Early Grave


64 SRT8 Dart

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
Colorado Springs,Colorado
Sunday, my wife and I went hiking on the New Santa Fe trail that runs right next the BNSF railroad here in Colorado Springs. Towards the end of the section of trail we were on we came upon what looked like a section of derailed rail cars. Old rail cars. The first car we came upon, i looked behind some of the old wood and there were a pair of headlights looking right at me, i couldn't tell what car it was. Well, the next rail car over shocked me. To my surprise there was the trunk of a Dart Swinger sticking right out.....see pics. Don't know if it's a 68 or 69. I couldn't believe it!! I wanted to dig it up right there. I wonder if there was a derailment 40 years ago or so and this is what the cargo was. Being they were a total loss I wonder if they just covered em up and left em. My thoughts were, I wonder if the motor and rear end are still in it? Could this have been a factory big block car or even a 340 car? Too stinkin bad!!
All along the 3 or 4 rail cars there were chrome trim pieces sticking up everywhere. Hmmmm


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Looks like a treasure hunt to me! Let us know what you find.
I would try and apply for the rights of the cars and go dig them up
Cool find. Reminds me of the opening scenes to that Mopar show Grave Yard Cars where the pull that '70/'71 'Cuda 440+6 car out of the ground. If its a Swinger than they only came with 340s. The motor and interior are probably ruined after 40 years in the ground but I assume the 8 3/4 should still be good. Get it dug up and post what you find :rock:


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Sorry about the pic size guys. They were too big for the pic loader and this was the next size down in my wife's Kodak program.
Anyone have any idea about how to apply for the rights? Prob have to go to the city or something.
Will see what I can do!
If you have paint on windows, just open the picture, go to images>stretch/skew and mess around with the percents till you get a picture thats around 1/2 to 1/3 the size of your screen and then try and upload them. Also click "save as" under File, otherwise the original photo( change the name too) will be written over and you'll loose quality because the photo won't be as big.
gotta be some newspaper archives,railroad records or something on this derailment. could be 40 more mopars buried there!
The railroad would own the properly and everything on it. They may allow excavating close to their tracks but I doubt it. Never know until you ask. Good luck
There was a new car buried in a fancy vault for 50 years and it didn't fare well at all.
Moparcheological find of the century!!!

Get yourself a team of jurassic Moparholics with small shovels, brushes and screens and dig up some bones.
Maybe you will find a Hemisaurus Rex.
Hell , tell them you are with the EPA and want THEM to dig up those cars and you will dispose of them properly ....
There is an old story on the Dodge/Plymouth 6pak 6BBL registry forum that back in 69 or 70 there was a train wreck with a bunch of mopars on board, some of them being 69 1/2 B body cars. This could be what that story is refering to. ill have to look around and see if i can find it. :pale:
I'd be makea contacts with someone to try and get rights to them you never know what condition they are in. Could be a time capsole for sure and worst case you save some parts and salvage the rest
wow, you got me curious.. wanna see more...:thumblef: could be the story of the century...for fabo anyways.
What are you waiting for?
Go out there and start digging!
That's what i would be doing.....
If someone hassles you, just play dumb. (i'm very good at that)