A..hole neighbors



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Probably a foolish question, does anybody else have a neighbor, that while they can be a tremendous help, and are generally a good hearted person, they just do not know when to leave you alone? The guy knows I have a few different mental ailments, and one of them causes me to just want to be alone. Don't want to talk to anybody, don't want company at the house, well you get the idea. Well, I have been in this funk for a few weeks now. I am pretty irritable right now. Guy has called three times today already, singing and carrying on over the phone. We screen all of our calls, so we are hearing this crap over the speaker on the answering machine and it is just pissing me off. I seen him last night at a little New years Eve gathering that my wife and a neighbor planned. I told him to just leave me alone, and when I am feeling better I will call you. Then he pulls this jackass crap over the phone. What does he think, by him carrying on like a jackass over the phone my mental problems will just cease to exist? I have only been dealing with this for 30 years now, I think I know what is best for me.....Rant over, thanks for listening.......
yep had one that was a drunk next door,he would be very nice one day than a *** hole the next,Cindy did not even like going to our deck to sun tan or lounge around the pecker head who was a dad of 3 and divorced would annoy the hell out of her he would get drunk and cry on who ever shoulders that he could.he went to rehab like 4 times could not get the jest of it.Well he soon lost his business than his house.What a great day when he moved I through a good by John party that night,so yes there are assholes in every nabiour hood.good luck sounds like you need it.
Well, we have Mr. Bill, a sweetheart of a neighbor who just loves Nella. Trouble is, he's retired. We lost power from a tree falling on a power line and then on to a chain link fence over the summer, and waited all weekend for Edison to come. That was too long for Mr. Bill and he was in a frenzy by the time they got there. He was just about as irritating as could be, and finally the lead man on the power crew had enough and it almost ended in fisticuffs. He just doesn't know when to quit, and since he's retired, has has nothing better to do than come over and hang out and "help". I was removing the rear window in the Dart Sport for a customer on the coldest day of 2010, and he came over to "help". He wanted to just push the window out from the inside before I had a chance to even cut the seal, even after I told him 10X not to push on it at all. I could see glass cracking and my customer really needed it!!! He's a super nice guy, just has too much time on his hands!! He needs a job!!! Geof
Sounds like AJ. He is retired also. Wife and daughter live one the other side of the state. She is a teacher and does not want to live on this side of the state and the weather on the western side of the state aggravates his health troubles. Like I said, he is a good guy. Hooked me up with his handyman that does great work for a reasonalbe $$$, same with his drywall guy. Joe, the handyman has told me that he has gotten in the habit of when he works for AJ he almost always sends AJ to town for supplies, even if he does not need them, otherwise he gets no work done. AJ is also the guy that thinks he is going to solve the neighborhoods troubles, called the county to complain about a neighbors plans for there property, next thing you know the tax people are here reassessing everyones value and then Labor and Industries is out checking to make sure everyones Service Panel has been inspected....
Well, we have Mr. Bill, a sweetheart of a neighbor who just loves Nella. Trouble is, he's retired. We lost power from a tree falling on a power line and then on to a chain link fence over the summer, and waited all weekend for Edison to come. That was too long for Mr. Bill and he was in a frenzy by the time they got there. He was just about as irritating as could be, and finally the lead man on the power crew had enough and it almost ended in fisticuffs. He just doesn't know when to quit, and since he's retired, has has nothing better to do than come over and hang out and "help". I was removing the rear window in the Dart Sport for a customer on the coldest day of 2010, and he came over to "help". He wanted to just push the window out from the inside before I had a chance to even cut the seal, even after I told him 10X not to push on it at all. I could see glass cracking and my customer really needed it!!! He's a super nice guy, just has too much time on his hands!! He needs a job!!! Geof
I can tell that you sound irritated by his contact of late. But that **** sounds hilarious. He prolly knows that you want to be left alone or isolated etc. And in his mind he prolly doesnt want you to turn into a hermit.

I have a friend that has chronic depression and is on medication etc. etc. and at times I will do things similar to your neighbor to get him out of his house. Even If i'm only able to get my friend to come over to my house just to tell me i'm an asshole I feel like a did a good deed.

Maybe i'm weird I dunno.

Be easy,

Bad Shrimp
I got ya'all beat. Recently called the cops on my neighbor's kid. Him and his Dad decided it was OK to block me in at the alley. I'd be for leaving the house or coming home, and there would be the kid or the Dad unloading/ loading bikes, or ONE OF HIS FRIENDS just PARKED in my back, blocking my access.

I've asked him twice or more now, "when was the last time you left your house and all my **** was parked in front of your driveway?"

