Cops love Mopars.



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Amelia, Ohio
So tonight after working on my car until 11:30 i decided to take it out for a quick spin to make sure everything came together right. The place I usually drive to for a quick run is a state park about a mile from my house. This park is a hot spot with street racers so when a cop heard a car go through the gears with open headers he made sure to stop by. Pulled me over and went through the standard stuff then claimed that the only reason he came down was because he figured some mustang was racing some riceburner. He ignored the smell of burnt rubber and told me my car sounded good and to watch for deer and I was on my way.

Lets hear your stories about your run in with johnny law.
Did a full on burn out in front of a cop in the swinger and he let me off with a warning because he had a car similar back in the day. That was a good night :)
Not my car, but sorta my story. Had just finished restoring a '72 Charger for a customer when he got pulled over by a local sheriff's deputy. Customer was all nervous, wondering what he was pulled over for. The deputy walked up the window and asked him why he was pulled over. When the customer said, "no, sir," the deputy responded, "I just had to look at your Charger!"

The cop went over the car for about ten minutes, shook the customer's hand and told him to have a nice day.

I found out when the customer stopped back by the shop and told me all about it.
I was on my way to a car show. Got stuck behind this pickup doing 45mph. So I went to pass and sure enough he steps on it. So I nail it and fly by him. My buddie goes there's a trooper and sheriff sitting on the side of the road. Well the lights come on and they both come after me. I just pull over waiting for them. The sheriff comes up and asks where I'm going and if I know why he stopped me. I said yes. The trooper is looking over my car. They go behind my car and talk. He comes back and says this car is to nice to write up. Tells me to slow down and have a nice day.

Fred B
The best one I have is last fall my dad and I were working on our cars, he has a 68 ford mustang fastback. I decided I'm going out for a ride which means I am going down to the park. So I got half way there and look in my mirror and see my dad coming up on me fast. We drive to the back of the park and we both do burnouts then race out of the park. I do another big burnout leaving the park and so does he. Taking the last turn before my house I decided to get it a little sideways so I romp it and look in my mirror to see my dad coming through the smoke when I see a cop passing him. He pulls both of us over and goes onto tell us that he had been fallowing us since racing out of the park. That means this cop saw my dad and I doing 90 in a 45 then me smoking the tires twice right in front of him. He told us to stop going back there to race and be safe and then he left.
A couple years ago, I was on my way home from a week night car cruise in my '68 Road Runner. A couple blocks from my street, I did a vicious burnout and went tearing down the street. This was about 10pm. Well, I didn't notice that a local police car was practically right behind me. I see the lights on and pull over right away. The cop gets out and says "you know why I pulled you over, right?" I went into the whole, "yes sir, sorry officer" routine, and after he made sure I was legal he checked out the car, we chatted about it, he returned my license and papers and said, "Look, if I had this car, I would be driving it the same way, but just watch out a little more" I thanked him and drove home.
Years ago I was taking my 70 Dart down to the exhaust shop to have new exhaust put on my open headers, so I figured why not drive it there, it's not that far, and down some nice side streets. Well, it was louder than I thought it would be, and as I come up to a set of train tracks, I see 2 cop cars with lights flashing up ahead, and they have pulled some poor sap over and have him cuffed and pushed up and over the hood of his Landcruiser. I slow down to go over the tracks, since I had some low hanging Hooker headers at the time, and as I cruise by thinking 'Ohhh **** here comes a noise violation', the cops both stare at the Dart and give me thumbs up, and I can see the 'poor sap' turn his head around to look, while still being mashed into the hood of his truck. Pretty funny at the time.
not a mopar story but 5 years ago my wife went into labor and I had a t-top camaro at the time and we hopped in and I burned rubber out of my drive way and right past a cop. he yelled SLOW DOWN.....I yelled back SHES IN LABOR!.

about a mile up the road I see lights flashing in the rear view......I pull over and he comes walking up with his chest puffed out and a mean look on his face and says " Wjat did you say to me back there?" (he thought i yelled an insult).......and I point to my wife and say " I SAID she is in labor!".

