I Want To Kill Someone.

After they get out of the I.C.U., and after the broken hands and legs heal, if i were their parents, i would make them sell everything they have at a booth in front of the biggest mall in town with a sign behind them stating "this is what happens to you if you are a punk kid vandal" with large pictures of the cars and their injuries. All of the money goes to the people who's cars were vandalized.
Next is to make them polish the rock with their balls until it's a grain of sand while listening to the Dead Kennedy's song "Holiday in Cambodia".
Then i would make them join the military so they would learn respect and order in their lives.
Killing is too good for them. Jail won't prove nothing to them. Councilling is a joke. Community service is a waste of time.
Beating, humiliation, and discipline is the only way to change them.
F***ing idiots.

Now that's what i call justice!

Or, since you live in Washington you might wait for a few years to pass after finding out who the lil' ***** are.

Find a nice spot way out in the woods in advance. Stalk them for a while and find a good place to sneak up and throw a sleeper on them. Let'm wake up tied to a tree at sundown with a few raw steaks in there shirt and let a cougar or bear gut'm for ya.

Just a thought:clock: sometimes vengeance takes a little time
WOW! Just saw this, and now I understand the thread title! I'd be so pissed that somehow I'd end up in jail.

"Respect is only something that can be learned by getting beatup by someone you need to respect."

holy crap man!!! what a bunch of assholes!!!

its seeing **** like this that makes me nervous for when the scamp will be parked outside in the driveway overnight in the summer...im gonna have to sleep with one eye open, even with the alarm on it

good luck fixing her up man...and i hope you catch the little bastards that did it...in all honesty, ive been involved with the cops before and imo they don do ****...id find em and beat em to a pulp so that they are too scared to even go to the cops
Damn Ross, I just saw this. What a bunch of bullshit. These fkg kids need a beat down in the worst way, just don't do it yourself. Like others said, they are not worth going to jail for.
the great thing about our society is:
they are minors,there is not a damn thing you can do to them
they know this
if you touch,threaten or harm them, you go to jail and they win again
nothing you can do will bother them
the worst that will happen is the cops are called, they smack them on the hand and for the nexe 6 months to a year they have weekly visits with a probation officer. maybe a week or 2 of juvenile hall, but doubtful life sucks been through it. trust me there has been hundreds of times i wanted to knock my step daughter's head off but she would have just called the law and I would have been the bad guy and in jail.
I feel terrible about your car but there is really not a whole lot you can do about but lick the wounds and fix it.
I worry everyday that this is going to happen to one of my cars, just been lucky so far. they would probably burn mine to a crisp.
Sorry to see.

This is precisely why we are installing infrared night vision CCTV at my friends house. He has a two car garage and three cars (Gen I Lightning, 71 Mach 1, 07 Superbee) His vehicles have been egged twice..if there is a thrid time there will be in for a nasty surprise.

We are not installing a $499 kit from Costco either...I have some experience in the field, and we are going full bore. He wants to make sure he can read license plates on the street.

After something like that, you can go over and knock ALL the windows out of their vehicle..........
the great thing about our society is:
they are minors,there is not a damn thing you can do to them
they know this
if you touch,threaten or harm them, you go to jail and they win again
nothing you can do will bother them
the worst that will happen is the cops are called, they smack them on the hand and for the nexe 6 months to a year they have weekly visits with a probation officer. maybe a week or 2 of juvenile hall, but doubtful life sucks been through it. trust me there has been hundreds of times i wanted to knock my step daughter's head off but she would have just called the law and I would have been the bad guy and in jail.
I feel terrible about your car but there is really not a whole lot you can do about but lick the wounds and fix it.
I worry everyday that this is going to happen to one of my cars, just been lucky so far. they would probably burn mine to a crisp.

Never fear!

Idiots like those that trashed your car usually have plenty of teenage fellow students that would love nothing more than to kick their asses on a saturday night for a couple extra bucks.
Sorry about the car. That really bites.

It must have taken a lot of work to pick the rock up and bounce it on the car a couple of times. That tells me that the person(s) responsible aren't afraid of work. Too bad they lacked good judgement and were inconsiderate of the work that went into making the car what it was.

I hope that the police are able to apprehend the cretins responsible for this and that you are able to prosecute. They need to have their freedom to throw rocks revoked.

If it had been my car, I'd be seeing red and wanting blood, too. I'm thinking that mechanical castration would be both a fitting punishment and a public service. Clearly the shallow end of the gene pool needs a bit of cleaning up.

I'm wondering if they didn't throw the rocks from the back of a moving truck to get it done quickly.
wow that sucks i feel for you man, if it was my scamp id beat them to death with that very same rock. i agree with jr try and get some prints. i remember at halloween i was looking at my car every five minutes to make sure there were no jackasses with eggs in a 100 foot radius. this is the kind of thing that just makes me both mad and sad that this was most likely someone from my generation. now im on about the whole lot, sorry for the rant and i hope you find out who did this.
P.S. you may not be able to do anything to the kids themselves but you can get the money outta their parents, then you get paid for thew damage and all that and they get their parents to deal with, assuming that their parents will do something to them
That sucks,Mine sits on the street also.I live on a dead end street,traffic is slow.I know everybody.Now I think I might go get a trail cam for in front of the house.
Thanks guys, yha it really blows and I would love to find the little ***** that did this, problem is I doubt they are 18 so legally I can't do anything unless I want to go to jail.

I am trying to look at the bright side and that is I now get to fix whatever rust was in the windshield channel and get more practice painting. lol just what I need.

anyway yha I will be starting repairs tomorrow so all will be fixed soon enough. (I still would like to find the little ***** and teach them a lesson, but I don't need the jail time lol)
wow...so sorry to see this...that is a funny shaped rock...maybe that's why it looks like 2 hits...i know how you feel...good thing you didn't catch them because you probably would have killed them...
wow. little assholes. kids now a days have no respect for ppls belongings. on top of that, its not a honda. you cant just order those parts... but thats besides the point anyways. goodluck.
Some homicides are justifiable.
Some are praiseworthy.

I was in the Seattle area for a while.
It did seem to have an inordinate amount of vandalism and thievery.
Sorry about your car man! I was a troubled teen at one time and I didn't understand **** like that then either. I never could understand just tearing something up. Just plain sad and stupid.:angry7:

Some homicides are justifiable.
Some are praiseworthy.
Those two lines pretty much say it for me. Thanks Adriver.
Never fear!

Idiots like those that trashed your car usually have plenty of teenage fellow students that would love nothing more than to kick their asses on a saturday night for a couple extra bucks.
I would do it for free but I live in illinois
Find out what other cars were hit in the area and mark them on a map so you can get some sort of "trail". Maybe it will lead to a hang out or something, you never know.

You mean, hopefully it will lead to a hanging don't you? Bastards should be hung by the nuts, that totally sucks :munky2:
well, Today I pulled the hood off, and fixed the dents, now I am sending it to the blaster, I got the cowl all straitened out and the fender as well. I pulled the windshield and was pleasantly surprised at the fact there was no rust in the front channel. I all so decided that now would be the time to get the dash blasted and repaint it so out it came.
Good to hear that damage was fixable without any major surgery. Crappy way to get "inspired" to do a little extra detailing though.

I think like 'spaz. Find a few redneck teenagers, show 'em the car, explain you can't beat their sorry asses since they're minors and I'll bet they'll say"No problem, happy to help" and nearly kill those liitle pricks.

Showed this thread to my son(17) and explained whats up. I quote "Too bad they live so far away, Craig and I could massacre at least 4 of them ! No guns, huh? How about knives Dad?" I told him the thought was good, but no.