Justin Figgatt - Again

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer?
Wish I knew this about a month ago. I sent him a m/o for a manual steering box. Noting major but $80. What a dick!!! Thanks for the heads up.
Wish I knew this about a month ago. I sent him a m/o for a manual steering box. Noting major but $80. What a dick!!! Thanks for the heads up.

Eightly bucks for me is a fair amount of money. I assume by your post that you have seen neither a box nor your money?
I'm friends with him on FB just so I can keep an eye on him. Here's the phone number he has listed there (434) 378-3754

He also posts a lot of pictures of himself in firefighter gear. Shouldn't be too hard to track down what station he works out of and then speak to his commanding officer. I used to skip trace on dead beats and nothing would get a situation brought to a head (either good or bad) quicker than speaking to someone's boss.
I'm friends with him on FB just so I can keep an eye on him. Here's the phone number he has listed there (434) 378-3754

He also posts a lot of pictures of himself in firefighter gear. Shouldn't be too hard to track down what station he works out of and then speak to his commanding officer. I used to skip trace on dead beats and nothing would get a situation brought to a head (either good or bad) quicker than speaking to someone's boss.
never send $ anyway but paypal . protects both you and the seller !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've never sent him a dime and don't plan to. But if he starts posting parts for sale on FB I can warn others.
if this kid is of "legal whupping age", I can't believe no one has taken the time to look him up???? sometimes it not the $$, its the principle?????
if this kid is of "legal whupping age", I can't believe no one has taken the time to look him up???? sometimes it not the $$, its the principle?????

Kids like this still won't get it after the *** kicking.

He's entitled. His grandparents helped make him believe he was a good boy and then shielded him from the *** kickings he deserved. No amount of *** kicking will take that out of his head.
I'm friends with him on FB just so I can keep an eye on him. Here's the phone number he has listed there (434) 378-3754

He also posts a lot of pictures of himself in firefighter gear. Shouldn't be too hard to track down what station he works out of and then speak to his commanding officer. I used to skip trace on dead beats and nothing would get a situation brought to a head (either good or bad) quicker than speaking to someone's boss.

We called him out in this thread. Look starting on page 7... All the information you need to track him down and press charges are there...


Here's another thread where he's trying to play "wow is me" to delay people from filing negative feedback and claims, stalling until the time limit expires...

Might be advisable for some of you guys who have been screwed over by this guy to make it publicly known.
There are thousands of people on FB who could become victims of this guy. A word to the wise from an experienced person could help others from becoming victims, and possibly put an end to this guy's dishonesty.
what is so sad, is that are a small number of people in this world, that given a choice, had rather cheat someone than be honest and fair..... is it the love of money? or some pathologigal disorder? or was he raised to have NO consconsious., and has never seem any punishment for his actions??

kinda like a guy I knew once, a pathological lier. we used to joke about him, " he rather climb a tall pole to tell a lie, than just stand on the ground and tell the truth" !
Might be advisable for some of you guys who have been screwed over by this guy to make it publicly known.
There are thousands of people on FB who could become victims of this guy. A word to the wise from an experienced person could help others from becoming victims, and possibly put an end to this guy's dishonesty.

There's wisdom in this.

But some people think that someone else getting screwed means they won't get screwed.

There were a few threads on this kid a while back and getting screwed over. He still had his defenders. Simply because "they" hadn't gotten screwed.
Well, I didn't get screwed by Justin, but that doesn't stop me from alerting everyone I can everytime I see him post on FB!! That's where he smarted off to me about ripping off people to the tune of $30k, and that was just last month!! Then he sent me a friend request???
The local cops know, the FBI knows, we know, he knows, and he will keep getting away with it cause he doesn't steal enough to make the feds give a sh*t. Sad but true. Someone needs to arrange a meeting for some parts, with 4-5 huge guys named Guido and Manny, etc. He has money from his family and they are all right in their mind that they don't do anything wrong. I'm not insisting harm, but I don't think he will change until he has a couple of broken legs. All we as a whole have done is give him encouragement to keep at it. I feel bad for those that got screwed.
The local cops know, the FBI knows, we know, he knows, and he will keep getting away with it cause he doesn't steal enough to make the feds give a sh*t. Sad but true. Someone needs to arrange a meeting for some parts, with 4-5 huge guys named Guido and Manny, etc. He has money from his family and they are all right in their mind that they don't do anything wrong. I'm not insisting harm, but I don't think he will change until he has a couple of broken legs. All we as a whole have done is give him encouragement to keep at it. I feel bad for those that got screwed.

Well, even though we can only do so much, I feel that by exposing him everytime he lists an item on FB, I alert everyone in his thread that he is a scammer, and that has to hurt his internet sales some! Will he ever stop or be stopped, not by my efforts alone, but I'm not about to let his ads go unchecked!! Smart *** little punk is actually pretty smitten with himself for being able to rip so many people off, it's the least I can do to alert any future Internet buyers!!
Well, even though we can only do so much, I feel that by exposing him everytime he lists an item on FB, I alert everyone in his thread that he is a scammer, and that has to hurt his internet sales some! Will he ever stop or be stopped, not by my efforts alone, but I'm not about to let his ads go unchecked!! Smart *** little punk is actually pretty smitten with himself for being able to rip so many people off, it's the least I can do to alert any future Internet buyers!!

Exactly, we can keep spreading the word and make it harder and harder for him to keep ripping people off...

Keep flagging him on facebook. Every little bit counts and adds up...
We called him out in this thread. Look starting on page 7... All the information you need to track him down and press charges are there...


Here's another thread where he's trying to play "wow is me" to delay people from filing negative feedback and claims, stalling until the time limit expires...


Why do you guys keep quoting me? I'm not the one who got ripped off by him? I know the whole story. I'm just keeping an eye on him. If he posts anything on FB I will message the people who reply to him.