A chick....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Restored my faith, or make that lack thereof, in humanity the other day. Was driving thru Walgreen's parking lot and got stopped by a woman in her early 20's. Hit me up with a sob story about having to get back to the coast to go back to her job blah blah blah. Asked for gas money. Normally I just blow these people off. I decided to give her $5.00. She seen that I also had a $20 bill in my wallet and had the nerve to tell me that she would give me the 5 back in exchange for the 20. I responded with ok, give me the five.....took the five & hit the window button & drove away. What the hell is wrong with people now a days?? As I was driving off she was screaming & yelling, flipping me off etc.. Could not help but laugh at her.
Sucks, but good for you! She's in that situation (begging, regardless of situation) for a reason. Better to not feed the problem.
great story ink. it just goes to show how greedy people are and cant appreciate what they have. i have given people with the "cardboard credit cards" money until i see one walking into a liquor store 10 minutes later. good for you bud, i would have done the same thing. i dont give those people anything..anymore..
They think because you have that they are entitled to it as much as you (or more).
This is happening a lot lately. The homeless cannot afford health care insurance.
She probably remembered what a crack hit costs and figured that with the $20 she would have to bother fewer people. She was just trying to be considerate of the public.
Shelters for the homeless are all over and in almost every town. Its a meal and a place to sleep. If your seriously trying to get your life back on track from that situation there many many avenues to go through that will get you back up and running.

Things I would never give to the homeless:
items that could be sold

Things I would give to a homeless person on the spot if they would ask... but they never do:
Clothing - I would take a homeless person to a store and buy them clothes to get a job.
Shoes - If they really needed shoes I would go get them a pair of $20 from walmart or something.
A bus ticket - Granted it could be sold or whatever but it is just a bus ticket for a few days or whatever.

Granted all this is based off the vibes I get from the person. You can really tell when someone is in need of some help. There will always be the risk of it all being for nothing.

On a side note ANYONE claiming to be a veteran is in my opinion the lowest form of homeless you can find. I serve in the military and I will be damned if I would ever even think to use that as a "feel sorry card". I am a firm believer in that a soldier should always be squared away in the public eye. Suck it up and get your *** in gear. I can go on and on about these guys but I am already on the verge of raging :violent1:
When my daughter and I were in Santa Barbara one day driving around she saw someone asking for money for food.
She made me stop and give her a dollar to give the person.
We ended up back by the spot a little later and she saw him sitting in the same spot with a bottle, so she made me stop again and she chewed his ***.
My daughter was 7 or 8 at the time.
With you on that one Doug.

Got asked for money for food, offered my Tim Horton's card with over $10 on it. Guy didn't want it.

In san Francisco, we drove by a guy standing at the same corner for three days. I talked to him at the redlight, and he said he was homeless and needed food money. I told him we were going for lunch and I'd bring him something. Ended up buying him a nice pasta meal, had it put in a container, and passed by the guy on the way out. He took it, and threw it on the ground!

Fool me twice.

Back in the mid-'70s, when homeless people begging seemed to be much less common, my ex-wife and I were in Santa Barbara, CA, for a get-away long weekend. We were young, both working and had some extra cash. We had just come out of one of our favorite restaurants and old scruffy guy asked me if I had anything I could spare. I just walked right past him like he wasn't even there. I got about 10 feet past him and I heard him say, "But, I'm hungry."
I took a couple more steps, stopped and turned around just in time to see him heading to a dumpster to see if he could find anything to eat. I turned around and gave him a few bucks.
Back then I couldn't just walk away from somebody obviously down on their luck and hungry, especially since we'd just come out of a nice restaurant and had probably eaten more than we needed to.
But today it's different. I'm so tired of getting the usual "broken-down car, away from home, and no cash" sob stories from people whose clothes are too nice or too clean to be homeless, and especially those wearing jewelry.
Every once in awhile I get a vibe that somebody is for real, but it's rare - and I'm probably getting taken advantage of at the time when I do give them a buck or two.
Back in the 80's, my buddy and I met at our local watering hole to hoist a few before braving the traffic to go home. We were sitting at the bar and overheard a woman say she'd do "just about" anything for 500 bucks. I leaned over and told her I needed someone to paint my house. She looked at me like I was trying to get in her drawers.
Back in the early 60s we where living in Bellingham Washington and my dad was working out of town at a ship yard in Seattle.

One morning my dad was heading to a restaurant for breakfast, a guy asked him for money for some coffee. Dad knew what he wanted the money for booze of course, so he told the guy I won't give you any money but I'll buy you breakfast. The guy refused and walked away.
It's not just happening now.
got no problem helpin someone who really needs it , its the cons who ruin it for the needy , ive been in the same location for the past 5 years & the same bums have been workin different locations since ive been here & they are by no means wasting away , hell even dressed better than me , oh well .....:wack:
My wife and had flown up to New York to support her (Gulf Coast High School) band program ! While walking towards the road where there were bleachers,we observed a Homeless man urinating on a building across the street and ahead of !! By the time we got even to where he was,he crossed the street towards us.Then was actually Ballsy enough to ask us if we would buy him a Lobster Dinner !!!NO we did not !!
That is typical scam I run into in the Milwaukee and Chicago area all too often. They like to set up and work the parking lots of the road side stops, ect. Had one try to pull it on me and I told her to get a real job and quit ripping off innocent people. Then I watched her go around the parking lot trying to pull the same scam on others. Decided to have some fun and everytime she started to cry to someone I yelled Scam! Scam! she is a Scam Artist. She didn't get any money and after about 5 attempts with me yelling she went over to a car with another guy in it and they drove off. Probalely to the next rest stop.

Crooks, would like to hanging em by their balls for a couple days.

Ma Snart
Last summer I was working out of town, in Macon/Warner Robins, GA. Spent 4 months down there and I couldn't believe how many people there were begging for money.

My roommate and I came out of a mex restaurant and this lady drives up to us in her nice minivan and asks for gas money so she can get home. If she was out of gas money why was she still driving around burning gas ? We didnt give her anything.

A few days later, we pull into a parking space in front of a bbq joint, this dude walks right up and starts giving me the story,," I need money to re-up my car insurance" and asks for a dollar, I say you'll have to settle for 75 cents, but my roomate hands him the dollar first, then the guys says "I I I I'll take that 75 cent too !" I cracked up and gave him the .75

A week later, I'm at a gas station filling up the rental car. This old dude gets out of his S-10 blazer and approaches the guy at the pump in front of me. I just turn my back to him so I wont make eye contact, but he approaches me anyway. Starts giving me the story, "I just live down the road but I need gas to get home"
I had had enough of this crap and I let him have it. I said "Really?, Your the forth one this week !" he goes "really ?",, I'm like " I cant get out of my car around here without someone approaching and asking for money !"
He backed off and got back in his blazer.
A couple days later, I saw the same guy, in the same blazer, hanging out in the same gas station.
I seems endless down there.