Gas price rant, (what are you paying)???

..just paid 1.25 litre in southern Ontario.(87 octane)
..i can remember pumping gas as a teenager for .47 a gallon!
And the dirty little secret that the liberals don't want you to know is
that they are the ones benefiting the most

BTW - I aspire to be part of the 1% and I think everyone else should too. That way instead of calling names and trying to put down people that have been successful in their lives (or maybe their parent's were and they are reaping the rewards), the world would see unprecedented growth and development through innovation. Afterall, Mark Zuckerberg is a freaking BILLIONAIRE now because he wanted to figure out a way to connect with other college kids.

BTT - I paid $3.67 this morning for unleaded. Spent about $300 last week on gas. SUCKS but had to do it to make the money hussling and installing signs all over the Treasure Coast and South Florida area

Thats it, keep pointing fingers. Thats exactly what both sides (L&R) wants us to do.
This way, we the people never really focus on the actual problems.
We just play the blame game.
Seems to be working for you, oh yea how far away from the 1% are you? Got a date in mind?
The middle class is what keeps this country afloat & we are losing members everyday!
You got the D's who WANT high gas prices so we will want those 55 mpg cars

You got the R's who WANT high gas prices so big oil will rake in larger profits

We all lose unless you profit from this bull

I paid $3.65 for 87 today. Just a few blocks away it was as low as $3.55 and 5 miles past there it was $3.79 and a few at $3.89 all for that 87 stuff

The price of oil hit a new low for the year today BTW
for premium (93 octane) I pay about $4.10/gallon on average, but I only need to put premium in my old mopar, my daily driver only needs 89.

The way I see it Obama wants prices to stay high that way he can continue to push his "green movement". He says whatever makes him look good during election time, when in reality he doesn't care even remotely about lowering gas prices. Your votes this election will matter more than ever. I can't stand another 4 years of this guy.. politics aside though for you guys that are weekend cruisers like me, think about it this way. The $4+/gallon I pay for filling my my 440 is worth the smile alone that it puts on my face :)
The price of fuel is set by what the market will allow. We have seen fuel prices go up to $5.00 per gallon in some areas of the country. When the prices get that high, people stop or reduce the amount they are consuming and the price falls. Very little of what is costs for raw materials, infra-structure, and labor to produce fuel determines the cost. The fact that fuel is traded as a commodity allows its pricing to be determined on demand and public sentiment.

And while we are in rant mode, My personal frustration is the use of ethanol. Fuel stations are getting bullied into using it because it is priced 2% lower than pure petroleum fuel because people tend to buy the cheapest fuel they can find. Problem is that the fuel that is "watered down" with Ethanol is 10% - 20% lower in fuel economy and thus requires us to buy more to drive the same distance as 100% petroleum.
Could you imagine the boost to the economy if gas & diesel were in the $2.00 range?
Just wondering.
Could you imagine the boost to the economy if gas & diesel were in the $2.00 range?
Just wondering.

Then we could all afford to drive to WalMart every weekend and buy more crap with our extra money. It would be a dream come true.
Then we could all afford to drive to WalMart every weekend and buy more crap with our extra money. It would be a dream come true.

I don't think neither the D's or the R's want $2 a gallon gas. Look how much taxes the states and feds would lose. Tax is not based on per gallon but by the dollar amount, so the higher a gallon of fuel cost, the more taxes that are collected.
obamma said he was for higher gas prices, while running for office. That's probably the only thing he didn't lie about. It's about $3.69 for 87 in Cincy.

Go to "You Tube" and do a search--- "obama the muslim".

Wake -up ! Who does he really represent ?
OK, I can't read this whole thread at work but suffice to say the Rebublicans have nothing to do with this. This is really bordering on a politcal thread which I hate to get involved in here as this is a car forum. But let's just suffice to say it's in the richests best interest to keep a middle class as these are the people that will buy their goods.

Poor people have no money and the rich are about 1% of our population, not enough to keep their business profitable. Your anger is misplaced. The people you should be mad at are the speculators that buy up millions of barrels of oil when the price is low in order to turn a profit when the price increases due to whatever global disaster or more accurately perceived global disaster is waiting in the wings.

