running but I just leave it on. I never does drain the battery down. It will come on one time then shut off and then come another time then it doesn't come on any longer. It more than likely doesn't make a difference but getting the heat out of the engine bay might make stuff like hoses, wire, etc... last longer. A hood closed with no air circulating is as close to a oven you can get. lol

Good question.

A temperature sensor cycles the fan because the cylinder heat is going into the water and the water is no longer moving. The fan doesn't really cool the engine anyway. It cools the water.
A temperature sensor cycles the fan because the cylinder heat is going into the water and the water is no longer moving. The fan doesn't really cool the engine anyway. It cools the water.

I understand but if you stand at back of the car you can feel heat coming off the car and out the garage while the fan is running. It's like standing front of a heater. lol
It won't do much of anything for your engine (coolant) temperature. What it'll do is help reduce heat loading of the carburetor, thus reducing hot-restart bitchiness when you return to the car.
Thanks for your imput guys. Dan I was hoping you would see this thread. I guess it's hard to really quantify how much good it really does but it's one of the little things I do to 'baby' my car. I think it might be better for the hoses, wiring, and electrical things to let the heat escape. The part about seeing it done in the old movies...maybe I just imagined it?
I do it :happy8: I just pop it to the safety latch and walk away, the heat get's out faster and the cool air rises in much faster on the 100 degree days.
A cool carb is a happy carb :toothy8:
The engine will actually get hotter sitting there and will turn on the electric fan automatically.

This is actually an old wives tale. A shutdown heat source can NOT magically generate heat.

What actually happens is, when you are driving, the cooling system is ejecting heat, but when you park the RESIDUAL heat -- the heat that is already "in" the engine mass -- now transfers some of that heat into the cooling system, and it is actually the COOLANT that gets hotter, not the engine.

Before we had them new'fangled 'lectric fans, it was common to park a vehicle and after a few minutes see it puke coolant either onto the ground or into the overflow tank
This is actually an old wives tale. A shutdown heat source can NOT magically generate heat.

What actually happens is, when you are driving, the cooling system is ejecting heat, but when you park the RESIDUAL heat -- the heat that is already "in" the engine mass -- now transfers some of that heat into the cooling system, and it is actually the COOLANT that gets hotter, not the engine.

Before we had them new'fangled 'lectric fans, it was common to park a vehicle and after a few minutes see it puke coolant either onto the ground or into the overflow tank

your splitting hairs... yes i realize the engine is no longer running there for not making heat... but the temp still rises after shutting it down...

thats why i made vents... dropped my coolant temp 10* @ 115*F


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What you're actually doing by raising the hood is dispeling radiant heat, which will effect carb temperature & ambient air immediately around the engine. This will allow the engine bay to "see" fresher, cooler air, so yes it will help. While benefitting the engine if it's running (albeit a slight, yet measurable amount) you're also allowing hot air to leave which, as we all know, will eventually effect the life & appearence of underhood pieces.
Out here in the "desert village" those of us that know will actually STILL raise the hoods a bit on our patrol cars if we're stuck at a crime or accident scene for any length of time. That old ad about "heat being your engine's enemy" really is true......
A temperature sensor cycles the fan because the cylinder heat is going into the water and the water is no longer moving. The fan doesn't really cool the engine anyway. It cools the water.
Technically, a fan does not "cool the water". All a fan does is create a movement of air. The coolant transfers heat to the metal in the radiator. The radiator they transfers heat to the surrounding air. The fan then moves the heated air out and replaces it with cooler air. When our belt driven beauties stop turning when we shut the engine off, heat is still transfered from coolant to radiator and from radiator to air. There just isn't any air flow (or water flow) to carry the heat away from the radiator. Opening the hood helps in this area as does turning on an electric fan to blow through the radiator. Those of you that have worked in a repair shop in the summer time will attest to that!
your splitting hairs...

Now, now, don't judge. Splitting hairs like that is a skill and a talent. Not a very useful one outside of whipping up dumb arguments on the internet, but a skill and a talent nonetheless.

the engine is no longer running there for not making heat

I'm sure we all agree on that, even the hair-splitter -- especially since if you look back thru the thread, you'll see nobody ever claimed the engine carries on making heat once it's shut down. Let's applaud another skill and talent of the hair-splitter; he appears to be very good at setting up and knocking down straw men.

but the temp still rises after shutting it down...

Yep. Anyone (even the hair-splitter) whose car has a working engine temperature gauge can see for himself. Just stop the engine after you've been out for a long enough drive to bring the engine up to operating temp, turn the ignition back to the "on" position and watch the engine temperature gauge. It'll rise -- high! -- before it begins to creep downward.
This is actually an old wives tale. A shutdown heat source can NOT magically generate heat.

What actually happens is, when you are driving, the cooling system is ejecting heat, but when you park the RESIDUAL heat -- the heat that is already "in" the engine mass -- now transfers some of that heat into the cooling system, and it is actually the COOLANT that gets hotter, not the engine.

Before we had them new'fangled 'lectric fans, it was common to park a vehicle and after a few minutes see it puke coolant either onto the ground or into the overflow tank

Ok the COOLANT gets hotter not the engine. Edited post.... geez can't get nothing by you guys.
Box fan, hood open. BOOYAH

I tell you what...... I work at a auto glass installation center and that's the first thing we do is put a fan in front of the car. Pop the hood and walk away. We work on one car while the other is cooling down. The fans are the ones with water and it pumps it to the top of these filters. Cooler than a normal fan.
Now, now, don't judge. Splitting hairs like that is a skill and a talent. Not a very useful one outside of whipping up dumb arguments on the internet, but a skill and a talent nonetheless.

I'm sure we all agree on that, even the hair-splitter -- especially since if you look back thru the thread, you'll see nobody ever claimed the engine carries on making heat once it's shut down. Let's applaud another skill and talent of the hair-splitter; he appears to be very good at setting up and knocking down straw men.

Yep. Anyone (even the hair-splitter) whose car has a working engine temperature gauge can see for himself. Just stop the engine after you've been out for a long enough drive to bring the engine up to operating temp, turn the ignition back to the "on" position and watch the engine temperature gauge. It'll rise -- high! -- before it begins to creep downward.

your so funny dan... Even the hair splitter knows it!=D>
I lost I the hairsplitter or is 67dart273?? :) Maybe both of us....
I dunno, but when I pull my car into the garage after a drive I open the hood.
I lost I the hairsplitter

Well, I don't follow you around reading all your posts and watching for you to post stuff I can bîtch and moan about or anything, but I can't say I've ever seen you post a frothy mix of baseless certitude, guesses, assumptions, and finely-chopped and lightly-toasted facts. I also don't recall ever seeing you try to stir up dumb arguments that don't contribute helpfully to answering whatever question is at hand just for the sake of stirring up dumb arguments. So no, I wouldn't call you a hairsplitter or anything of the like.
I always open my bonnet ("pop my hood") whether it's hot or cold - just cause I like looking at my motor - sure is nice - like all Mopar motors - sure is nice!!! LOL:love4: