Who Wants to Answer Some Questions For me For My Class Tonight?!

OKLACARCOLLECTOR---AMEN TO THAT!!! RIGHT ON BROTHER--you nailed it on the head,The church I attend is FULL of MONEY GRABBERS--I look at it as I'm a light in the darkness and I'm not conceited at all ,Hey As long as you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ your doing something right in this GOD FORGETTING world we live in.I know from experience with my health that there is a GOD and There is a sneaky little guy and his helpers trying to pull me away EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY!!!! Anyone who thinks being a Christian is EASY ain't one I promise you that--steve
Religion is a touchy subject. I am old school when country and small town churches really did reach out in the community. Pastors worked jobs like the rest of the people. They were in touch with reality for the most part. Give me a small home grown church any day of the week over the TV churches.

Yep, I agree completely! Actually the Church I was at in IL before coming to Colorado for college was about 50 persons, but persons of great faith and not moneyhungry. The pastor acutally graduated from the same college I'm attending now.
Statistics show that most pastors will be both working a job and pastoring within the next few years....well at least in the Church of the Nazarene anyways.
Our college president was trying to work a deal with the local community college to start a program that helped future pastors get a business/ management degree to help start their own business while being a pastor. This way, the pastor lives off his own income rather than the Church paying him.
Kind of like Paul and tent making.
Christ was a nice Jewish boy who got in over his head and found out that sometimes it's not good to buck the syatem. That mistake cost him his life.
I don't have much use for Churches as we know them and think that if Christ came back today he would be appalled at all that has been done in his name. After all, he was a devout Jew and wasn't trying to start a new religion, he just wanted the rabbinate to adhere a little closer to the Jewish laws of the time.

Absolutely right....

How many people have died in the name of religion - how many people have committed the ultimate sin because they were told that some OTHER guy who doesn't believe the same thing as you should die? Christians, Muslims, crusades, Jihad, whatever you want to call it, you name it....

Google the Borgias and the papacy, or look up the selling of indulgences to learn why Martin Luther did his thing...

Or just listen to George Carlin describe the greatest BS story ever invented...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeSSwKffj9o"]George Carlin - Religion is bullshit. - YouTube[/ame]
Sounds like a good comedy routine.....that's all it is. What's sad is a lot of it is true!
The parts of it where he mentions poverty, etc, etc....God left all this to the Church to take care of....that's where the Church has failed. Not God.
I like the big church in the big church scenes in the Fletch 2 movie where he slap's the fu out of jim bob!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnbVqwV8aw4"]Crazy Preacher - YouTube[/ame]

-you better get right with Jesus mothertruckers!
Yep, I agree completely! Actually the Church I was at in IL before coming to Colorado for college was about 50 persons, but persons of great faith and not moneyhungry. The pastor acutally graduated from the same college I'm attending now.
Statistics show that most pastors will be both working a job and pastoring within the next few years....well at least in the Church of the Nazarene anyways.
Our college president was trying to work a deal with the local community college to start a program that helped future pastors get a business/ management degree to help start their own business while being a pastor. This way, the pastor lives off his own income rather than the Church paying him.
Kind of like Paul and tent making.

In my opinion if a pastor fails to be out in the real world with other than the membership because he won't see the trials and tribulations that are going on outside his membership. Being in the real world seeing real life situations (not just sitting behind a desk and preaching sermons) is continuing education to be qualified to stand in front of the congreation and preach. Most preachers that just sit behind the desk and preach become very dry and boring pretty quickly and they have no clue why the congreation is leaving.
In my opinion if a pastor fails to be out in the real world with other than the membership he won't see the trials and tribulations that are going on. Being in the real world seeing real life situations (not just sitting behind a desk and preaching sermons) is continuing education to be qualified to stand in front of the congreation and preach. Most preachers that just sit behind the desk and preach become very dry and boring pretty quickly and they have no clue why the congreation is leaving.

A big fat AGREED!!
1) He is the son of God.

