Medication side effects



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Grand Tetons
Hi everybody,

Anybody get side effects from prescribed meds, and what kind of crazy side effects have you had? I never had this issue with prescribed meds before now.

I have tendonitis in my upper back and shoulder muscles. This is an inflammation of the muscle tendon areas. It causes the muscles to tense up and lock down at random like a charley horse. Pretty frigging painful.

Doctor prescribes me a medication to reduce the inflammation. It works great for that, but 2 weeks in i start getting random sharp pin prick sensations all over my body coupled with itching. Kinda feels like you rolled around naked in fiberglass attic insulation or wearing clothes made out of fiberglass. To say it was driving me nuts was an understatement.

I looked up side effects of the meds on the net, and whatta ya know. The side effects i have are whats listed. So i stopped taking it, and 3 days later the pin pricking sensations are gone, but now my muscles are starting to tension up.

Getting old sucks.
Talk to Doc and see if he can change prescription to another that won't bother you. You shouldn't have to put up with that with today's choices.
Atorvastatin made me stupid.

Over a period of about six months, I found it difficult to make complex decisions, which is way NOT cool for an IT project manager. I even had a couple people say "you don't seem as sharp as you usually are", which is quite disturbing.

It was gradual and I honestly thought I was just getting old.

I happened to be working with a remote site IT guy who was telling me about some complications he had, and that was one of them.

I literally jumped up and screamed "AHA"! as soon as he mentioned the brand and what happened to him.

I looked it up online and it was somewhat difficult to find but it was there.

Stopped taking them that day and after about three weeks was back to as normal as I can figure.

No info of any kind about that in the product literature. WTF?
Just looked it up. Sounds not so good for your heart. Yes, i have neuropathy (tingling burning) in my arms,legs, and head. Was given several drugs that did nothing for my issue, but had bad side effects. I'm working out what works for me. Be your own doctor,to the point of researching what works, what doesn't,what side effects etc.
Don't remember what which exact blood pressure pills but several of them made me cough...almost constantly. You know how folks will cough when smoking pot? One of them was about that bad...
Atorvastatin made me stupid.

Over a period of about six months, I found it difficult to make complex decisions, which is way NOT cool for an IT project manager. I even had a couple people say "you don't seem as sharp as you usually are", which is quite disturbing.

It was gradual and I honestly thought I was just getting old.

I happened to be working with a remote site IT guy who was telling me about some complications he had, and that was one of them.

I literally jumped up and screamed "AHA"! as soon as he mentioned the brand and what happened to him.

I looked it up online and it was somewhat difficult to find but it was there.

Stopped taking them that day and after about three weeks was back to as normal as I can figure.

No info of any kind about that in the product literature. WTF?
Don't think it was making me stupid. lol, but did Lipitor for years and my legs gradually got to being sore all the time, frequent cramps. Been off for about 6 months and nearly back to normal.
Don't think it was making me stupid. lol, but did Lipitor for years and my legs gradually got to being sore all the time, frequent cramps. Been off for about 6 months and nearly back to normal.
I did drugs that made me stupid. Quaaludes... That probably doesn't count tho...
On the other side...I actually discovered a process that helps your body discard excess blood sugar.

I called it the "Working on cars and beer" diet.

My brother and I (both diabetic) would get together to rebuild the suspension on or 66 B body cars, and we found that we could drink as much beer as we wanted and wake up with LOWer glucose levels than normal, as long as we were doing moderate work on the cars.

I explained this to my first doctor, who told me I had no idea what I was talking about, despite being able to repeat the results as often as I wanted.

After explaining it to my second doctor (I fired the first one) the second time, he said "I did some homework on that and it turns out you're right", and proceeded to explain how the body becomes "less careful" about what it sends through without absorbing when it is processing alcohol.

I was nearly shocked to see this almost exact explanation years later, marketed as "Invokana".

They must have figured out how to stimulate that function artificially.
They design side effects in the drugs, so they can sell you another drug for the side effect... and so on...
My back is a total disaster area, I just blew out another disc, I'm on a Fentanyl 75 patch, 20 MG Oxycodone, 400 MG Gabapentin twice a day and recently started 15 MG Meloxicam, I had the itches to but stuck it out and after a week or so they went away. I wish you good luck and hope you find something that works for you. Quaaludes oh man I remember those, HEE HEE!

My doc switched me from Lipitor to Crestor. Much better for me, not near as stiff and sore now.
For arthritis type pains I use Celebrex and have had no issues with it but it seems to take about three days for it to start working.
I took blood pressure meds for five years after a minor stroke and suffered side effects that drove me nuts. I was also told to get on a anti-cholesterol med, but I heard too much bad about them and refused. I found a new doc and told him that I was quitting all the meds and taking my chances unless he had a better option. Even though I was not overweight at a constant 176 lb, he told me to lose some weight and get on a moderate cardio program. I was a runner for several years, but had cut back as I aged, and finally quit all exercise when the BP meds made me ache all the time.

