Thought I'd die but I'm still here



Restore it, Dont part it!
Aug 10, 2011
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Funny story. The last night I was laying in bed watching UFC and talking to my buddy @75slant6 on messenger. I was eating some beef sausage links out of the bag I never looked into the bag I was just getting a hand full and throwing them in. Well one bite tasted a bit off like it was stale or something. I didnt think alot about it the next bite tasted like .... the best I can describe it is fuzzy dirt! :eek: so I spit it out and look in the ba:rofl:g to find this! It was literally thought I was gonna puke. I have no idea how many I eat that looked like those but it turns my stomach still turns to think about it. But I'm still here.

That’s gross’s on every one in that bag, should have enough penicillin for awhile :D
Heck of a way to boost your immune system. That which does not kill you makes you stronger, superman!
I hate that!!! When you find a snack you forgot you excited to throw some down the devil's throat.....then you see that. It all makes sense why you forgot you had them....BECAUSE THEY ARE OLD!!!! LMFAO!!!
I know a lady that was eating a bowl of cereal and about half way through she thought it didn’t taste right. She looked down at the bowl and it was full of little beetles! Hard telling how many she ate before she caught it!
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, at least that's what they say. Glad you are alright.
one night, after putting the kids to bed, im ready to turn in myself...but im also a bit thirsty
just not thirsty enough to pop open an entire can of pop and down it

so I open the fridge and look around, and wouldn't you know it?
there is a carton of orange juice, only 6 weeks past date and still about 1/3rd full
but come on, its orange juice, nothing but sugar, right?
so I take a sip and it tastes fine, and whats even better, its got pulp, I love pulp

so I finish it, and as is my custom, before tossing the carton in the recycling, I rinse it out
as im rinsing it, im kinda reading the carton
"100 % juice"
"California oranges"
"no pulp"
"no preservatives added"

hold on, back pulp?
that's no good

not sure what was floating in there, but it stayed down just fine

Reminds me of the guy that found half a mouse in his Micky D burger> He retired wealthy though.

you know whats worse then finding a worm in your apple, right?
one night, after putting the kids to bed, im ready to turn in myself...but im also a bit thirsty
just not thirsty enough to pop open an entire can of pop and down it

so I open the fridge and look around, and wouldn't you know it?
there is a carton of orange juice, only 6 weeks past date and still about 1/3rd full
but come on, its orange juice, nothing but sugar, right?
so I take a sip and it tastes fine, and whats even better, its got pulp, I love pulp

so I finish it, and as is my custom, before tossing the carton in the recycling, I rinse it out
as im rinsing it, im kinda reading the carton
"100 % juice"
"California oranges"
"no pulp"
"no preservatives added"

hold on, back pulp?
that's no good

not sure what was floating in there, but it stayed down just fine

you know whats worse then finding a worm in your apple, right?

Nice!!! About 2 years ago I was eating a bowl of cereal and thought it tasted a bit different but whatever....2nd bowl I really starting to question this taste but, i soldiered one and got almost finished and it hit me....the milk taste I go to the fridge grab the milk, the date is good but, I open the top and its BAD!!!! SAWEET!!!! lol...
Better than taking a drink out of your beer can that you set down a few minutes ago at the party and a fregg'en cigarette butt hits you in the teeth. (long time ago when my friends smoked). No wonder I switched to bottles. Still get the creeped out feeling just thinking about it.
Better than taking a drink out of your beer can that you set down a few minutes ago at the party and a fregg'en cigarette butt hits you in the teeth. (long time ago when my friends smoked). No wonder I switched to bottles. Still get the creeped out feeling just thinking about it.
Oh ****!!! Done that!!! I smoked at the time but its still nasty..
one night, after putting the kids to bed, im ready to turn in myself...but im also a bit thirsty
just not thirsty enough to pop open an entire can of pop and down it

so I open the fridge and look around, and wouldn't you know it?
there is a carton of orange juice, only 6 weeks past date and still about 1/3rd full
but come on, its orange juice, nothing but sugar, right?
so I take a sip and it tastes fine, and whats even better, its got pulp, I love pulp

so I finish it, and as is my custom, before tossing the carton in the recycling, I rinse it out
as im rinsing it, im kinda reading the carton
"100 % juice"
"California oranges"
"no pulp"
"no preservatives added"

hold on, back pulp?
that's no good

not sure what was floating in there, but it stayed down just fine

you know whats worse then finding a worm in your apple, right?
Lol omg haha thats terrible.
Nice!!! About 2 years ago I was eating a bowl of cereal and thought it tasted a bit different but whatever....2nd bowl I really starting to question this taste but, i soldiered one and got almost finished and it hit me....the milk taste I go to the fridge grab the milk, the date is good but, I open the top and its BAD!!!! SAWEET!!!! lol...
Ugh omg I did that to my wife. She was pregnant and asked me to get her some milk so I got up and poured her a glass of milk didnt think anything about it. It checked the date I always do it was good. Well she started drinking it and kept complaining about it. So I finally got up and got the cup and smelled it omg it was sour. I was like omg how are you drinking that. How do you not smell it while your drinking it lol. It made her sick she puked and puke .
Better than taking a drink out of your beer can that you set down a few minutes ago at the party and a fregg'en cigarette butt hits you in the teeth. (long time ago when my friends smoked). No wonder I switched to bottles. Still get the creeped out feeling just thinking about it.
Or drinking out of the wrong beer bottle the other one being your (or even worse someone else's) spittoon! Been there more than once
Heck I even hate to find a bug at the bottom of my morning coffee mug!!! It helps to start off with fresh made coffee and not some leftover that at all night!?????/
Heck I even hate to find a bug at the bottom of my morning coffee mug!!! It helps to start off with fresh made coffee and not some leftover that at all night!?????/
Bugs and hairs dont really bother me much I will eat around that. A freaking mouse I would die omg I would! I'm not gonna lie I was freaking out about the mold. I just knew I was gonna be up puking all night. Somehow it didnt make me sick.
Kind of like picking up your longneck beer bottle after using the restroom, taking a swig, and realizing someone put a cigarette out in your beer?

Here's one even better! My brother-in-law used to drive cement truck and was delivering a load to a job site. The cement contractor was there and was talking to "hard luck Charlie" that everyone knew. He was trying to get somebody to give him $10 or $20, since he was broke and needed money. The cement contractor told him he would give him $20 to drink the half full Mountain Dew spit bottle in his hand and he did it! Everyone was puking before that one was done!!! LOL!
A friend of mine used to chew Beechnut tobacco, he took a chew one day and thought he was pulling a stem out of his mouth and it was a mouse tail, the rest of the mouse was chopped up in the bag, he puked for three days!
Worked in a car dealership and our mechanic chewed. He had to take a customer car for a test ride chewing in a customers car a big NO NO. So he put's the fresh chew back in the bag. A customer walked into the shop and see's the bag sitting on top of the tool box and helps himself. When the mechanic gets back the customer says "Damn Harry how do you keep your chew so moist?" We all about threw up because Harry only had about 3 teeth and the ones that were left were brown!!! YUK!!!
Better than taking a drink out of your beer can that you set down a few minutes ago at the party and a fregg'en cigarette butt hits you in the teeth. (long time ago when my friends smoked). No wonder I switched to bottles. Still get the creeped out feeling just thinking about it.

A few years ago a friend of mine took a drink out of can of soda he'd left sitting for a couple of minutes - not knowing a wasp had crawled inside attracted by the sugar.
His lips and tongue swelled up so bad he couldn't even talk. Needless to say he spent a few hours in the local ER.