Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning and Happy Friday to the hard workers here in our little world!! :thumbsup:
I was up late last night working on my hockey history. I had heard of the Red Team Chris so one out of two.
It musta been flushed years ago in one of those worthless information flushes with Algebra and other stuff.
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You see when I was 47 and full of vigor....I took out a massive Mortgage to pay my ex wife to go away and at a moderate interest rate for 30 years. I have tried to refinance at a lower rate but it was a construction loan because the house was not finished and they will not do it. I also lost my small retirement so I could keep this place. So I have 7 more years but I do have equity. But I would have to sell at a greatly reduced price because I was never able to finish it except the part I live in. It will all work out
Rough day yesterday for sure with the computers/printer, all good now and all set to be myself again so strap in for the ride!....
My Mom had a cowbell that she would ring loudly to summon my brothers and I from wherever we were around the neighboring woods fields or houses
Mine had a scream that could be heard across the ridge top. Actually had a neighbor flag me down as I was on my dirtbike and he said....your mother is calling