2) Well I have not been in a long time. After the preacher gave a whole sermon on nothing but how much of a % of your income you should give to the church. Was around 23 at the time and it opened my eyes to what the church is all about.

In my opinion if a pastor fails to be out in the real world with other than the membership because he won't see the trials and tribulations... winessing real life situations (not just sitting behind a desk... continuing education to be qualified ...

I have must have gone to 50 different churches between 4 states and I have NEVER scene/witnessed that -
- everyone has been in touch with reality -
- except when my own pastor didn't recognize me once and was unreasonably impatient and rude while i was behind the register at the gas station i worked -kingsville, texas

the station was next to a bar, a college, and the projects
was on the corner of two roads leaving town...
and was the subject of theft, driveoffs, etc.
in a nine hour shift i could bring in as much as 30K thru one register selling gas, beer, food/fried chicken, ****, coffee/drinks, and money orders.

i had to have several pairs of eyes to prevent theft, start pumps, and sell stuff- that pastor would just have soon hit me as talk down to me that day

-but i'll give him the benefit of the doubt, who care's if some random person yells at you
1) He is the son of God.

2) Well I have not been in a long time. After the preacher gave a whole sermon on nothing but how much of a % of your income you should give to the church. Was around 23 at the time and it opened my eyes to what the church is all about.


I know the Church has given itself a pretty bad name. The usual reason why most 'genuine' pastors preach about giving your 10% is that the actual Church building is probably costing to use it or to pay for it, utility bills, send youth's to camp that can't afford it, etc, etc, and to fund ministries. Even to get paid to help feed his/her own family, bills,etc. And, no one has been giving anything, they go and use the building for their own personal functions and what not, but expect the cost of that use to just fall out of the preacher's rear!
Problem is, there are too many pastors that get greedy.
I visited a Church in Denver, a friend of mine attends, and I could tell you, most people on this site would have left disgusted!!......what really set me off was that at the end of the 2nd service....the pastor's Yukon Denali, his wife's Mercedes convertable, and his son's Audi Sports Sedan were all brand new and outside running!! Waiting for them to come out!! Rediculous!!
Just be reminded though that there are many pastors/churches who are on the other end of that....thank goodness.
i believe in god and jesus and what not, i believe that jesus was/is the son of god and a great man when he was alive to boot. i dont mind churches but not the super large ones that are extreemly extravagant because that defeats the point to me.

some of the best points of catholism are outlined in the christopher moore book Lamb. great book read it!

the fact that the Bible was writen by man an not the so called "god" makes the whole thing a joke...

and what kind of A-hole wants you to pray to/for (whatever) him or he will send you to "hell"...

sounds like an egotistical manic...
This is probably too late to help you write your paper.

1. Jesus is: The Second Person of The Blessed Trinity, The Word Made Flesh, The Son of God, The Redeemer, Our Expiation for Sin, Teacher, Prophet, King, High Priest, The New Covenant, and much more.

2. The Church was established by Jesus (Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church). It is comprised of the followers of Jesus with him as both the cornerstone of the foundation of the Church and the head. The Church, from its beginning, gathers in community on Sundays to give formal worship to God in addition to daily testimony to God's love for mankind through word and deed. This Sunday gathering was initiated by the Church to recall the resurrection of Jesus from the dead on Easter Sunday.

As an ordained minister, you would follow in the footsteps of Peter and the Apostles and their successors. Jesus prayed for such ministers (I pray that they are one) and for those that would hear them and become believers.

As a minister/pastor you must not just "talk the talk" but you must "walk the walk". The Church has always suffered greatly from its members who do not always behave as they profess to believe. Jesus declared that the ministers who lead the children into sin would be dealt with harshly upon Judgement Day by he and his heavenly Father. So taking up the yoke of ordained ministry comes with great responsibility (Feed my lambs, feed my sheep, tend my sheep) and your best sermon is your example. Saint Francis of Assisi said "Preach the Gospel. Use words if necessary."

