the what pisses u off thread



69 Darts Rule
Aug 5, 2008
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i got 1 people who wear there pjs out to eat i dont get it
ad your own i know u got some
Whats wrong with pj's out in public. Thats all I can wear till my beanbag heals up. lol
people that wear ballcaps sideways/backwards, hey genius, the visors purpose is to keep the sun out of your eyes. the droopy draw crap, best thing i ever seen was a kid running across a busy street with his droopy draws and no belt take a header onto the pavement. wearing pjs out to wearever, 15 under the limit in the left lane and there is many more.....
Stupid women in SUVs doing 20mph over and cutting you off in traffic while they are talking on their cell phones while kids are in the vehicle.
people that wear ballcaps sideways/backwards, hey genius, the visors purpose is to keep the sun out of your eyes. the droopy draw crap, best thing i ever seen was a kid running across a busy street with his droopy draws and no belt take a header onto the pavement. wearing pjs out to wearever, 15 under the limit in the left lane and there is many more.....

Basically mine; add: stopping your cart in the middle of the aisle, to browse(bet you drive the same way), cutting in line(oh, my friend saved my space), 23 items in the express lane, wait until you hear the total before pulling out wallet. Can you tell I'm un-employed, and do the shopping? lol
I hate people that flick cigarette butts out the car window or at the door of a building. I'd like to take a crap on their doorstep.
Oh, and the neighbors that let their dogs run loose, and come through an open gate, to crap in my yard, or try to kill my pets.
Golf carts,mopeds,mini bikes and bicycles at swap meets!!!!!! People that wear there hoody up while they're driving!! I had some numb nut hit me due to this. Oh yeah dumb asses that wear shorts when it's 20 degrees and then wear down filled coats when it's 85 degrees. I'm a little angry tonite so, thanks for the thread, I needed it. The swap meet thing is numero uno though. Moparker
I hate it when people don't use their blinker, and punk kids with the sideways ball cap and baggy pants, as was mentioned...
I'll agree with the sideways ballcap. (I do wear mine straight backwards from time to time though.) You know what it looks like? They got ***** slapped so hard they forgot to readjust their hat! Everytime I see a kid like that, I wanna run up, slap the **** outta him just to get his hat straight! :D
<Peter Griffin voice> You know what grinds my gears?
People who drive while talking on the damn phone! Wanna do hands free or have that stupid little bluetooth headset, that's fine. (yes I have one but only use it at home) The ones who hold their phones up to their ears while driving.....they don't pay attention to what the hell they are doing! I can't count how many times I have almost been hit because some <insert extreme expletive here> is too busy talking to watch where they are driving!! And somehow, it's always MY fault! I wish it were legal to beat people like this! I really do, cause I would!! HANG THE F*** UP AND DRIVE!!!! Thankfully it is once again ILLEGAL to do so in Oregon now! ;)

<takes a few deep breaths and ends rant>
I want to grab there pants and pull them down in public. That's what they want right? They want everyone to see there bloomers right? Soooo here ya go dumb ***!
i hate when people break into my car when i'm sleeping, try to steal my cd player, realize they cant and end up taking the faceplate.... i was pretty pissed this morning
What pisses me off is seeing a chev motor in a ford.
What really really pisses me off is a chev motor in a MOPAR!!!!!:banghead:
I want to grab there pants and pull them down in public. That's what they want right? They want everyone to see there bloomers right? Soooo here ya go dumb ***!
before my wife and i retired from the post office she did this to one of the droopy drawer clowns once a week, even the supervisors used to laugh....
Fat chicks who wear hip hugers and cut off t-shirts with their fat gut sticking out.

White dudes who dress like black gansta's and literally anyone who wears the prison pants and long T-shirts to cover their underwear.
I mean, really what the f#@K is the purpose of wearing pants like that?

It can't be comfortable, you can't run, and you always have to walk with one hand on the front of your pants to keep them from falling to your ankles, I mean WTF is wrong with these assclowns?
People who tell me at a show that they knew someone who also had a 67 Charger.Morons!:angry1:
People who tell me at a show that they knew someone who also had a 67 Charger.Morons!:angry1:

Or people at car shows that beg you to do burnouts in front of a crowd of little kids and women pushing strollers and get all pissed off because you won't.
Or people at car shows that beg you to do burnouts in front of a crowd of little kids and women pushing strollers and get all pissed off because you won't.

They are brain dead!Little brains.Plain stupid.Pencil pushers.Think a car is just transportation.Sorry I had a few drinks tonite8)
The white gangsta kid compaining..I can,t find a job!Have you ever thought to look in a mirror?Don,t they realise the older generation looks down upon gansterism?I wouldn,t hire them unless they cleaned/pulled up their act.
People who tell me at a show that they knew someone who also had a 67 Charger.Morons!:angry1:
or tell you they had a chevy II just like yours, and guys that wear Special Forces hats and can't tell you where they even trained, or served, my grandson tried the baggie pants thing one time until I pulled them down at a restaurant.
or tell you they had a chevy II just like yours, and guys that wear Special Forces hats and can't tell you where they even trained, or served, my grandson tried the baggie pants thing one time until I pulled them down at a restaurant.

C'mon,did you really pull them down? 8)