Sad times



Nerd Member
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Augusta, GA
Hey everyone, just sitting here at home thinking about things. I've been kinda depressed lately because almost all of my friends have gone away to college. One other friend along with me is going to UCCS but my other friends moved away to other colleges, at least an hour and a half away. I used to hang out with them all the time, and now they're all out of town. Anybody else here gone through that? I've been trying to find things to do to keep my mind off it but it's not very easy to do around here.
I can tell you I've gone through something similar several times, moved from WI to CA in 91 and then left the SF area in 00 to move to Fresno so had to start all over meeting different people both time. Now don't get me wrong, I still keep in touch with the closest of my friends I grew up with and we get together every couple of years and exchange calls, emails and all that. Your closest friends will always be your friends no matter what, just in a different way. You'll be at their weedings and vise versa and all the other important events.

Now to get you out of the dumps, find the local cruise night or car hang out and start there. You can always find good people if you volunteer at any charity functions or start going to church, actually some cool people there too. There are other group functions to meet new people that you'll run across.

I was just thinking of the scene from Lethal Weapon 4 where Riggs was asking permission from his wife (at her grave) to marry the other cop and along comes Leo and he tells him the story about Froggy. In other words, make some new friends and you'll be fine.

Did I ramble?? Hey you didn't say where you are.
My situation wasn't exactly the same , you see I was one of the ones who left . I was in the marines for 4 years . It was when I got back that I felt that way . All my friends were gone and I had to decide what I was going to do from there . But I think your in the right place . I got a job and started working on my dart . It always made me feel better .
Yeah, I'm just waiting for school to start. Hopefully it will be easy enough that I can get a job and work on my Duster some more.
Going through the same thing dude... I am a senior at my school this year and had a lot of friends that were a year ahead of me. Spend 3 years going to school with them and now all and I mean all of them have left town... Still got my friends in my grade of course but I know how it is. School starts a week from monday for me so I will be to busy to worry about anything else.
Stay active and go out for a good walk or run, We will have plenty of time for the computer and games this winter 8)
How close is the nearest river, lake or pond ? You would be surprised how good and refreshing it can be to get around the water and throw a few lures.
We are in a cold front here so the fishing is slow, I hope school will fill the void for ya Kid 3. 8)
They will come home from time to time. You'll see them again.
All 4 of my very closest friends in this life have passed away. :(
Make the most of the time you can spend with good friends.
I'm going through the same thing but my son is the one to move away to college. I started a thread yesterday and have received many kind words from you guys. I appreciate the support. Lots of good people here! toolmanmike
Hang in there MOPEDkid, like yellow73dart said, you are here with a good bunch of people.
All my high school friends moved away to the a different province 10 hrs away.....and I don't have that many friends around here, but I have made lots of new friends here on FABO that I go see and BS about Mopars. In fact I'm off to the States to hook up with one today while the family stocks up on school supplies and clothes.
Just focus on your Mopar hobby and school work..... before you know it, your firends will be back for the holiday breaks.;)
Change is the only thing that's guaranteed in this life. Friends will come and go over the years to come and it's all part of growing up. Right now is good time to decide what you want to do with your life. Spend a year or two to figure it out while you work and then get your *** to college. There are no jobs anymore where you can make a decent living wage without a degree of some sort.

Whatever you do, don't waste this opportunity to get a jump on things. Time is the one thing you can never get back.
Finishing high school is probably the first time (if you don't move as a youngster) that you become separated from your gang of friends. Remember the movie Dazed & Confused? It illustrates the happiness and the sadness that occurs when you first step out from the cocoon of school into the independence of adulthood. I'm sure all of us older guys have been there, I know I have.

Once you take that first step on your new journey, each successive step will become easier. And now, the freedom that you've always desired is here.. a little scary, but full of promise. Grab it and run!

Sorry bud but, I would give almost anything to be in your shoes. Life goes by too fast. Enjoy it.
Well, all I can say is it is a ruff time in life because everything is changing and rapidly. Days past in high school are now gone and many of the people I used to see on a daily bassis have disappeared into the world.

Don't worry about what you used to do and with whom. You were freinds then and theres no reason you shouldn't be freinds now and later. As of right now, everybody including you, yourself, are gearing up for big things to do in life. Getting smart in collage and getting ready for a carear in a feild to make lots-o-money that you will need for the future.

One way I was able to reconnect with old freinds was the then new computer with the then new websites like "" and now, facebook is the latest craze.

My wife joined facebook and leaves tid bit notes, like a twitter, and cyber meets with her old freinds on a daily bassis. While that is a far cry from the ol'days of hanging out at the park and havin a few late night beers, it's a bridge to help the gap seem smaller.

Remember, you and your freinds are involved in getting things done at school for the bigger picture. This is a very temp. thing for everyone. FOCUS! Get it done! Fun times will return, though they'll never be at the scale of when you were in school, they'll be better fun times and more intense since once your done and everybody has money to play with and play hard with unlike when you were in school, barley scraping by with a few bucks.

The few bucks you used to play with while you were in high school and just after will be "TIP" money you leave behind for the service at the bar.