He says OH.......FOLLOW ME. And he hops in his car and does a burn out,I do a burn out, and he pulls up to a busy main road and flips his lights on and pulls sideways into traffic and blocks the cars from coming through....nods his head and waves me on so we could get to the hospital.

thats a cool story I wont forget lol.

and another time I had JUST got my mustang wasnt out of paint for but maybe 3 hours. Im cruising around and seen a cop pull up behind me and he pulls me over and said I was doing 4 mph over. hands me the ticket and says " oh , nice car by the way,slaps my quarter panel with the palm of his hand and walks back to his car".

oh boy was I po'ed lol.

theres a couple other stories too but those are the most memorable and I don't want to bore you guys.
I had a 69 coronet rt clone (sort of attempt) with a 400 in it. 3.91 posi. 1992 in a midwest town about 100k pop. Around noon, I went thru an intersection essentially drifting, power slide, making a left turn. I held it down and straightened it up and looked behind me a cop was on my tail. I just pulled over immediately. He was like hay why are you driving all crazy?
I was like what is the big issue (in a polite fashion). He said that was reckless driving and such. I told him my posi was not acting correctly and I had to test it out. He wrote me an 85 dollar ticket. I figured I got off pretty easy.

Same town, some months later. 11 pm the cruise strip was empty, town was quiet, no body around. My bud and I took the coronet out, stopped in the middle of the highway, launched and wound it up to 90 or 100 thru the gears (probably a 45 zone). Got to the end of the straight stretch a few blocks later and a trooper was on my butt. He asked me why I did all that noisy speeding nonsence. I told him my fourbarrell was flooding and I was "blowing the cobs out of it". He said "drive slower in town and what you need to do next time is go out of town on the straight stretch by the old silo to blow the cobs out of it, have a nice evening". I thanked him and went home.

After that I just stopped driving so wild in town and saved the cob blowing for outside town late nights or early mornings when and where it is deserted.
NC Cops are extremely Cool. They don't bother you unless you are really asking for it. My Dart is way too loud but they look the other way because they are awesome. I accidentally wheelie'd Right past another one on My Kawasaki Dual Sport and he just kind of shook his head but didn't bother me.
I am so used to NJ where you get 2 & 3 tickets at a time for the tiniest little crap.
I've got a couple of doozies , First I finally get the barracuda back after 2 years at the rsto shop and it has no interior , no glass except the front windshield , turn downs that set off every car alarm as I drive by and a dead passenger side parking light , so after running against a camaro at 120 on the highway I pull up the off ramp into a check stop Doh , I roll up the young cop opens his ticket book with a smile and starts to step forward when the old cop beside him sticks out his arm and blocks him saying " There ain't nothin wrong with that car , have a nice night sir " with a wink and a smile , I pulled into Tim Hortons to scrape out my shorts and let the adrenalin slow down before taking her home .
Second if you draw a square I live on the left line on the top right corner is a soccer field hosting a beer festival { or as I call it the annual ahole fest } and on the lower right corner is the police station , I launch her out of my street while turning right towards the festival , she burns through first with a loud sustained squeal and plenty of smoke before I remember the festival 2 blocks aheads , I look down the road and about 6 cops are standing behind an unmarked van and one has a scope on a tripod pointed at me so as I approach I smile give a little wave and when I get to where they are standing I give them a little nod like I know them then I make the right turn towards the police station , I can see as I go by they are all looking at each other like who's that he must be one of us and by the time they figure out none of them know me I'm 2 block down at the police station turning right and heading for my garage laughing , one of the advantages of getting old and putting on some weight is if your clean cut you can pass for a cop lol .

