Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ya, so superduty is ready to put box back on,will pick owner up in the morning and he can help.
2-1/2 hours plowing snow. So its done too. Now have to go check on son’s house and pick up a few snacks.
Time for a sip. I was a good boy last night and didn't have a toddy.
Just playing with light, shadow and color this afternoon...



Refs definitely had a hard on for
Brady. Yet another controversial call going in his favor. And I’m neutral on those two teams.
Can still be done. A big block assembled head, no shafts, weigh 52 pounds. Just ship them in two different boxes.

honestly though, I’ve found UPS’s flat rate system to be pretty fairly priced as well. But they only allow up to 50 pounds

I thought it was 75 lbs...
Very nice Dave. The first one is my favorite.
Thanks, I had fun doing them. I sold a large canvas print version of the second one done 5’ wide to someone late today for $1200. She has been bugging me for a large piece for her family room for a couple of months and jumped at it when she saw it.

She paid in full in full immediately and I placed the order. It will be delivered to her in a couple of weeks.

Not a bad Sunday. :)