This where feed back sucks!

Whewwwwwww, what an ordeal! From a strictly personal perspective, it's great that the mods can apparently impose a lifetime ban on a newer member for disrespect, profanity, name-calling, bashing and overall lack of good character while others have to endure it for years and years and years ....... and finally take matters into their own hands to get something done about it.

Thanks for taking out the trash this time around Joey.

Certainly does seem that way, doesn't it?
oh it gets fun when ya find 6 member names for the same ip address... alittle post research always finds the truth as to how many people using that computer to log on always turns out to be one person with multiple personalities and all of them are flakey


The dawg still huntin', Curt?
If Dad is Bad Mom gits punished also.......poetic justice us mods don't play fav's ya'll be good or yur hunny will hit ya with a fryin pan for gittin her tossed off fabo cuz u was bad........:violent1:
Oh ya I forgot about that, Sorry
Thanks Asa.
If Dad is Bad Mom gits punished also.......poetic justice us mods don't play fav's ya'll be good or yur hunny will hit ya with a fryin pan for gittin her tossed off fabo cuz u was bad........:violent1:
LMAO well I dont think the members im thinking of are going to have that happen thay aint bad folks lol

im not even gonna say who this guy reminds me of :eek:ops:
Can I ? I know who ! Pick me ! pick me !