May God Bless You,

Part 1 [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXDFFK2bBjQ&feature=channel"]Zeitgeist - Religion (Part 1 of 4) - YouTube[/ame]
Part 2 [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY8HOx8qLBo&feature=channel"]Zeitgeist - Religion (Part 2 of 4) - YouTube[/ame]
Part 3 [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jB4TPZ4UjmM&feature=channel"]Zeitgeist - Religion (Part 3 of 4) - YouTube[/ame]
Part 4 [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnvY991byTU"]Zeitgeist - Religion (Part 4 of 4) - YouTube[/ame]
Man and woman were not created with original sin. God gave them free will or freedom of choice. God loved them enough to give them free will and not make them like a mindless robot doing as he wants them to. It was their choice to eat of the fruit and thus choose death and a life of sin.
Because of first man's choice we are now born with this deficit that tends to lead us in wrongful decisions and what not. However, through the power of Christ we have the power with His Holy Spirit within us to choose the right over wrong.
the fact that the Bible was writen by man an not the so called "god" makes the whole thing a joke...

and what kind of A-hole wants you to pray to/for (whatever) him or he will send you to "hell"...

sounds like an egotistical manic...

Wow..... another person added to the "pray for" list...
I happy that your following your calling i however have to agree MULLINAX95 religion has gone the way of everything else greed has become more important even in the house of god,we constantly have religion/jesus christ shoved down our throats. I for one can't stand a holy roller/bible thumper religion has it's place not at car shows/football games ect. If your a christian and my foul language,jokes,smoking bothers you don't hang around me i'm not going to curb my lifestyle for anyone.Super religious folks puzzle me when they say oh i'm in bad shape my electric is going to be shut off along with my cable and my rent is past due[spent all my money where dope,booze,hookers?] but god will help us through this [bulls--t i have never heard of god payin anyones bills] faith is a good thing to have in life but it don't pay the bills.I never do busness with any one who associates religion/god with their busness most [i said most] are just as big of a crook or bigger hiding behind religion to fool folks out of their money.These are my opinions not meant to offend any one, if religion was not profitable then how do these so called preachers afford all the fancy homes/cars/big wedding rings ect this is how [Somethin gooood is gonna happen to you today amen please send me 10 dollar donation and i'll put in a good word for ya to the man up stairs god bless.]And us stupid belivers throw money at him.
One of the problems is that men and women are running away from these problems instead of sticking around and being that person of integrity and leading the right way. Too many just running away....if you know the right way and are backing out because others are falling away....then shame on you. Why don't you actually stand up and take a stance!!
I have a hard enough time taking care of my responsibilitys i don't try to help others who have chosen the wrong path, i feel i'm wasting my time when i could be doing something useful for my self or family [the best helping hands are at the end of your arms] I'm sick of seeing the state giving help to folks who are plenty capable of supporting themselves but why do anything when the state gives you everything [neihbors all 7 of them whom claim to be very religious even when smokin their dope] while there folks who are trying to make it with the little they make and the state snubbs them it ain't fair.I have been homeless/unemployed/pennyless/borderline alcoholic i worked my *** off to get what little i have ,god or faith had nothing to do with any of that i was determined to never be there again it's only a few steps away at any given moment and it's a struggle to keep my life on track but i have a family to support that and that alone keeps me going,i have no use for church or religion i beleve in god and that's it.
There was a time when God walked with men,now because of man's disobedience/sins there is distance between us.Jesus is the link that holds us to the father.Jesus spoke of the (church) as sheep.And the reason that he used sheep was at this time most of the people were sheep tenders/goat tenders/cattle tenders,this is what they understood.It makes the ungodly smile when members of the church harm another member with words or accusations because division is of the devil.There are rules of how to deal with an unruly member,it would be better for us to abide by the rules than to throw a brother to the wolves.When we take a brother to council,lets remember the moat and the beam.