Worried about my son



Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
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Waterdown, Ontario
Hey guys, I don't post a lot of non automotive stuff but I am worried about my son Aiden.
First off he is 3 years old and has been diagnosed as mildly autistic. We have learnt to live with this and as long as he is happy we deal with stuff as it comes along. He is good natured and gets along well with all his little buddies. Everyone at his daycare loves him.
Now for the problem. About a month ago he stopped eating. He has always been a picky eater with everything needing to be blended up etc. He was eating his blended food and grilled cheeze sandwiches (chopped up).
Since Christmas Eve he has refused to eat anything. He will drink Pediasure which is a food suppliment . I made the classic mistake and tried to force feed him a couple of times which made him throw up. My wife and I don't know what to do and it is creating major stress. I have it in my head that I am watching him starve. Any help you can offer or if anyone has gone thru this please let me know. Thanks
I just woke up and I can't help to put my mind on this and wounder and want to help.
At the age of three I wounder if he seen more people aroung hime eating food and seeing more kinds of food, Thanksgiving and Christmas and is wanting to eat what the people around him is eating, How many children liv in the house with him ?
There must be something on his mind and not eating, I would search out help, because I hope he is not sick. I will search out help here. I would say it's time to get him to a doctor because it's been to long for him not be eating
I think if he's drinking the Pediasure he won't starve. I'd try to have him seen by a doctor as soon as you can though. I don't know much about autism, but my son was diagnosed with schizophrenia 6 years ago so I understand the worry.

I will pray for the little guy and if enough help me maybe we can make something happen. Try cooking some really aromatic stuff like the way a pot roast smells up the house in a good way. Maybe that or baking will trigger his hunger. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.
I would be getting some help from a specialist in the field of Autistic Children, there are a lot of variables. these kids are hard to diagnose, and time is of essence here. At least he is taking in some nutrients through Pediasure and getting fluids. could be in his head, might be physical, but find some help. wish you well!
Blended mac and cheese and use chocolate flavored milk and have him tested and make sure he can eat peanut butter, he is a young one and my prayers go out to him and your family.

Here are some other things people are going through and like said here I would get to a specialist in the field of Autistic Children soon as possible 65 Vart

I'm sure you are already planning to see a professional, but that's my advice. For most small children who refuse to eat (when they are not sick or have some other physical problem) it is about control. They learn very early that by not eating, that puts then in charge and gets lots of attention from Mom and Dad. What worked for us was to leave the food where our daughter could get to it without asking for it, and ignoring her. Once she got hungry she began sneaking bites. Now - this is after like not eating for a day, not a week - I would be seriously freaking out if one of my girls hadn't eaten since Christmas.

I'll pray for you, your son and your family and for wisdom from your professional.
Hey 65Vart, sorry to hear this, unfortunately cant offer much advice here, but me being a "big" kid, could you make a game out of eating?? Let Aiden pick something?? Kind of like the "shell" game where you uncover something and he can have that to eat? The idea of something aromatic is a good one too as if it pleases his sense of smell he may take more of a liking to it. Good luck and our thoughts are with you and Aiden and your wife
I have been doing a lot of praying lately and you and your son included in my prayers. IMO you can't get to the doctor fast enough but I'm sure that was your first step. God Bless
Hey 65Vart

My son who is now 33 years was diagnosed with autistism when he was three also. We have been thru many trials and tribulations. We have “BEEN THERE DONE THAT”, and I do mean “WE” because without my wife I would be lost. She is currently the special needs advocate for Marine Corps Base Quantico. I think we can come up with some suggestions and solutions. I ask but two things right now,

1. Stay together as team (you and your wife)
2. Take time away from caring for your son as a couple (Date Night) REAL IMPORTANT.

