Man neighbors suck sometimes. Opinions?



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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I as a rule generally don't talk to neighbors, and mind my own business hoping they do the same.
So awhile back a house went up for sale across the street, and the first day they are there I see a large pit-bull in my front yard.
I step out the door with my friend's Mr.Smith and Mr.Wesson and the people are outside in their front yard.
The dog seemed fine, wagging his tail and lowering his head as he approached me, so I perceive no threat from him.
I ask, "HEY, is this your dog?" and the guy replies "Yea, he's fine."
I said "Uh, actually your dog in my yard isn't fine" so he calls the dog and it goes back across the street.
I personally HATE that (your property is community property mentality) and won't put up with it, or the next thing you know someone's kids are playing in your cars.
A week or so later the guy tells me the dog actually belongs to his son who is currently in prison and is getting out soon so I should meet him.
I told the guy I didn't have any interest in meeting his son, and he says his son didn't really do anything wrong but the way the laws are he got shafted and went to prison.
Stupid me I asked what happened and he say's it was consensual and the girl was not actually a child but 14.
It was obviously going to be pointless to mention 14 isn't consensual.

At that point I'm biting my tongue, because it's becoming real obvious that the Dad see's things the same way the Son did that got him put in prison.
Turns out the Son was put in prison for statutory rape of a minor, and he's in his early 30's.
Of course before all this we got a flyer on our door about a sexual offender living across the street, and I think the Dad wanted to try and explain to the neighbors why.

Anyway, it turns out the guy is one of those people I don't want **** to do with anyway, and besides the whole prison thing I chalk that up to me being somewhat like Eastwood in Gran Torino.
(leave me and mine alone and mind your own damn business)

To the point of this post, they let the pit wander the local neighborhood unattended.
We do have leash laws, but they ignore that completely saying "He's a good dog."

I try to mind my own damn business just as I ask of others, but you see where my dilemma is on the dog being anywhere at any given time around the house and yard, cars and family including two year old twin Grand kids.
Our back yard is fenced, but the front where our cars are is not.
I don't want to report them really, possibly adding to the problems the guy already has, but dammit it's a loose pit for one, on my property at any given time for another, AND there is a law about loose animals.

What would you do?
If I go and try to explain the concerns to him he'll come off with some attitude and excuse why it's fine and I'll end up going to jail for knocking his *** out. (I hear his attitude all the time, and it's definitely a prison attitude) and he is one of those puffy chested ignorant little pricks with Respect tattooed on his neck.
The Dog didn't do anything wrong but just be a normal acting friendly dog.
Calling and reporting it would probably just end up being an everlasting fiasco with the Father and Son both since they both seem to think the same way.

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Exactly the reason I bought 5 acres and moved to the country.

If that's not an option anonymous calls to Animal Control seem to work really well. They're not supposed to rat you out.
Neighbors to the N of me are best friends. Neighbors to the S are big pieces of do do. They have a driveway but park on the street, in the winter the plows has to go "out and around" their cars, dumping tons of snow in front of mine. Last winter I was out in front with the Farmall trying to plow, she came around the corner and as soon as she came around she was all over the horn. There was much yelling and screaming going on

They have two agressive pit bulls. One day one ran to the fence and jumped up. I told them if I EVER see either dog off the chain and running towards me again, I will shoot them on sight

Had to shame him into cutting down about a dozen trash trees like Alder which had grown up 60' or so and THEN DIED.

They all chain smoke, the Woman, her son, and his daughter and you can smell that **** from more than 10 ft away when they get in or out of their vehicles

I know, you thought I was kiddin'


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I would personally be honest with him / them. I'd tell them that although I love dogs, there are laws in place. And God forbid the"nice" pitty ever does anything, they will be accountable. Then reinstate how I don't want their dog in my yard. If it turned to a pissing match, I'd call the bylaw in on them.

P.S. I love dogs and I know many pitbulls. So the breed does not bother me. But dogs are dogs.
I told the punk kid in my neighborhood..."you want respect, you give respect", and for you, respect is keeping his dog, and his people on his property! Make sure he knows that you have your friends Smith and Wesson to make sure that happens!!
Make sure he knows that you have your friends Smith and Wesson to make sure that happens!!

this is disagree with
they dont need to know about the S&W until the muzzle flash gives it away

(last thing you need is his con kid needing a gun and figuring he'll come by and borrow one of yours when your not home)
If it was a different breed, would that make a difference?

