Whats the deal with all the single Moms?

I am a single mom, my big mistake was not marrying a car guy, "You love your car more than me", didn't start that way but ended that way. Most women's only hobby is fixing men. Personally, I will stick to fixing my hot rod.
In my experience single moms usually fit 1 of 2 categories with very few exceptions:

1) She hooked up with a guy that had a few flaws, but she found him exciting and figured she could fix him. She may or may not have married him, but she just knew he'd make a great father (never mind that he kept saying he didn't want kids), a couple of kids later he dumps her or she leaves him because he wouldn't give up the drinking, pot, other women, etc.
2) She met a guy and had a kid with him thinking he would marry her and big surprise, he split instead.
It takes a special guy to be a father, the responsibility is awesome and fatherhood should be entered into freely and without coercion. The cure for the epidemic of single motherhood will come with an effective male birth control pill. Once that happens, every child born will be wanted by both parents.
Single mothers tend to be serial offenders and if you hook up with one you'd better realize that you'll never come first in her life.

.....and no I'm not bitter, just a realist.

I'm with you and to add to it most girls think it's the guys responsibility to have "protection" and do absolutly nothing to "protect" themselves. I on the other hand am warry of the girls looking to get pregnant to "hook" a guy. So I am always protected and quite prude untill I get a good trust built between us.
Chicks go after the cute guys that are real assholes and it never works out once the kids come and the real work starts.

:sign5: ladies (lk2rce & cudachick)

old adage

A man marries a woman hoping she'll never change.
A woman marries a man hoping he will.
My favorite is when I had to listen to any number of them complain about how the father of the kid, ex BF, ex husband was a peckerhead, bastard, dick, etc.

My favorite response which usually ended the conversation...


I noticed something about most single moms, usually way nicer than normal for about 2 months, then you figure out why they are single moms. The claws start to show. :)

My other fave was the girl I met at a car gathering, she was all over the place, great. Two or three months later says she hated cars and couldn't figure out why I spent money on them. Unlike her, my cars didn't *****, want to buy shoes/clothes for no reason or have a kid looking for a meal ticket.... Get the F out! LOL
because parents dont raise their kids... they just wait til theyre 18 and send em off with no life lessons nor proper training.

so they make stupid decisions.

but the good news.... these chicks are EASY
I am a single mom, my big mistake was not marrying a car guy, "You love your car more than me", didn't start that way but ended that way. Most women's only hobby is fixing men. Personally, I will stick to fixing my hot rod.

lets clone you
To OP,

I recieved good advice somewhere along the line from several mentors......one piece was "stay away from single mothers".

Eventually what did I do? Broke that rule several times. I had to learn the hard way. However, relationships with single moms do work for some people. Just not me.

My advice "stay away from single moms". Keep searching. Try searching outside of your comfort zone.

Bad Shrimp
"I am a man, I can change, if I have to, maybe" .....Red Green.....

The way I look at it is, there is less and less of a need for a man's natural strengths to
survive nowadays in todays society. Look at out cars as an example. Power everything, automatic transmissions, extremely lowmaintenance. Even semi trucks come with automatic transmissions. There is no longer a need to live on a farm to survive OR any need to be able to cut a lot of wood to survive a harsh winter. And, nowadays, there is not even any need to be a good provider as the government has provided that function by the virtue of the laws that lean heavily towards the mother/wife in any situation. So women do not need any men in there life to fufill any natural male oriented roles. Funny how this works out for these gals as alot of them have very little sense of their own function in life and of what is naturally right or wrong. I dont agree with this at all. I believe the man should be in a provider role even if it is just a formality of agreement. This is what makes a good relationship. Women who do not feel they need a man in there life to fufill a mans role will never have a good relationships with men. In short, everything is getting to far away from what is natural.
I'm off to arizona....
I am a single mom, my big mistake was not marrying a car guy, "You love your car more than me", didn't start that way but ended that way. Most women's only hobby is fixing men. Personally, I will stick to fixing my hot rod.
My Wife and I are polar opposites in some aspects:

I like freezing cold, she likes the super hot days.

I hate the beach, but love deep woods and country, she loves the beach, hates the country or woods.
I absolutely hate the city, she loves it.

I burn, she tans, I sweat, she don't.

I love cars, she hates them, they annoy her.

But for some reason we get along great............probably cause I'm good at fixing stuff, saves money LOL.

Throw in the fact that we are a disposable society...

Your computer/printer/tv/whatever/relationship breaks...toss out the old one and just go out and get a new one...