PS that knowing nod and wave has worked a couple of times since when I might have been a little fast through the radar trap
We are on a road trip about ten of us all in line. The guy in the back suddenlly gets in the other lane and nails it flys by everone. Lead guy nails it and so on. We are all goin about 100 or so. Come up over a hill and 3 cop cars but they were searching a car and had it apart. They look up at us and we all are thinkin O SH@*. But luckily they just look up and then continue doin what they were doin. Plenty of other things but dont want to write a book.
I have been driving my Dart around my town with open headers for about 2 years now. Never had a problem with it until a few days ago I pull up to a grocery store and a motorcycle cop is sitting in the parking lot. I drove by with everyone in the parking lot giving me thumbs up and stares then the cop decides to be a jerk. He pulls in front of me so I stop and he begins asking me what show I am going to so I said non I am driving to work. He tries to tell me that since I have historical tags on my car that I can't drive it unless going to a show. I actually had a off duty cop in the car with me and he says "you have no clue what your talking about. Have a nice day" and told me to leave so i took off and nothing happened.
welp, in the barracuda I done a burnout at a stop sign, looked up and a cop was there, he drove right through the smoke....couple months later I was in a 78 camaro on main street and a el' camino pulled up and done a burnout next to me as the light turned green....5 cops pulled me over and I got a ticket for traveling at a high rate of speed and street racing...although they didn't get a radar on me...( I didn't do a burnout or break the speed limit) had to go to driving school....guess cops hate chevy's here... turnes out my friend had weed on him I didn't know about boy would that have sucked...
Went to Englishtown with a coupla buddies one year, I had an 88 Horizon, My first new car, GLH ground effects, Shiny Black PX8 paint, Tinted windows, raised whites, Dechromed,...Took a wrong turn leavin the track, got lost, flipped a u-turn, and of course, goin thru the gears we passed a cop caprice goin the opposite way. My buddy slammed his beer and stuffed it under the seat, smilin he said "I betcha he comes after ya",....Sure as hell, almost a mile later he's on me like a cheap suit on a car salesman. After we stop, The cop gets out with his book in hand, He's gonna write me for somethin..Walks up to the car and says " Took me almost a mile to catch you".... (did I mention I'm drivin a 2.2 non turbo horizon? not eggzactly a fast machine),...I figured I got nothin to lose, I'm clean, cept for the beer can under the seat, so I says "You oughta get yourself a Chrysler and get rid of that Chevy"......needless to say That cop even measured the tread depth on that car, gave me a ticket for a tinted license plate cover,....It was worth the 35 bucks....
I had a 2002 Camaro SS Ragtop for 4 months and was CONSTANTLY getting tickets and NEGATIVE attention from police. Even doing the speed limit, a cop would be going the opposite way, and EYEBALL ME BIG TIME, and sometimes blow a DOUGHNUT and follow me, or STOP ME. I guess cops seem to notice a NATIVE GUY in a Black Camaro with the TOP DOWN, GRINNING EAR TO EAR, with VAN HALEN cranked on the stereo !!!! Anyways, I can be going 10 mph OVER the speedlimit in my 70 340 Swinger, and COPS look at my car, GRINNING ear to ear, and give me a WAVE, or a THUMBS UP ?
Haven't had the pleasure of getting pulled over yet but I will share a story.

Took my mom for a ride in the cuda while she was visiting my sister last summer.
I opened it up on a straight away and wound the gears out into fourth and let off before the road came to a bend...and I told Mom that you never know if a cop will be coming around that bend and sure enough a cop comes around the bend towards us but by this time I was going the speed limit.

Fast forward a year later, two weeks ago to be exact.
my mom comes back down to visit my sister and brings my 18 y/o Nephew with her.
She asks me to take him for a ride in the cuda and his eyes get big as silver dollars with a smile from ear to ear.
So I tell him I'm going to take him for the same ride as I took my Mom, not too fast but fast enough at times to let you know what the car got under the hood but without being stupid or wreckless.

So I'm snapping throught the gears on that same stretch of road and was telling him the story about the cop, and how I slowed down here when mom was with me, and sure as shizzle, in the very same comes a cop around the bend towards us and he looks at me like " Naw....this did not just happen."

