No Respect for Farmers

I didn't watch, I'll take your word for it that his humor is not respectful or funny.

Never heard of the guy, but I hope his audiences throw rotten produce at him!
I didn't watch, I'll take your word for it that his humor is not respectful or funny.

Never heard of the guy, but I hope his audiences throw rotten produce at him!

I about chucked my phone once I saw it for the first time. :violent1:
what an ignorant *** :wack:

obviously has no idea about what he is trying to make a funny with ....key word TRYING ....but its not working
He would be the reason that internet or tv should never have been invented. The 25 people in the audience probably got heat stroke from the applause sign being on so long.....
One thing he did get right is farmers control everything. Without us aholes like him do not eat and could not figure out how to feed himself. Not much money in farming but we sure have more pride than this clown.
All I have to say!

[ame=""]Super Bowl 'Farmer' Dodge Ram's 'God Made A Farmer' Ad - YouTube[/ame]
don't tell city people how nice farm life is .....because then they will build and move in next door to you and then the farms will be just like the crappy overcrowded city.

its lonely at times but I like my wide open space where I can be me and not worry about anyone else :D


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This is what sucks about the internet.

He didn't research anything. The writers of his jokes didn't, either.

The real reason for daylight savings does have to do with the food industry, but it has nothing to do with harvesting.

It started with candy companies using it as a tact to sell more candy, for trick-or-treaters on Halloween.

Don't believe me?

There are plenty of places online, documenting it. savings candy lobby

Just an FYI, Farmers OPPOSED it when it was proposed in 1915. It wasn't until 1966 that it was set completely observed by the states that participate in it, now.

How ecological and economical is it? It's not. At all.

In fact, it costs the populous of the US over 1 billion dollars in mistakes made, due to time change, each year. 8.6 million of that was in household electrical cost in the data collected, in 2006.

Good one, Pete Holmes. Chalk one more up for the stupidity of mankind.

Do your homework, or get made fun of, when you run your trap.
who really needs a clock on a farm anyway ..

during the summer when I was summer vacation and didn't have to be at school at a certain time, I would just go outside and start working when the sun came and went to sleep when the sun went down and ate when I was hungry ....who cares what time it was.
wow PA is beautiful

You should see PA from somewhere below the Seven Mountains, up near State College you're pretty much on top of the Seven Mountains so you don't get quite the same beautiful view that you do from down in the valleys.

Regardless of where you're at in Central PA, it's all beautiful, all year round. I'm about 30 minutes from State College. SC is a little too fast paced and crowded for my blood, but I go there pretty frequently to see concerts or meet up with some friends.
You should see PA from somewhere below the Seven Mountains, up near State College you're pretty much on top of the Seven Mountains so you don't get quite the same beautiful view that you do from down in the valleys.

Regardless of where you're at in Central PA, it's all beautiful, all year round. I'm about 30 minutes from State College. SC is a little too fast paced and crowded for my blood, but I go there pretty frequently to see concerts or meet up with some friends.

Yep I go through seven mountains to go home. I am just in State College for my schooling (Freshman Engineering student). My home is in Lebanon County which is South Central PA (Dutch Country).

I went skeet shooting up at Scotia Range two Sundays ago and it was an awesome view of the trees from the top of the mountains.
holy **** ,some overly sensitive guys here.

Just pointing out that some people do not have respect for the people who are the backbone of this country and bust their hump day in and day out to produce food.

[ame=""]Jason Aldean - Amarillo Sky - YouTube[/ame]
Just pointing out that some people do not have respect for the people who are the backbone of this country and bust their hump day in and day out to produce food.

its a comic. they make fun of everything. i'm sure he makes fun of other careers where people bust their *** too. not really a big deal or worth getting wound up about.
its a comic. they make fun of everything. i'm sure he makes fun of other careers where people bust their *** too. not really a big deal or worth getting wound up about.

Understand what your saying. However, he came off (and most likely is) very ignorant. Thats why I suggested he get a life and maybe gain some knowledge of how other people make a living (i.e., not through stand up "comedy"). Maybe then he would realize how hard those people work and give them some respect.