Out of a Job...moving back to Florida



Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2007
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Port Saint Lucie, FL
Okay, so to give y'all a little background...I moved to TX 4 years ago specifically to work for this family owned business my "friend's" family owned. Was told I'd get my salary (which was decent) plus quarterly bonuses and commissions. The job was as an Account Manager for a major national account that they have had for years but they were expanding their product offering and wanted me aboard. So, I move my wife and 3 kids out to TX from South Florida.

Come to find out once I am into the job, that they had had 2 or 3 other people try to do the job they gave me and the longest any lasted was 2 months. One lasted less than a week, the other 3 weeks. The job was kind of high stress and requires a certain personality type - mine. I don't get too stressed out about anything. My philosophy when hit with a "crisis," Ask, "Did anyone die? Did anyone get hurt? No, then it's just an opportunity to get better for next time. Let's learn from this and move on." Problem is, the company was always run in panic mode due a lack of planning and/or organization. I fixed that problem for my customer and tried to get others to do the same for theirs.

Fast forward, 2 years - no bonuses and no commissions. Had to sell my house to avoid a foreclosure that I could see coming if things did not change. Figured, okay that was my fault for over buying a house that I should not have based on my salary. Work continues to go well, I have almost 100% rating from my customer and the Bosses never have to worry about my account. Which should be a good thing to be rewarded but I have learned that there are people at the company that have not seen a raise in 6-8 years despite their managers trying to get them for their employees.

Next thing you know, the "company" buys a Brand New Lear F'n Jet!!! I say, things must be going good, time to ask for a raise. Instead, I get the "economy is week and we are not giving raises" excuse.

In the meantime, my financial picture is not getting any better. I have a mountain of debt that was accumulated when I had the over-sized mortgage due to health reasons and bad planning. I am sinking. Try to dig ourselves out of debt by starting to work on other people's cars. Re-access after a year and I had only paid down our debt by about 5%. Realize, bankruptcy is probably my only option. Reluctantly, we file for Bankruptcy. Opt for Chapter 13 so that we can pay back some of the debt and keep the house and car. Tell my bosses about it...insert crickets chirping here...

Decide to change tactics and instead of asking for a raise, I tell them point blank, "I am tired of being broke. I need to make more money. I understand that in order for me to make more money, you need to make more as well. What can we do to make that happen?" Again...insert crickets chirping here...

2 weeks ago, we have something happen at the plant and I felt that my customer had a right to know as it would affect their work. I was told under no circumstances was I allowed to tell the customer what happened. Now, I have spent the last 4 years building up a trusting relationship with the customer and I really struggled with having to lie to them. I took a step back and said "Since I have moved out here, I have lost almost everything. I'll be damned if I'll loose the one thing I have left, my integrity." Tried to talk to them about my position and they would not even give me the time of day. So I tell them "I will not lie to our customer and they need to find someone that will. I plan on moving back to Florida" Again,...insert crickets chirping here...

After a week of the silent treatment, I get an email at 7:30pm that Friday. "Exit Plan" is the title. It starts, "I need to know when your last day is going to be. The sooner the better..."

SOOO, yesterday was my last day and am now going to work at my shop full-time until we can sell our house and move back to Florida...

Sorry for the long winded story but I kind of needed to get it off of my chest
It is good to see that INTEGRITY still exists in our society. Those of us with it have a hard time working for most corporations, even those that have written ethics; although there are rarely followed.

I had a similiar experience that ended in 2006.

Hang in there it is usually better when we do for ourselves; although it can be a struggle it is well worth it.
This makes me so mad. If companies do the right thing, they prosper, their employees proper and the country prospers. Look what happens when greed rules....you're in debt, the company will probably be run into the ground, people lose jobs. Good for you getting away from that, rough now but most likely a blessing in the long run.
Good for you and screw them, you deserve better and you will find it. There are alot of companies out there that would hire an emlpoyee like you, I wish you and your family the best of luck!
You did the right thing. Take pride in that and keep your head up; you will be an asset for your next employer. Very sorry to hear about your financial problems. Best of luck, if that exists, to you and your family.
I'm sorry to hear you had to go through all that. It seems that the new corporate business plan is to make as much money as possible in the shortest amount of time then run like hell, employees, customers and the local economy be damned. It seems that many corporations are using the recession as an excuse to cheat their empoyees out of a fair wage while the officers become fat on thier profits.

You did the right thing and I wish you well on your future endeavors. Hopefully, you can start your own business based on your obvious integrity and foresight and again become comfortable with your income.

Good luck Gary and I wish you the best.
This sounds like a classic case of "Nice guys finish last." Gary, I applaud you for standing up for what you believe in and for doing the right thing. The immediate road in front of you might be bumpy, badly lit and contain a few unexpected curves, but I have the feeling it won't stay that way for long for you and your family.

