Viet Nam Vet

I was there july 69 to july70, Was in Arty too. 4/35 though.
Wish I knew what the guys are doing now !!

Was in the field all 12 months, FSB Mace area.
I myself was born in 1985 so I cant evin begin to imagine what the world was like "back in the day" but to your brother I owe my life, my freedom, & my way of life so to him I am most humbled and I surely whould like to thank him

Give your brother a hug for me. My dad didn't make it back. I was 4, my sister 2, and my brother 4 months when he died. My husband just got back from Kuwait. He is in the Air National Guard as a mechanic and my son is a medic in the ANG. My son wants to go to Iraq to help out there. I, being a mom, have mixed emotions about him going. He is thinking about signing on full time in the Air Force.

As bad as some were treated when they got back, they came home. Some were not quite as lucky.

My heart goes out to all of you who served. I wish I could have at least one memory of my dad.

I was not in but watched and cheered a bunch of heros off the plane in Rein Main AFB in the 70's .Even got to applaud the fellas from the Hanoi Hilton.Youse gys are the greatest thanks!!!
If he is a member of the American Legion, he can post an ad in the back in the Camrades section. I see postings all the time for get togethers, and reuions. I am also a Viet Nam vet, but I was there in 72-73 with the 1st Aviation Brigade.
Hope he finds some of his friends.

I was also there in 72 and 73 - seems like a lifetime ago. A lifetime I'd prefer to forget about and I have. No fond memories of that **** hole.

I am sorry that, but I was there too early to help him. Tell him welcome home for me. I was there 67-68 E Troop 1/1 Cav. 11 LIB Americal Division. I was never spit on and was treated very well, especially on the plane home. I still have my 69 1/2 Dodge Super Bee Sixpack that I purchased 9-04-69. I have a 68 Barracuda ragtop to take me back then also. It has an AM only radio, which really brings back memories. Tell your brother good luck. I have found over 30 of my brothers from 67-68.
Hi Guys and Gals, I sent this link to my brother so he could read the great responses from you all. He wanted me to express his deepest thanks to everyone. It made his day! To guys like me who where to young back then it seems like a long time ago, but as my brother puts it, it seem like it was just yesterday to him! God Bless you all! And Merry Christmas!!!!
Slightly off topic, but this thread reminded me, I bought a 68 notchback as a parts car and as I was taking the dash out of it, a social security card and a draft card dated in late 68 fell out from underneath the dash area. I thought about trying to find the guy and let him know I found these things but never got around to it.
Marry Christmas greendart72!! and to your brother I would like to thank him for doing a great dead for me and my family here in Arkansas.
We are not taking our freedom for granted and My granddaughter will enjoy her first Christmas because of him, and all that has made our freedom.
I have never been in the military but my father and grand father and uncles was. I think about them every time I bait a hook and have a good day.
To all the Vet's Have a humble and marry Christmas.
memike and Treva.:angel5:
Advise him to punch his unit into Google....there are sites for people wanting to find others all over the net.

NAM '68

HEY is a good S E too ! ......I beeez a namvet toooo ... 69-70 -- 67a1f.

I hope that he has better luck with meeting some guys than some other people have. Some vets still want to keep their service secret.

REMEMBER ..... ALL gave some ... some gave ALL.
I meet with about 30 of my brothers from my unit in Kokomo,In. Total is between 30,000 to 40,000 vets each year from all branches.
ask if he remembers a Richard Prairie us army bravo co. or ever heard of the unit
Talked to my brother, that name or company didn't ring a bell with him. He said the other company that was working the same area as his was called Cherry Co.
One thing he did bring up was that most the guys that where there wouldn't know him by his real name. While he was there he was always known as BO, a nickname he got there. Has something to do with a wild expereance he had with a water buffalo.
Tell him i said thanks for his service to this great country. My dad was serving in Vietnam in 70-71. I rember him saying he was in the air cav. he was a door gunner on a huey helocopter. I was even born over there 12,25,1970 in oknawa( spelling) Mopar658)8) has helped me find shipmates from my '66 to '69 tour.
Tell you brother thanks for me also.
:salute:I'm a member of the NJ National Guard. I spent 22 months ( 6 months training, 16 months in Iraq). I know what it's like to be away from my family and not knowing if i was going to make it home. Fortuantly i made it home ok. So tell him from one soldier to another, thank you.:salute:
There is a guy named Bruce yengling that comes into the store every now and then. I will ask him what unit he was in next time he comes in for you.
Advise him to punch his unit into Google....there are sites for people wanting to find others all over the net.

NAM '68

Great idea! Just punched my unit from Viet Nam (20th TASS DaNang) in and whadyaknow - 63,000 results for it. Did my year there (71-72) and spent 10 months atDanang and 2 at a FOL at the old Screamin' Eagles base in Phu Bai.
I was in HHC 1st BN(reinf) TOG Arlington VA 22211 and with rest of the BN,

we took care of those from Viet Nam who came home to rest....South Hill.....:salut:
I was with Btry D, 1/84th Field Artillary in 68/69 which was part of the 9th Infantry Division. If he hasn't already, he should try searching for his "Division" web page. They usually then have sub-pages with individual units and points of contact.

Good Luck