Rear ended 66 cuda advice



Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
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Well, my daughter was rear-ended today while stopped at a red light on her way to school. The shop said the frame will have to be straightened, rear pass qtr replaced, trunklid replaced, front clip, etc. Car hit her from rear about 20 mph, pushed her into car in front of her, damaging both ends, and dropping tranny fluid and coolant out of the radiator. AC condensor gone as well.

In all likelihood, the car will be totalled. I had it appraised (and insured) about 1.5 months ago for $10,000, and have since put another $3,000 into it. The wreck was not her fault in any way, as she was stationary at the stop light, so the other girls insurance is liable.

Any suggestions on how to proceed to assure that we are adequately reimbursed? I have over $11,000 in the car, having just 2 weeks ago put in new front seats ($820) along with rebuilding the OE 273 ($1800) .

Any suggestions, tips, hints, etc. on how to insure I get the best payout from the ins. co? I don't want to profit, just to be reimbursed for the money i have in it.

Sorry about the car, how is your daughter?

I would gather up as many recipts that you can find for the recent work. You should also try to buy the car back if it is totalled, you can always strip it clean of the parts or make a project for someone else. If they won't cover the engine, maybe they would let you pull it before it is written off? Should be easy to sell off the good parts if you get it back. Do I dare ask to see some pictures?
Went through this myself,and sorry to say but you will probably have to sue the at faults insurance company,more importantly do not sign anything,neck and back problems could surface later,hope your girl is O.K.
Sorry to here jimmyray,hope your daughter is ok?As Keith said,gather all reciepts together with your appraisal and you should be golden.I would buy the car back after it,s written off.Find yourself another Cali. rustfree car and start swapping your goodies over.Hope you break even.:clock:
Girls appears OK, but getting rear ended at 20 pmh, then hitting the car in front of you, all with low back buckets, may be an issue.

I don't have any after wreck pics, but here are a couple before condition...

I am hoping to avoid a lawsuit, any hints on how to do so?
after everthing over with and u get paid u can buy the car back just so u know
Wow, nice car, I am so sorry. You should really get some pics of the crashed car, not for the site but more for you and your records.
also is the car at your place if not go get it now some places charge by the day rent
and it will be so high u wont want the car back
Good point! I will find out tomorrow about the "storage fee". I may try to buy it back, thanks for the tip. I have all of my recent receipts, and an appraisal dated 7/01/10, endorsed by a local used car dealership. Hopefully this will end well.

I will get "wrecked" pics ASAP, probably Sat, (not available now), and will post them here.
First off, glad to hear your daughter is OK. But as was said before, don't sign anything regarding any personal injury since she's going to be more sore tomorrow. In fact, a doctor appointment just to get checked out is more than worth it. You never know when neck or back issues may crop up - especially with the low-back buckets.
Also sorry to hear about the car. The pics show a really clean and nice '66 Barracuda. What's the chances of getting it fixed? Buying it back after a possible total and fixing it may still yield a bit of profit.
I did that years ago after a self-induced (I was riding stupid) motorcycle accident up in the local mountains. Insurance company totalled my bike. It was all cosmetic damage so I bought it back, replaced parts, put a new exhaust on it, had it custom painted and still pocketed a few hundred.
Give it some thought.
they will make u offers but dont any of them unless its want u want they will lowball u to death
Is your call fully insured?If so talk to your insurance co they will help you out and will deal with the other insurance co for you.Tell the other insurance co. you just had it appraised and do not give in to their low ball offers.More than likely the insurance co will drag their feet and hope you give in.I had a 70 Fury that was backed into and it took two months before I finally got a fair offer out of them.
I was rear ended by a SUV on a Fri in my Plymouth Volarie.Mon the insuranse co called and offered me $900.00 I came back with how about $2200.00 and I keep the car.I had a check the next day.I always wondered if the insurance tried to settle fast in case of neck and back injuries.
I was T bone at an insection I was sitting still when I got hit and long story short I ended up getting two slipped disc in my neck which I now I have one removed and a titanium plate which fused the two together and also had ankle surgery which both still bother me every day so don't sign a thing also I ended up having to get a lawyer which was a scam if you ask me but all the Doc wanted cash would not even talk about insurance from teh guy who hit me.
I also bought my car backafter they totaled cause the insurance company was not giving me anythihg for my car which I had just but back on the road after a complete restoration job the only other info I can give you is to get pictures and the police report and make sure it states the other driver was at fault if it does not make the patrol men redue the report cause without it would won't have a leg to stand on.
Also I was just rear end last Sat coming home from work and my neck has been killing ever since but the great thing is the girl back up three blocks and drove off before I could get a tag number or even call the cops so I'm screwed on that one.
Good luck and with this just I would not wish this on anyone but most important makea sure you daughter is taken care of, and I will pray for her
I am so sorry this happened! You have a beautiful car! I'm glad your daughter is ok! You can fix the car. :)
you had an aprasial done where? at a car lot? that means nothing. the guy there has way too many influences swaying his decision on what he thinks it's worth. everyone here should be calling there insurance to have them apraise the car. then you should pay insurance on the agreed value of the car. that way when this happens you can go to your insurance company get them to pay you the agreed value, and let them fight it out with the other insurance company.
Your written appraisal will be very important for recovering monies from your insurance company as they always try their best to screw you as its just the way it is. My appraisal saved my butt on a 70 shortbed which got totaled. At first all they wanted to give me was 2800. but after retrieving the appraisal from the safe,a substantial increase to 7900 was agreed upon.

Plus, you should be able to buy it back
You would be surprised if you talk to the insurance company what you can work out. Your total settlement won't be as high as if you got a lawyer but then the lawyer won't take half and the insurance company saves a bundle. Everybody wins except the TV attorney and nobody likes those bottom feeders anyway.
Same sort of thing happened to me once. The other guy was at fault. Seems like no matter what I did to try to establish the value of my old car his insurance company always wanted me to go one step farther, & I did. I kept holding out. I showed them old car price guides, gave them the names of collector car dealers who were familiar with the value of cars similar to mine, etc. It's in their best interest to settle as soon as possible for as little as possible. The longer you can drag it out, the more the insurance companies representative will be hounded by the corporate office to get the case settled. After about 4 months they ended up letting me keep my totalled car & giving me $25 less than I offered to settle for on day one.
My friend went by today and got some pics of the car. It is not as bad as I had heard, and may in fact be easily repairable. Of course, the frame may be damaged, as I have not seen it yet.
Not as bad as I thought, but still ugly. But it looks repairable to me, people can fix alot worse than that.
That can be straightened and the bumpers rechromed.... I imagined much worse damage... I dont think they will "total" that.... it is very repairable and BONUS you might get a brand NEW PAINT JOB
That can be straightened and the bumpers rechromed.... I imagined much worse damage... I dont think they will "total" that.... it is very repairable and BONUS you might get a brand NEW PAINT JOB

Yes, I am now hoping the same! This may work out ok, but I am sure it will be a drawn out process.
That's totally fixable unless there is something I'm not seeing. I've seen cars worse than that come back to the road.
Doesn't look too bad. A tug here and there on the frame machine and the wrinkle in the 1/4 will come out. The bumpers can be replaced. Not bad at all.
If they do total it I would buy it back for sure and have it fixed. Mike