Feel free to email me at [email protected] and I’ll send you my cell phone number. I will also put you in touch with my wife and all her recourses that are at her disposal. You and your wife are NOT ALONE, and yes there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I wish I had some helpful advice. Get the little squirt to a doc asap. I was a picky eater when I was a kid. Pizza and waffles was about it. Never really got over it and I am sure that it is not helping with all the troubles I have......Please keep us posted....
Kids go through normal spurts of eating you out of house and home and hardly eating anything. Take him to the pediatrician right away, but I don't think it is going to be anything for you to get an ulcer over.
You need to get your little one to a doctor A.S.A.P. Anytime you do not eat properly you starve your body of the necessary nutrients to maintain good health. The Pediasure is a help in this but not a substitute for solid food. Maybe a GI doctor is needed to see if the little guy's tummy is OK. prayers are already sent for your boy and your family. Please get him in to a Dr. sooner than later. Keep us all updated.
child psych ..... (understand he cant say much but i have a 2 1/2 yr old)
family dr
and any specialists are the best bet

Also if needed i do know a few child psychologists ... but they are way down this way. Your up in the t-dot area and i am sure the family dr can point you in the correct direction

Hang in there and keep the team (wife and you) together as best as possible. Keep a night for yourself if at all possible. Hopefully the aunts and uncles will help in babysitting needs to let you get out with the mrs.

Pediasure is not the greatest, but its a source of nutrients.

READ .... READ.... and learn all that there can be to learn about autism. It will be a handy thing in your pocket for the rest of your life.
Hey 65, I been there.. My son has whats called Fragile X. It is in many ways similer to autisum.. He is 14 now and we have struggled with his eating habits from birth. Its not an easy thing to deal with.... We just tried all kinds of foods. We had to come to the understanding that the visual part and the texture of foods has a huge part in what he will and wont eat. Yes it sounds bad but chicken nuggets is his food of choice. On occasion he will eat a thin crust pizza from Dominos. He too just all of a sudden started not wanting things he had ate before...being patient is the key to dealing with these kinds of situation. Trial and error ..I really hope this helps. And from my experience doctors are at as much of a loss as the parents..if not more when it comes to this.Dont be affraid to try all types of foods. Like I said I hope this helps and if you need anything dont hesitate to PM me. I'll do the best I can.
Hi 65Vart, if he's thirsty and drinking pediasure thats a good thing.....we can go without food longer than we can go without water.....we can't live without drinking something.
Hoping your son gets a hearty appetite soon, he'll come around, prayers sent to you and your family.
my prayers are with you and your family i have a grandson with autism so i understand to a degree what you must be feeling check around your area i am positive there are support groups and can point you aand yours in the right direction take care
My daughter goes through this from time to time with her two boys who are autistic. Used to be, like someone mentioned, chicken nuggets and cheese pizza now and then, and then there are times you can't get them to eat anything. The younger boy quit eating once because it hurt to go #2 and he figured if he didn't eat there would be no #2. The older one started getting a complex about his weight and wouldn't eat normally but used to sneak food, especially cheese...Sometimes the medication they give to these kids really has some side effects that cause some of these problems.
Good luck to you, I hope everything works out OK...
Please keep us updated. Its been a while since something has touched me this much and I desperately need to hear some good news for you,and me.
While I can't possibly know what it's like to deal with an autistic little guy on a daily basis, being a daddy of a Down's Syndrome child I understand how you feel. I wish I were able to offer you something more tangible than my prayers right now. Please keep us posted.
It's late, long day, I just want everyone to know how much I appriciate the feed back , You all don't realise how much this means to me (as well as my wife). We are going thru a tough one with this, For all of you who have reached out to us thank you. I will never forget this. I will keep everyone posted, Tomorrow is another day, Hopefully somthing will happen.
Wally,take him down to McDonald,s(I know not good)he will see the other kids eating fries and nuggets(chicken)and will want to also.Then there,s the play room!Good luck with Aiden,been there.

P.S Some daily vitamins will help keep in check too.Good luck Wally!
..........I have prayed for your little boy and for you and your wife to have all the stregnth to get thru the tough times............i truely cant imagine how tough your guys life really is..............kim.........