It doesn't seem to sink in, and his kid, I'm sure, started doing this on purpose. Well the other day it led to damn near more than words. I finally called the cops. We'll see...............
We had a neighbor who's son was in his early 50's. He had not worked for about 25 years because he said he was diabetic and his hands went numb. We got into a argument because of the dense smoke from his home made wood stove in his mother's garage. I started getting slow leaks in the right rear tire of my car parked beside my garage. Always that tire. They were always small wood screws. I could not get him on video but I know it was him. This happened 4 or 5 times. After his mother died and the house was sold the flat tires stopped. Never so glad to see someone move away.
I may be way off-base here, but I bet the old man is lonely and misses being around people and contributing to his neighborhood, and he likes you. Even though he is very annoying, you will miss him when he's not around anymore. My grandpa used to get on my nerves but I regret feeling that way, now that he's gone. Maybe your neighbor has mental problems too. I guess I wonder if someday I will be that annoying, lonely old guy lol.
are problems are our problems, not someone elses responsibility to tip around them.
Really.... it's a courtesy if they do.

hope you feel better though.
Not a neighbor but an ol friend :toothy10:, retired, and diabetic lives in a retirement housing and calls me daily wanting to know what I am doing all the time, I do invite him over for a game of domino's or a game of pool so he can get out, courses bad, talks bad about everything and most people, I have known him over 30 years
he has no friends and I wish he did so he would leave me alone :toothy10:
I look at it like therapy 8) If I can put up with him for a couple hours I can put up with anyone. and he wakes me up in the mornings with a hello and silly talk and I just hang up on him... Then a call back laughing saying did I wake you up :angry7:
Yea he can make my days go negative real fast and I just forget about it till the next day, The things we do to make people happy, This may be the year I just tell him I need a change in my life and his toilet mouth and negative out look don't need to be in my life
But some times I think it is a test from god for me to be a friend to the old fart.
I have been next to my neighbors for 5 years now. If I see them in the yard, we wave. I have talked to them a few times but mostly it is a quick wave.

We both like it like that.
I could not agree with you more, but I have asked him to just back off for a few days and that is what is making him so annoying. Usually I pick up the phone and talk all kinds of smack to him, normally I do find it really funny. Guy is 52 years old and he often is singing the wheels on the bus go round and round into out answering machine, how the hell could you not laugh? And thanks for your well wishes....
are problems are our problems, not someone elses responsibility to tip around them.
Really.... it's a courtesy if they do.

hope you feel better though.
So what are ya sayin Doug? Do you want me to come over or what? J/K.This neighbour sounds like he has a good heart,maybe a little soft in the brain.Him calling you may be therapy for him.try cut him a little slack,it is the holiday season. Wished you were at the FABO party last night Doug,\maybe next year. Stay cool. 8)
i can relate to all of your stories and for this i have come to the conclusion that i hate paople. sad as that maybe.............
i had a neibhour years back, he was on medication, out on licence,i keep myself to myself,had comments and usual jibes but thats water off a ducks back,came close to it one day when i started my old ford sierra< saloon.>the back of car was facing his place, he came out bawling saying i was trying to gas him, that blew over,few weeks later he was abusing a visitor bad,i lost it:snakeman: got hold of him and bounced him over the front of his car :eye: <id had several years of his crap> anyhow he wandered off threatening to call the police,i went in my home and explained to the girlfriend at time and not to say she heard/saw anything.soon enough the cops turned up at his place,i braced myself for outcome, they were in his home for 5 minuits,got back into car and drove off:cheers: i think they worked out he wasnt right :la: and that was that! i always try and get on with everyone but some people just dont know when to give it up!
Well, I am the A-hole neighbor.

Can't say I've ever got along with the neighbors save for my first house. Elmwood area of Winnipeg before it went to hell. Lots of older people, like the type who were too helpful, nosy, etc., and I miss them all. I got out as the gangs started to move in and I bought a new house in a new subdivision. Worst mistake of my life. Too many people thinking they had an image to maintain. Sold my first Cuda because of that place.
Just show him a picture of your gun collection and smile
He has seen the gun safe with the door open, he told me I am paranoid........I needed to explain to him that I own the firearms to entertain myself thru target shooting..........keep in mind that AJ has video cameras in his trees......and he calls me paranoid.....
Most people up and down my street think I'm half nuts, net result is they don't bother me. I like it that way.8)
There is a young couple next door to me. I like them but.........
They are noisy. They fight, they bang, whatever. If there is a noise that can be made, they make it. They stay up all night on weekends partying with friends who show up in imports with fart pipes. They have 3 yipping dogs that I hate, and did I mention they fight. This morning at 5 am they are fighting, screaming at each other and he's out side kicking the door. She's inside screaming at him and of course the dogs are carrying on. He decides to leave and fires up his truck with the fart pipe, she come out screaming and now I gotta listen to them, the dogs and now the fart pipe.
I went to Walmart today and bought an air horn. They got to work Monday morning and I don't, guess what I'll be doing at 3 am Monday.