I lost 15 lb and have held steady for months. I also began taking supplements that seem to reduce high blood pressure in some people. I now have normal blood pressure for my age, and my bad cholesterol level has dropped to the marginal level without medication. Not saying it cures anything, and I might drop over tomorrow, but at least I don't have to suffer all the damn side effects!
As said above, been off the Lipitor about 6 months. Lost 25lbs, Not on any strict diet, but have gotten a lot more careful about what and how much I eat. I am taking fish oil and a couple other non rxs to help manage cholesteral. So far levels are better than when on Lipitor. I do still take a bp med and one other rx. Hopefully get rid of them eventually...
Side affects to medications, wow, oh boy, you bet i do.
I hafta take a medication every afternoon, to keep me alive, for a bone marrow, mutation, disease, cancer, whatever you want to call it.
I no longer have any strength, energy, stamina, taking the medication, but it's keeping me alive, so what ya gonna do.
Also affects my attention span, what's going on inside my head, and my sleeping pattern during the night.
But what the hell, gotta get up and take a pee all the time anyway, due to previous prostate issues, that males on this planet go through in old age.
I still have blond hair on the top of my head, but the medication also has severely slowed down the growth of my hair.
Another side affect, so now a days, i no longer have to go see the barber, for haircuts.
Jim V.
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An alternative medicine called acupressure (Jin shin do) applies finger pressure to acupuncture points. It good for releasing stuck muscles. It works great for me, the result happens in a seconds, to a few minutes. I took much training on the subject, and learned the meridian points for treatment. It may involve points on head, neck back, shoulders, arms and hands.

In general tight spots can be found by palpation. Then pressure is applied where tendon attaches to bones, that releases muscles. There are practitioners that might help.

Correct exercise involves breathing in on exertions, breath out on release. Tia chi, chi gong, pal Dan gum are good exercises, for help in flexibility.

What I say works for me. Consult your doctor before doing any of this, I am not giving advise , suggesting only what works for me. Most doctors of western medicine only know drugs, or surgery. Eastern medicine, sports medicine, and martial arts experts may be able to provide help.

One more thing. The symptoms you described are often related to sitting in a sofa, with arms stretched over the upper back. Falling asleep like that sometimes results in an emergency room visit for paralysis in arms and hands.
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Well the pin pricks are gone, however everythings stiffening up and hurting again. Until i go to my doctor to prescribe something else for me to try, i am taking them again. I dunno pain and stiffness or random pin pricking sensations. Both suck.
If acupuncture worked temporary, that is a good sign. No need for pins. Research the acupressure.

Have you ever ate enough hot peppers to get sweat on the top of your head? That works for me, to relieve pain and inflamation. My diet also has changed, no pork, very little red meat or gout locks me up. I replace those with chicken and fish, but avoid tuna. Black cherry juice, ginger slices, aloe vera, plums all reduce inflamation.

Good exercise, where I work up a good sweat helps. Things like weed whipping fences, raking hay by hand, to put up for horses. Alternate rake, both right and left to keep muscle balance.

The Tia chi, is simple and effortless, but it helps flexibility, balance and strength.

Use thin pillow, to fat a pillow results in forward neck, complicating shoulder, arm issues.

It takes a bunch of trial and error to find what works for you, I am telling what works for me. If I keep on track, I feel great, lots of energy, strength, endurance, excellent reactions and coordination. I still have 10 to 15% of time when I need to heal an injury, but I live with that.
What i meant by pin pricks was that was the side effect to taking the meds. I stopped taking them. Side effects went away, but stiffness and pain returned. I'm taking the meds again until i can see my doctor, so for now until i can see my doctor, its either the pin prick sensation all over my body, or muscles that wont work right.
Have I ever had side effects from prescription drugs?

Gee, Let me get my List !

I've had side effects from just about ever drug I've ever been on. Worst was oxycodone. When I had my shoulder surgery they pumped me full of it when they were done. When I woke up I felt like I had ants in my pants, bad crotch itch, and milder itching every where else. They said that was pretty common and I should put oxy on my list of drugs i'm allergic too.
Talk to Doc and see if he can change prescription to another that won't bother you. You shouldn't have to put up with that with today's choices.
I have read that sometimes it is better to talk to a pharmacist you can trust instead of your doctor for alternative meds. While doctors are very knowledgeable, it is the pharmacist job to know about the medications! Of course you will have to go back to your doctor for approval.
The reaction you describe is one of an allergic reaction for sure.You need to get to your doctor.