That was cool.
(these are back when I had the 340 in my Duster)

I put the car sideways for about a block or so, and realize the car coming the other way, about a block away, is a ghost car. He turns on his lights, I turn down a side street and he pulls in behind me.
"Car goes sideways when you do that, hey???"
"umm yeah a little bit, sorry about-"
"Well, you got a nice car, keep it on the road" as he walks back to his car.

A couple days later I'm giving a friend a ride, and he tells me to punch it. I oblige. I turn at a light, step on it, hit about 75 mph at the intersection a block away. Just as a cop pulls up to the stop sign on the right side. This is in a 30mph zone:eek:ops:.
He pulls me over (go figure) and I pull into a parking lot. He pulls up to the passenger side of the car and yells out "Slow down!" and starts talking to my passenger about something or other.
Around here every weekend nights all vehicles going through Main St. are stopped to ask the drivers for ID and catch drunk drivers. A couple of months ago I was pulled over in the Duster and I had my id handy when the officer came by my car.

The cop just checked with his flashlight the Plymouth emblem on the hood came to me and asked: From which year is this muscle car? -I said 1972. He just keep checking the Duster when I said "Sir, do you want to take a look at the id?- he just answered- don't worry just go ahead!
Back in the early 90s i [and a friend] built a 69 C10 s.b. chevy truck 406/400/4:11,i decided to drive it to work one morning [6:00am] and noticed a sherriff following me so i drove very carefully he followed me all the way to work finally i'm 100 yards from the gate to work and he pulls me over,i get out with my paperwork he says oh i don't need that i'm building one of these and just wanted to look at yours and ask questions i waited to see if you were gonna stop some where but you didn't so i pulled you over [i only had an hour and a half sleep cause my friends and i had been drinking all night-beer and teqlia i was still super buzzed] i thought i was busted but we chatted and i was late for work.

Second time same truck i was stopped at a light and got the urge to do a burnout i looked around no cops so i lit them up next light i look over to my right lane there was a sheriff shaking his head he says nice burnout i would rate it an 8 but don't do another. Never even saw him right next to me.
Went to Englishtown with a coupla buddies one year, I had an 88 Horizon, My first new car, GLH ground effects, Shiny Black PX8 paint, Tinted windows, raised whites, Dechromed,...Took a wrong turn leavin the track, got lost, flipped a u-turn, and of course, goin thru the gears we passed a cop caprice goin the opposite way. My buddy slammed his beer and stuffed it under the seat, smilin he said "I betcha he comes after ya",....Sure as hell, almost a mile later he's on me like a cheap suit on a car salesman. After we stop, The cop gets out with his book in hand, He's gonna write me for somethin..Walks up to the car and says " Took me almost a mile to catch you".... (did I mention I'm drivin a 2.2 non turbo horizon? not eggzactly a fast machine),...I figured I got nothin to lose, I'm clean, cept for the beer can under the seat, so I says "You oughta get yourself a Chrysler and get rid of that Chevy"......needless to say That cop even measured the tread depth on that car, gave me a ticket for a tinted license plate cover,....It was worth the 35 bucks....

It took him awhile to stop laughin at you to catch up. Were you goin down hill?
back in 84 i had a mid 70,s camino rust bucket but ran like a bat out a hell i was also a stoner back then and did pizza delivery i had a spot lite that burned a hole in the seat so made it my stash spot was out cruisin with a buddy smokin a little left the local burger joint and stood on it smoked tires for about a block let off and passed a local cop he kept goin whew im thinkin time to park for awhile we headed for the bowlin alley as were pullin in i got lit up it was dead of winter cop walks up tells me he stopped me for tailight out runs my license its suspended im off to jail my buddy is suspended he cant drive car cop gets in my car to park it im screwed im thinkin he has a bad cold cant smell a thing doesnt find my stash all in all i got real damn lucky