We moved into our current neighborhood 6 months ago. There is a guy who leaves this beautiful hound dog outside loose while he and his wife are at work. They just recently added another mutt type dog and they both hang out around their house. Sometimes, they take a walk around the neighborhood. Oftentimes, the hound is lying down in the middle of the street and I have to drive around him! I have two dogs and would never leave them alone outside.

I've been around both dogs and they are fine. I really don't mind them being out. I love the hound!!

Dogs are dogs and as nice and friendly as they are, you just never know what they might do. One of our dogs is a rescued pit. We've had him four years and I trust him 99% of the time. It's the other 1% that is concerning.

You're in a predicament. I can see why you wouldn't want to get something started with your new neighbor, but on the other hand, you have to watch out for your grandkids. Maybe he will come around after seeing your grandkids and you explaining how they are scared of a dog running loose. Even convicts have hearts for children, lol.
I rented a duplex in San Diego. The landlord's sister lived in the other unit. When she moved out, a single gentleman moved in with two well-behaved Dobermans. "Jim" was the most pleasant person I ever met, always upbeat, polite, and considerate. He had a moped he brought back with him from Vietnam, where he said he was working as an English teacher. What a nice man.

Many Asian families lived in our neighborhood. An adolescent Vietnamese boy started coming over to play with the dogs (Dobermans) in the fenced yard I shared with "Jim". Then I saw the kid standing at the front door of "Jim's" unit, where he was offered a cool drink. Then one day the kid's mother (did not speak English) came over looking for the kid, and I told her he was not at my place. I guess the kid had visited "Jim" on more than one occasion.

One day I was reading about "Megan's Law" and then looked up a website that showed where all the sex offenders were living in San Diego County. I zoomed in on my neighborhood to find I was surrounded my released/convicted sex offenders. When I clicked on my address ... the foto of the man renting the other unit of my duplex (Jim) flashed on the screen! Shocked, to say the least.

I called the police department and told them this sex offender was making friends with young boys. When they got back to me, they said there was nothing they were going to do because "Jim's" probation had ended and I had provided no evidence that a crime had been committed.

To answer the question about what to do about neighbors, please take the initiative to protect yourself, family, and property without having to rely on the police or anyone else. How many times has someone been injured/killed by someone they had filed a restraining order against?--can do more harm than good.
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this is disagree with
they dont need to know about the S&W until the muzzle flash gives it away

(last thing you need is his con kid needing a gun and figuring he'll come by and borrow one of yours when your not home)
^^There is a certain amount of truth to this statement.^^

I don't even begin to know what to tell you. Where I live, I think I'd have a chat with the Twp Trustee's and let him know my concerns. Maybe they can at least advise you on the laws.
I have a German Shepard that I let run in my yard. But he knows to stay in the yard and I broke down and bought a GPS collar. So if he does leaves the yard, I know it right away. My neighbors are all okay, and I'd like to keep it that way, that's why I bought the collar.
I agree with your concern about the dog. I was a mail carrier, can't tell you the number of times people told me their dog was was "okay", only to have it go ape when they weren't around.
I hope it works out for you, good luck!
If it was a different breed, would that make a difference?

We moved into our current neighborhood 6 months ago. There is a guy who leaves this beautiful hound dog outside loose while he and his wife are at work. They just recently added another mutt type dog and they both hang out around their house. Sometimes, they take a walk around the neighborhood. Oftentimes, the hound is lying down in the middle of the street and I have to drive around him! I have two dogs and would never leave them alone outside.

I've been around both dogs and they are fine. I really don't mind them being out. I love the hound!!

Dogs are dogs and as nice and friendly as they are, you just never know what they might do. One of our dogs is a rescued pit. We've had him four years and I trust him 99% of the time. It's the other 1% that is concerning.

You're in a predicament. I can see why you wouldn't want to get something started with your new neighbor, but on the other hand, you have to watch out for your grandkids. Maybe he will come around after seeing your grandkids and you explaining how they are scared of a dog running loose. Even convicts have hearts for children, lol.