I've done some thinking on this subject since I first saw it and i think it can be summed up in one word - respect. Respect for your elders, your peers, and the next generation. There are a lot of people in my generation that were not raised to respect authority figures - either their parents, teachers, boss, themselves, others in general. That goes also for a lot in my parents generation - yes the Baby Boomers (ie Stick it to the Man and Question Authority) While there is a place for these ideas, there also has to be respect for authority - or else society will not function. If you don't respect the people around you, you won't see the need (have the responsibility) to stick around and clean up your messes - for the purpose of this thread, the children you create with some one else. If you don't show respect to the other person involved then the children created will not learn it either and the cycle repeates itself.

It has come to be too easy to leave your responsibilities behind (Children, relationships, marriage, debts, etc) and start anew in search of a better life - pick your own reason, and the mother ends up, normally, keeping the kids. Can't deny that maternal bond - she did have them growing inside her for a good part of a year after all.

And people wonder why our schools are so messed up (No respect for the teachers because the kids were not taught respect at home), and then why the kids are not ready for college, and then cannot find a good paying job, etc...

You could also call it a lack of committment...

That's my two cents worth...
Amen sister!!!

double AMEN!!! most do not understand that you cannot "fix" that which is NOT "broken." Just because the HOT guy does not want to live and breed and play Ward Cleaver with the white picket fence DOES NOT MEAN HE IS BROKEN AND NEEDS TO BE FIXED!!! It has been my extreme displeasure to experience this particular Phenom more than once..... HOT women, likes cars, likes to travel, wants to see the world, and you are HOOKED....2 years in you discover yourself being re-arranged, slowly and methodically using meals & sex as the driving incentive.... well I am a pretty good cook, and I have many FWB that I can "interact" with on any regularity I chose, HENCE the "sleep on the couch" thing and the "feed yourself thing" do not threaten me, and are therefore useless and idle....besides I never sleep on the couch because it is MY home and MY bed and I will always have that no matter what!
I am the way I like to be and I do NOT need to be "fixed" or "changed" I feel I am prety good AS IS!! I like kids as long as they belong to someone else, and folks like me should NOT BE PARENTS, I REALIZE THIS. My idea of shopping is go to the mall go directly to the store that you KNOW has what you need, pick one, buy it and leave! To me THAT is sane activity....for women who have limited budgets to wander endlessly thru malls and store after store, torturing them selves viewing and touching items they cannot afford is INSANE and a very good indicator as to when/if to move on. Another key indicator is when there are children involved and Ms Single Mom has never learned to say NO to the child..... that is a "get away QUICK" indicator!!! the worst indicator is where the children have convinced the Single Mom that they should all be "friends" and you see that all parenting responsibilities have fallen by the wayside...that is the LEAVE IMMEDIATELY indicator...... past these fault indicators there are some pretty decent women out there.....just do not try to fix them and do not let yourself succumb to those that want to fix YOU.....
Most single Mom's know the score and are no longer wearing rose colored glasses...the first guy saw to that!! Bless his heart! LOL...SO enjoy the time you have and if it does not work out, like the Dorito's commercial, there are MORE
I noticed something about most single moms, usually way nicer than normal for about 2 months, then you figure out why they are single moms. The claws start to show. :)


As my father once told me..

"You can't be what you are not for very long"

And he was talking about a certain lady that I was 'in love with'.

Sure enuff, she turned on me about 3 months later. Her efforts to turn me into something I was not--- FAILED!
As a species we have tried to create a society that is different from all others. We're different for sure. We dont take one mate for life, we dont breed with our own type, we have homosexual tendencies, we kill other species for sport and even kill one another for no reason.
The one thing we came up with that we thought could be taught to our offspring and promote this dream society was religion. That became the root cause of our wars.
We two leggers are the most ignorant critters on this rock.
I have been with my babe for 31 years and we are happy, I don't try and change her and she has the best ol fart out there :mrgreen:
I have seen many single mother's :glasses8: Why you ask :)
I have observed that here in Arkansas I see lady going both ways :happy9:
and love the one there with (got to be a song there some where) :rock:
This is a fact, so I see it and let it be ( another song ):rock:
And some single moms would rather draw a check and not get beat by an @$$ hole or the other way around JMO.
Liv life like it's your last and don't try and change anyone, just set examples and hopefully they will fallow or support your way of living and hobbies....

I will never marry again :glasses8:
I like who I am and to find another would be a shot in the dark ( another son ) :rock:

Yall have a great Strongend :mrgreen: and enjoy the world around you :rock:
It's because no one can put up with these women now a days. They all want to be independent until they need help...
We have some single moms around here that chose to go that route. Their plan was to have a child or two and live on the system. Working for a living is just too hard so this was the easy way. Benifits are way too good in NY I guess. They say they don't need a husband because they taxpayers underwrite there needs.
Plus they can go on welfare and make tons of money for doing nothing. I know one chick 25 has 4 kids and just sits on her *** and gets paid.