Stop in for a cup of coffee

I apologize for that. But how can someone not see how to do that? I just don't get it. Some people just need to leave cars alone.
Missed it. What stupid thing did you point out this time??:thumbsup:

How to run transmission lines. On a 1963 car. I mean seriously......if you caint figure that out. Maybe tiddly winks, or cooties, or monopoly. I don't know man. I just don't know.
Fixed steering shaft on g5. I could then road test it. Only needs another $800 in repairs not including tune up and evap leak repair.
Why do people let mainenance get away like that. I dont get it. Minor repairs, couple hundred here and there, but run it til its totally effed? Then im the asshole for finding all this stuff wrong. And its all obvious right from the driver's seat.
total repairs will exceed 1200,i never checked if it had oil on the dipstick.
How to run transmission lines. On a 1963 car. I mean seriously......if you caint figure that out. Maybe tiddly winks, or cooties, or monopoly. I don't know man. I just don't know.
I know up front that I can't fold a fitted sheet. And if I can't figure it out, best left for some hot redhead that knows how! I'll stick to adjusting valves and ****..
I don't have the patience for stupid tonight. Hey, Ithink I'll get stupid! LOL

Not that it hurts my feelings, but it's not going to make it to 96* as the NWS geek squad predicted today.

93 here now. I got me money, and I got me parts for the "vindu" as we call it in Norwegian (window, pronounced veen-doo). :D

Was not home until 1:30 and way too hot to be outside in the sunshine working on the car.

I got a headstart on you! I releasesed myself from the bonds of servitude early today and drank whiskey and went shopping at Bass Pro Shops.. Bad idea! Fun, but still a bad idea!
Perfect except for your charge card balance! LOL
Tike, Toolman, Tim, Mitch, Hoppy.
They didn't wait for us... :(
Hey, hey, hey, fixed it! :poke:

Gotta give Ray credit for attempting to call us. LOL.
And we did make it in time for the important stuff - just not the photo. :)
oh we've gotten way deeper into that area here before. :poke:

I just want people to be friends, democrats and republicans, and meet in the middle, not sitting out on each end on the plank and it ends with that both fall off and bust their tush. Life is too short and fragile to fight over politics. No wonder the bible recommend people not to establish parties. Someone must have seen the "light" long time ago.

Hey, hey, hey, fixed it! :poke:

Gotta give Ray credit for attempting to call us. LOL.
And we did make it in time for the important stuff - just not the photo. :)
I think Matt and I were heading back from the cars. Got there a little after that pic. But the beer was still good
Egzactly how I remember it.
Ya, shame on me, I should have gotten a pic of you and Matt.
No big deal. We got beer an' special glasses
Or a good bit more! Cool toys tho.. Anybody here shootba recurve bow? I need some basic instruction so I don't hurt myself..

Mr. Ben, what does people do for outdoor recreational activity there, do they go hunting, like deer or something, or fishing, or just hiking admiring nature ?