Be strong ... be bold ... be daring ... and never ever let them take advantage of you.

Best of luck in finding your future success. We're here to walk you through it. :-D
You are doing the right thing Gary,
Good luck to you.
It seems like big companies don't care about the worker who is actually makes them the money and really care.
After all, You're the one you have to look at in the mirror every morning. I'm glad you stuck to your morals. You will find that you sleep much better doing the right things in life. I've worked for others in the past before starting my own business. Most companies don't give a crap about you, your family, your problems, etc. All you are to them is a worker. Have a safe trip back to Florida and things will work out for you and your family. Trust in God.
Thank you for being honest with your customers.

You are a stand up guy and I wish only the best
for you and your family.

Things will work out. Prayers are on the way.
Gary, I like the others applaud you for the decision you made, it was the right one. It seems that anymore, too many people look the other way or find ways to justify doing the wrong thing, i.e: your ex-employer, instead of doing the "right thing". I believe that in time you will be rewarded for the man that you are. I hope you and your family end up coming back to Florida because we could use a alot more like you in this state. Best wishes to you and your family.
The same thing happened to me in 2008. I did an install for a contractor for the big box store I was working for the install was for me to bring a microwave and a dishwasher to a residential new home. When I arrived the GC informed me that the plumber was going to install the dishwasher and just to deliver it and install the microwave only, which I did. I turned in the install paperwork that clearly stated "NO install for Dishwasher". Fast forward one month later, I get called into the office and written up for a leaking dishwasher. I tried to explain to the asshole boss that there was no install on the dishwasher and to check the paperwork. I refused to sign the write up and the next day went back to the address where the original install took place and asked the GC to please call my corporate office and explain to them that i did not install the dishwasher, which he did.Well when I arrived at work the next day I was fired for contacting the customer... for what??? I was trying to clear my name on this one. Well he who laughs last, laughs best because the manager of the distribution center who got me fired ended up getting fired himself for screwing around with a female co worker and I was able to collect unemployment because I had documentation of the install never been completed by me and the write up. And best of all, I was able to get my OWN installation business started and now I have my own contracts and am earning a very good wage. Now when people ask to speak to my boss, I tell them, "You're looking at him" HAHAHAHA!!!!!
You did the right thing, but consider it a lesson learned.

If you are promised something, and the company doesnt come through, start looking for another place to work. Its as simple as that, No one is going to take care of you, but you. Companies who value their employees will always find a way to come through and keep their promises.
i know where you are coming from/ i to left a job over the way they the owners was treating our parts guys. i,v know the parts guy for many years and if a problem came up they handled it no Q asked. fast forward i reapply cause we have to move and my pay now is below min wage. the guys i work with had a problem with the last 2 months i worked there not the 11+ years i was there. the one guy had a herneena. off 6 months then his mom died was there so he could handel that/ next his teen age son starting to have sesuers, need brain surg. was there if he had to go when the phone rang. i was always the good guy. and was willing to help with loaning my tools scanner stuff we don,t use at work but would let them use it anyway. now cause they don,t like my wife they acting stupid. he said it all you want to came back for is cause you need the money there may have a problem with that. some time i think i need to be like me me me. hope thiings get better for you. by the way were in fla. are you moving back to i lived in tampa 6 years back in the 80s. rant over
Holy Crap! I'm dumbfounded at this. WOW! So much for them being a stand up group huh?
Well Gary, I wish you the best. I think Cudachick said it right and can only echo everything else everybody said. You did the right thing and you'll be ahead of the curve by doing this now instead of later.

Selling your soul for crap is what they wanted from you. They purchase a Jet and give you crap about a few bucks an hour raise.....OH yea....that wasn't the writing on the wall, that was hand delivered papers with 2 letters on it. F & U!

What the hell is that... OH WAIT, I seen this before, it's

Greeeeeed!!!!!!!!!! And nothng but.
Best thing to happen for you, Gary. It's always better to walk tall than stooped over under the weight of a dishonest company. I've always found it best to tell the truth to customers, plus it makes it soooo much easier not to have to remember which lie you told them.
I've also worked for too many bosses that I had to cover for.
Best of luck to you. I know the future will be brighter.
Thanks everybody for your replies and support. I feel truly blessed to have a support group like this and also to have a wife that agrees 100% with me and understands what I needed to do.

Funny thing is, I've already got about 3-4 opportunities in south Florida. One is to open my own resto shop next door to my brother's Race Car shop. Another is to work on re-habbing foreclosures with a buddy that is hooked up with an investor. Another is to do some contracting type of work with my one of my best friends from High School - almost exclusively in the "High Rent District" in Palm Beach County (you know the people so rich the "economy" does not affect them).

