Never forget what happened today

I will never forget, BUT, I won't be happy until religious extremist's are extinct! I remember being so pissed off that I thought my head would explode. Every single person that was murdered or injured was 100% innocent. Before I die, I hope to see those lives avenged.

As a firefighter, I lost two personal NYFD members in the North tower. I will never forget this day and the SOB's that were responsible!!!!!!
that day felt to me a lot like the day the challenger shuttle went down. the entire job site had the radio on to the news, nobody was talking or laughing, just listening in awe.
then a few days later when the FAA lifted the flight ban the whole job erupted in triumph when the first plane took off from the airport. we were working under the flight path of Mc Carron airport.
Normally when I finished PT, I would head home off post and have breakfast with Tammy before she went to work. This day, I had to stay on post because I had to escort a Soldier who was getting kicked out of the Army around so he could clear. I had been promoted to SGT 4 days earlier, so being the newest NCO, I got stuck escorting the shitbag. I was on the phone with Tammy, explaining I wouldn't be home for breakfast and why, when she told me the Trade Center was on fire (she had the news on, but the volume down). I asked her, jokingly, if someone had tried to bomb it again. She exclaimed that a plane crashed into it. I asked if that's why it was on fire and she replied "NO! Right now while I was watching one just flew into it!!"

About that time, my CO and 1SG came bursting through the Company door, both white as sheets. I told her I had to go and hung up. All Hell was breaking loose. We lined up and drew our weapons, as well as ammo. We were told we were under a terrorist attack. Within an hour, Apaches were flying around Ft. Campbell with full rocket/ missile loads. We were given different assignments to guard the base schools and hospital around the clock, in case of any further attacks. Nobody was allowed on or off Ft. Campbell for 3 days. 2 days after the attack, we were sitting in a briefing with 5th Special Forces Group, going over the mission into Afghanistan. I was already on orders to change duty stations to Italy in December, so I left just before my old unit went to the 'Stan.

The rage, pure anger, HATRED, we ALL felt that day towards those who would commit such an attack on innocent civilians is beyond description. We had trained for years to fight an enemy, and now had a reason... we were just waiting for a target... to make those responsible pay for what they had done on our sacred soil.

My life was never the same after that day. It changed who I am, my outlook on the world, and how I cherish the simple things I had always taken for granted. I have lost many Brothers in the wars that followed that day, as well as a huge chunk of myself.

To all those who lost their lives that day, and in the wars that happened afterwards, Rest In Peace, and you will NEVER be forgotten. To all those who served and continue to serve since that day, you are also in my thoughts everyday, for I know your lives were forever changed just as mine was. Airborne.
Thanks to the 2 million biker rally there was no 1 million muslim march reported not being able to even find it with two active reporters searching and the one ended up going for a ride on the back of a Harley. as I originally posted I'm gonna give a moment of silence and remembrance
I think people have ceased to be pissed off about it. I think that's a bad thing. So here's some harsh reality to piss you off.

Yes, each red rectangle is where a person landed.
Last report 80,000 bikers rode to Washington D.C. in remembrance of that day


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I will never forget as well, as I was accepted into fire school that year and was a student at a community college. I was 20 years old, went through fire academy and been serving for all those who had there last call ever since. I think about the devastation each year it passes. It confirms a clear reality of what you have to do in the time of need....even if means going in to hell and not coming out. God bless those who gave the ultimate sacrifice that day, the victims, the families, and all the military that have been lost ever since!
Last report 80,000 bikers rode to Washington D.C. in remembrance of that day

I am comforted this day Gents, two fold...

First, I have stared into the eyes of the children of the 9/11 murdered.

Second, yamamoto was so 20'th century.

Expounding ---

First, no greater weapon could be forged to guarantee Freedom,
and terminate the religion of hatred.

Second,the every blade of grass quote is an static inference...

The Dynamic is much more...mmm ... logistic :D
Can't believe there were no threads posted or bumped today about what happened on 911..... I will never forget.....God bless America!
It hit pretty close and personal with me, though i did not lose anyone I knew directly.

My 10 year old daughter Emily & I were out in New York visiting 2 of my nieces exactly one month before the attack. I took Emily on a vacation that we called "The planes, trains and automobiles" trip.
We flew from Minnesota to NY then rented a car and drove to see friends in Delaware then on to sight see in Washington DC Pennsylvania, Ohio where I used to live and ended up in Chicago where then took a train back to home here in Minnesota. It was a most excellent trip that I will never forget!

These photos were taken on August 11th, 2001, exactly 1 month before the attack. We also happened to stop in Washington DC for sight seeing as well as spent a night at a hotel in the middle of Pennsylvania on our way back home, close to where Flight 93 went down. Talk about coincidence. It really made the whole attack a bit more close and personal.
Never Forget! One of these two nieces we were visiting actually met her husband while she was trying to walk out of downtown New York after the attacks. We were all so worried and trying to reach her by phone for a couple of days! They now have 2 sons together and just moved back here to Minnesota last year.

I was just coincidentally cleaning out my closet last week and found a few brand new, never-worn t-shirts form that trip which feature the twin towers on them. Who would have guessed what was soon to take place??? It made the gravity of it all much more intense to both me and my daughter since we had just visited all of those places.

I took a few photos from the Statue of liberty and stitched them together for a panoramic view of New York City.
Never Forget



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There seems to be an amazing number of people, AKA "Jay (Leno) Walking" that don't even know how many aircraft crashed that terrible day. If I ever forget, it's cause I'm either senile or dead
the first stop on our vacation last week was the Shanksville crash remember.

I will always remember the faces of the Hero's that entered the towers when others were running out.....amazing!

Rest in Peace
I was on the USS Enterprise going down the east coast of Africa for a port call in Cape town. Just finished my 12hr shift when the first plane hit. Watched the 2nd hit live on the news. Didn't take long before all outside comm was shut down and we turned around straight back to the Arabian gulf. We were the first carrier on scene and started bombing missions soon after arrival. I'll never forget that
I was on the USS Enterprise. We were the first carrier on scene and started bombing missions soon after arrival. I'll never forget that


And thank you to anyone who served or sacrificed in any way.
As I posted on the other 9/11 thread this morning:

NEVER FORGET...and never forgive
There are some who want to forget. Sweep it under the rug. I've been posting pictures on FB of the tragedy since last night. Others have too. Some of the comments from some of the other people who are not on my friends list are such "Why post pictures of this? I don't want to see this!"

I got news. That pansy *** attitude is a big part of the problem. IMO the 9/11 attack video should be required viewing for ALL high school students in order for them to graduate. The attitude that some things are worth fighting and dying for is slowly slipping away from this country. IMO, that's a huge part of what made us great. We fought, shed blood and died for our freedom. Freedom that through apathy and complacency, we are slowly allowing to be stolen from us. One liberty at a time.
With 33 years as a fireman, I assure you I will never forget! I retired on 9-11-11, and yes I picked that date for this reason.
I was on active duty at the time stationed in Norfolk Virginia. I was attending HazMat school when we got the the word about the Twin Towers. Class was cancelled and we were sent home.