Stop in for a cup of coffee

Had a bit of a snow storm overnight, temp dropped 20 degrees in 6 hours.
Sitting in shop, not really interested in doing anything.
I put a roast in the oven a hour ago. Damn is it smelling good.
Who says can't re-use? Maybe some don't, but we get 'white oil' at work and they go back and get refilled.
Food grade containers by USDA and FDA rules can only be use for food items once. They then can’t be reused for food or consumables. That’s why so many companies give them away
You could invite the coffee club gang and could all donate liquid. LOL

So the ink has dried. It’s official now. Contract extension signed, oath given. 4 more years, but I’ll retire before then
Quite a few Derelicts at the fat pill shop this morning. No Mopars as usual SNAFU. Over in the corner by itself sat a
in a very early stage of development :lol:. Looked like the necessary street equipment was in place and in a lovely Rustoleum primer :lol:. It was sort of a trans roadster :lol: No windshield :lol: But it was a driver. Flip phone still has too many pics of the granbrats for more additions :BangHead:.
Buddy just showed up with a 15 gmc sierra. 330,000 km’s and in fair shape. $15,000 cdn. Looks like he’s buying it.
And sounds like hes giving me his 2000 chevy.
Congrats if that is what you truly wanted. Those contracts got no reverse gear!
Well the plan was to extend 1 year at time until I got to a point of retirement or tired of the BS or until they medical retire me. So all this did was make it a 4 year with now a guaranteed retirement of some kind. Plus, now that there’s more than 18 months on my contact, IF AND I MEAN IF, I wanted to pursue their suggestion for a medical eval and possible medical retirement, that option is now easier than before. As it is by practice, 10-14 month process. But currently I can pass the med evals.
Plus with all the **** getting ready to hit next weekend, this provides some security
Well that was fun :D Dirt Late Models from the Knoxville Nationals on CBS :steering:. Beats the heck out of feetball :lol:
3rd place car came from the stable of a local destruction contractor :lol: with a hired gun in the seat. Jason himself is not a half bad wheelman himself. Supplied his outfit with a whole messa asphalt from my plant.