Also, one of the Product Launch Managers I used to deal with has offered to make some introductions to my former competitor. She actually told me the main reason she used to try to deal exclusively with my former employer was me. She said she could always count on me to be on top of things for her and she knew I'd tell her the truth. Made me feel really good that she'd go out on a limb like that for me.

No matter what, I trust God has a plan for me and good things will come from this bad situation.

Plus, I am SO looking forward to seeing the Ocean again and getting some serious fishing in! I miss the good times my brother and I used to have on our boat. And now, my boys are old enough to come with us :)
That sucks big time

I know all about the cricket sound, I work for a Big Corporation full of bureaucracy BS seem its not about how good your are at your job but Who You Know (thinking of another word then "Know").

Looks like you have good things waiting for you in Florida, best of luck to you for what ever you choose to do.
Best of luck to you and your family. I'm in the same situation but i don't have any options i'm stuck in a job that i've worked very hard for the last 14 years to work my way up the ladder i had topped out[ being a non college educated employee] learned every function of operations i can do every job in the plant except welding. After all these years of dedication and loyalty i'm repayed by a 150.00+ a week pay cut and limited hours at 40.

And all of us are expected to do 2 to 5 different jobs for less and be happy about it, their answer is the economy is slow, but last week myself and the other guy that sells parts were told thank you for selling 100000.00$ of parts in one month. I'm 51 years old who would want an old man like me besides jobs are hard to find i have applied to many heard from none. My father taught me that loyalty and dedication is key in any thing you do, but i think nowadays that only gets you taken advantage of for the sake of greed.My sons think i should open my own shop but that takes cash which don't have enough of. Thanks for reading my rant.
You did the right thing Gary.You will look back on this day and realize that it was the best thing for you and your family.You probably already have.I get tired some days of the big businesses trying to push my little business around.i got 1 thing for them.:thebirdm: Good luck in the future.8)
Gary where did you live in south florida ,i live in downtown Ft lauderdale , i know the economy is bad but ill bet you will still find a job here.
And all of us are expected to do 2 to 5 different jobs for less and be happy about it, their answer is the economy is slow, but last week myself and the other guy that sells parts were told thank you for selling 100000.00$ of parts in one month. I'm 51 years old who would want an old man like me besides jobs are hard to find i have applied to many heard from none. My father taught me that loyalty and dedication is key in any thing you do, but i think nowadays that only gets you taken advantage of for the sake of greed.My sons think i should open my own shop but that takes cash which don't have enough of. Thanks for reading my rant.

I'm in the same boat. I'm now 57. Lost my job 2 years ago, and havent been able to find anything. No one wants someone my age in the IT field. They'll hire some kid at $80k a year with no experience, right out of college, but I have 25+ years of experience and they dont think its worth anything. My unemployment has run out, and the government doesnt care, either, so now I'm living off of my 401k.

The only option I see is to open something of my own. I know it takes money, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices, so if I have to sell my car, or whatever, thats what I'll do as soon as I find something I am interested in.

Finding a nitch is the real key. If you want to start a job, go for it. You dont have to start big. If you want to start a shop, some basic tools and your garage will work. If you dont have a garage, make it a mobile business where you go to the customers, like mobile oil changes, etc. Also, the Small Business Association gets government money to provide loans, training, etc. They'll help you develop a business plan, get a loan, etc. I dont know if you have a 401k or not, but I believe you can use it to buy or open a business without paying any penalties on it. Check it out, as well.
I started my business with a $300 Chevy S 10 Blazer that I fixed up and sold for $1500.00 then used that $ to buy an $800 1988 Chevy Cargo Van(that I work out of every day) and used the rest of the money to put on my liability insurance policy. I was working for another jerk recently who was not paying me,and when he was was paying me sporadically and not the correct amount for work completed. He still owes me over 3K. But I was able from working for him to contact the people who he had contracts with, and with all of my documentation e mails, text messages and such about not being paid, I was able to get my own contracts from these companies. It is hard to start your own business but you can do it on a shoestring budget. Now I am averaging about $1500/weekly working for these companies on my own. Yes I have to work long hours and bust my ***, but the reward is that I am my own boss now. And I am damn DETERMINED to make this work for me. I will continue to bust my tired *** until I can grow my little one man operation into a possibly two or three truck operation. Then I can sit at home in my office and hang out on FABO and run things from home. So be strong and go for whatever you are wanting to do. You can do it!!!!! I was skeptical and doubting myself but this has been the BEST decision I have ever made!!!!! GOOD LUCK and keep us posted!!!!!