I knew that question was coming.:D
In all honesty it might make a little difference if it wasn't a pit, but stepping in dog crap in my own yard when I don't even have a dog or piss on my chrome rims doesn't matter what breed it is.
It's partially the fact that it is someone else's dog that I don't know anything about that makes me nervous and maybe 25% that it's a pit.
I don't make that judgment because I hear pits sometimes do what they do, I make it because dogs do what they do.
I have had plenty of them myself, but his dog is not my dog so it doesn't belong in my yard or anyone else's for that matter.
Not having one any longer was a choice I made because I don't want to care for one, clean up after it, or wonder if it will ever hurt anyone (even thinking it's protecting).
I sure as hell didn't decide to not have my own dog so I could do the same for someone else's any more than I would want random neighborhood kids playing in my yard.
I finally put my foot down with our black lab once.our grandbabies arrived Gave him up with full disclosure aboit his biting. Miss him but dont regret it one bit.
Good luck TB. Gimme a shack and a shop with 2 acres over an upscale home in town.
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I finally pit my foot down with our black lab once.our grandbabies arrived Gave him up with full disclosure aboit his biting. Miss him but dont regret it one bit.
Good luck TB. Gimme a shack and a shop with 2 acres over an upscale home in town.
Maybe those neighbors are letting their son’s dog roam because they don’t want it either. Things happen, maybe some day that dog just is’n around any more. Who knows how far it roams,,,
^^There is a certain amount of truth to this statement.^^

I don't even begin to know what to tell you. Where I live, I think I'd have a chat with the Twp Trustee's and let him know my concerns. Maybe they can at least advise you on the laws.
I have a German Shepard that I let run in my yard. But he knows to stay in the yard and I broke down and bought a GPS collar. So if he does leaves the yard, I know it right away. My neighbors are all okay, and I'd like to keep it that way, that's why I bought the collar.
I agree with your concern about the dog. I was a mail carrier, can't tell you the number of times people told me their dog was was "okay", only to have it go ape when they weren't around.
I hope it works out for you, good luck!

Yea, the gun the first time was to serve two purposes.
1. I didn't know what to expect of the dog on the first meet at my front door.
2. I wanted it REAL obvious this isn't community property.
My Wife was also a letter carrier, so I totally know where you are coming from.
My other neighbor (one of the good ones) told me his pit was ok and the SOB nipped me on the back of the leg just under my *** cheek when I turned my back.
No blood, but one hell of a blood blister.:D

I was pissed at first because it hurt like hell, but I was on his turf so I could kind of understand.:D
I just don't go over to his house if the dog isn't put up.
Dogs around here are often out front, sleeping in the street, chasing cars, crapping in my dirt "driveway". I would never do this or suggest it, but I have heard rumors that sometimes dogs die in the neighborhood after having been poisoned.
I keep my last dog behind the fence or on a leash. I do not like other dogs or Damn sure cats running around unleashed! It is just common courtesy to keep them leashed or fenced in no matter how good or bad they may be. My dotty is a good boy mostly when he is not trying to bite some ones arm or ankle off but only cause We mind him closely.
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My neighbours are great. The border collie sneaks up behind and scares the crap outta me with a little grunt. She’s a sweetheart and i dont mind. My dog, in her kennel-30 feet by 40 feet and is quite happy there. I dont let my dog run, she would piss off all the neighbours.
Now,a pittie across the street is like the bull mastiffs a few years back,neighbour was a friend but i made it clear in no uncertain terms the dogs were to be under their control when outside.
In your case,damned if you do, damned if you dont.
Children around? No brainer, lodge a complaint.

Being the local mechanic,the neighbors are good, one brings us fresh veggies all the time. I fix his Small engine stuff for free.

Old guy down the road- threw him off my property. Snoopy old bastard,had a concrete business and screwed everybody in town.
Make friends with the dog. Then haul the **** off.
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Knowing the neighbors good helps though, least so you tell them you are not pleased with the situation.
You may just think about befriending the dog. By how you described the way it approached you, it sounds like it may be friendly. Good dogs can be a neighbors best friend too- scaring off potential burglars and such.