Let me just go on record as saying I am a registered Republican only so I can vote in the primaries. I really consider myself an independent but there is one thing I agree with in the Republican agenda, I'm against abortion on demand. It's just that plain and simple.
OK, I can't read this whole thread at work but suffice to say the Rebublicans have nothing to do with this. This is really bordering on a politcal thread which I hate to get involved in here as this is a car forum. But let's just suffice to say it's in the richests best interest to keep a middle class as these are the people that will buy their goods.

Poor people have no money and the rich are about 1% of our population, not enough to keep their business profitable. Your anger is misplaced. The people you should be mad at are the speculators that buy up millions of barrels of oil when the price is low in order to turn a profit when the price increases due to whatever global disaster or more accurately perceived global disaster is waiting in the wings.

Let me just go on record as saying I am a registered Republican only so I can vote in the primaries. I really consider myself an independent but there is one thing I agree with in the Republican agenda, I'm against abortion on demand. It's just that plain and simple.
or FABRICATED disaster
or FABRICATED disaster

Yep, pretty much the same thing. Wall St seems to have a knee jerk reaction to just about anything these days.

OMG the president said he is favor of gay marriage, there goes the market, plummiting 10,000 points in 5 minutes. THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING!!! Stupid, stupid people if you ask me.
Could not agree more Guitar! It's stupid to invest in this sort of volatile market. If I had cash to do anything,it would go in a sock under the mattress. Cant afford to have money taken from me by market manipulation.
Ok, love some of the comments and really appreciate the input. In most 'price gouging" situations (like the current one now) is seeing that we in Chicago are not paying the highest prices in the nation. Bill out in California responded with a surreal price of $4.53 a gallon out there and many others have posted prices that have pretty much all of us paying alot more than we should. Today with the oil prices in the low 90s gas around my house is $3.99 a gallon with some as high as $4.19. I dont blame politics for this. I blame the rich bastards having their speculators driving the prices way up and screwing around with moving stocks around to get the most dollars out of crude. Bottom line is somethings gotta give soon. I have an idea how to bring them '5 executive boneheads to their knees. If everyone, and I mean EVERYONE was to boycott say BP for thirty days they would have more gas than they could handle. Since storing it is expensive they would be losing money. If they dont get the message boycott a second one like Shell while still boycotting the first one , then Marathon, Sunoco, and so on and so on. Eventually thes oil companies would be sitting on millions of gallons of gas they cant sell quick enough to turn a profit on because of the storage costs. A couple of things come to mind on why this wont work, (and I am sure their are many more reasons stuff like this wont work) are that nobody will stick together because everyone has other problems that are more important to them and that the oil companies will just export the daylights out of their inventories and everything we would be doing would be a waste of time. Sorry for the rant but I am sick of this gasoline nonsense (like everyone else) and something needs to be done!!!
Good point Chazram;But how do we get everyone on the same page as far as boycotting one particular supplier? Thousands light agree,but it's so hard to unite us together in a common cause. You will get half saying it will never work,even though it may have some positive effects as you ay. I do not idagree with your idea,only question how we would implement it. Email would be dismissed as spam by most.

Perhaps a websight,like the students in Montreal use.
Oil prices hit the highest when GWB--the oil man--was in office. GWB was the first to give us $4 a gallon gas.

Recall when loose pants Clinton was in office, gas was so cheap SUV's were flying off the showroom floors.

I wish we had that New Democrat Party Canada has.(NDP) I don't agree with them on everything but they seem better then ether the R's or the D's
I agree Dodgefreak!!! Have been a long term member of the NDP party. They are the only political party in Canada who do not accept donations from corperations,therefore are never beholden to them. However,thier budget depends on donations from avg working joe,and thus you never see the huge advertising budget and ad campaign .

I like Tom Mulciar. His parties idea that Canada is sufferring from a high oil dollar is not crazy like the conservatives are trying to smear him as.They think he is out to attack the western provinces? More like he is going after thier biggest campain donators..
Yeah, what he said (needsaresto). Sticking together is what will NOT happen. When I see a gas station with prices 37 cents a gallon higher than another gas station just a block away and the more expensive one is loaded with cars and the lesser priced station about empty (and both are not cut rate stations) that tells me everything. Until WE do something about this crap as one united group it will just go on. Motopsyco has the same opinion about this thing as I do. I am just getting in line like the rest of 'the sheep' and just buying gas when I need it, driving less, making multiple stops for things on one trip and not running the a/c on the daily driver as much as before. I still think it stinks though. Every thing that all of us do to try and get the prices lower is not doing a thing except using up less of a resource that our government is exploiting to the max!!