My son is back from Afghanistan!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2008
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Tampa Fla.
Well guys dont know if you remember a post about me sending my 21 year old son off to war 1 year and a week almost to the date. Well proud to say the 173rd airborne division has made it back to Germany. I wanted to say how proud they make me feel as an American. Thanks to all service men and women past , present, and future. On a sad note they did lose 4 young soldiers while they were out. Keep praying for them.
Glad to hear he,s made it out safely.Prayers sent for the unfortunate familys.Tell your son Thanks for his services abroad.:-D
Glad to hear your son is safe, pass my thanks for his Service on as well.......
Welcome Home!

Thank you for your Service.

My hat is off to him and all those that serve & make this country free for us to enjoy.
must feel good to have him out of harm's way. Can't imagine my son over there, (he is only 3, but so was your son once). Tell him thanks.
yea, my brother and brother in-law are leaving for there in december. they just went for training again, will be home for thanksgiving, then leave 2 days afterwards. and theirs was a volunteer assighment
Thanks for all the well wishes. He comes home Dec 15th for thirty days. He will get married on the 18Th to his 3 year sweetheart. Then he goes to a place with nice sand. Hawaii! for 3 years!
That is great news.:cheers:thank him for his service.Looks like it's gonna be a fantastic Christmas!!8)