my $400 ebay impulse buy. lol

Hey all, its been a wile since I updated anything. Between life being so busy and my laptop being stolen. GRRR. Anyway, I have rounded up a few cool parts for the car and can't wait to get it here to play with it. I am having the car shipped down rather than going to get it due to time and the fact that the transport company that brings brand new Toyotas to our dealer will transport it to me for $385. How cool is that going to be to have it dropped off with a bunch of 2011 yotas. lol anyway. I will update when I can. Later, Jeremy
I got an awesome message from Ross today. They put all my parts in the wagon today so that it will be ready for pic up. I am getting very excited for this car. I can't wait for it to get delivered.
Hey Jeremy,when is it arriving?Hope it,s on time for the first tour de concert!LOL.Waiting to see pics and a big smile.:cheers:
IT'S ON IT'S WAY!!!!!! Woot woot




Thanks to Ross for the pics.
My wagon story (everyone over 40 has one!)
My dad bought a brand new '78 (?) Volare wagon and we took a Grizwald-style vacation. We drove from Alabama to Utah and stoped at everything in between. I spent 2 weeks curled-up in the rear cargo area with a box of comic books (those are like PSPs made out of wood pulp for the youngsters out there). We had all our luggage on the roof. Somewhere in AZ we stopped for gas at the only service station for 100 miles and mysteriously got 2 flat tires. Luckily for us they sold tires. The only ones they had that would fit were mud and snow! We had helper springs to deal with the luggage so they only scrubbed a little! The real fun started when we got home. My mom makes homemade jelly. Lots of it. She would go to the grogery store and buy, like 75-100 lbs of sugar at a time. Also we had a long dirt driveway. Putting all this together, we lived in "Moonshine country". Mom would take the jacked-up, muddy wagon in to town and buy all that sugar (major shine-making ingredient). She still tells that story, I guess I do to.
Anyway, long way to say I love big-old "shine-wagons"!
Cool story 4flats.

My car will be here tomorrow night or Thursday morning, regardless, I won't see it till Thursday as I am going to the offspring tomorrow. I will post pics as soon as I see it. :)
I have a few, I just didn't have time to post any as I was on my way to the offspring.
Its at work. As I mentioned, I was heading to the 311, Offspring concert this afternoon. Well, I clocked out at 3:15 and the car wasn't there yet. So I stopped at 7-11 to get gas and a drink and wile I am in there I see a transport truck loaded with brand new Kia's. Even with all that fresh new paint, there was the unmistakable luster of green on the back. I hurried and threw the money on the counter and ran out to the truck to try and chase it down, I wanted a pic of it going down the road. But of course, as I am really excited and wanting to get to my car. I hit every damn red light. Finally right at the dealership I catch up. I pull in the parking lot and am out of the truck taking pics before the driver could even get out of his. He jumps out with a grin and said, "you must be the proud owner". Of course it was obvious. I was running around like a five year old when he gets his first bicycle. Taking pictures, grinning, etc... Anyway, it's late and I will post a ton of pics later. But here are a few for now. John, I doubt I will drive it out there Saturday as I am a little low on $$$ and need to do the big boy thing and pay some bills. YUK!!!! But if your in Logan tomorrow, you're welcome to drop by work. I will also upload some video when I can. Let me tell you, there are some sweet 70's/old man add on's on this baby. I'll explain later, Jeremy




I had a 72 Plymouth Fury III Wagon. It was green on green, with a 400-2Bbl/727/8.75 drive train. I loved that car. It carried the family around as well as full sheets of drywall and plywood with the tail gate closed, when necessary.
Congrats on the Wagon. You're gonna love it!
Looking at that hauler a song from my childhood comes to mind

One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just isn't the same...
I love it when you find an old car like that and save it. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I think tomorrow I may mount up the rallies just to see how they look. I think the car despretly needs 15's though. As of right now, I am very pleases with the car. I hope the dent guy can do a little on the door to make it look better. I tried to roll the rear window down this morning and it feels like it isn't connected to anything, so I will have to figure something out with that. I may instal my tuff wheel in ittonight just for fun and will get some pics then too. I am trying to decide what to do with some of the cool 70's parts. Keep them or get rid of them. Good pics will come tonight or tomorrow. I have somewhere to be tonight, so I may not have to much time to mess with it. Anyway. Thanks again to everyone who has helped and or supported me in this purchase. I think it was a good one.
Sorry I didn't get a chance to come by and see it yet. I have been trying to get the fury ready so you can work your magic with the buffer on saturday. I will try to swing by in the next couple of days.
I swear man, I think the green looks cool as all heck. Dang if I wouldn't leave it green. It's awesome. I mean really. I know you got plans and a vision and all.....but step back and look at the coolness.
Glad your car made it there safely Jeremy.Guess we won,t hear from you fror atleast a week?Gotta do all the J-Mac touches too it!TeeHe LOL.Now get out there and find some 15,s!8) for the GreenMeanie!
Okay guys and gals. I played with with the car a bit today. I added a few things and decided I really dislike rally wheels. Anyway, here are a few pics for now. :)


