


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2011
Reaction score
Victoria B.C. Canada
Last Nov. I was involved in an 833 imput leak, that went on and on, I mentioned the snap ring issue 2nd post cuz of experience.
I also was going into great detail about how rocker shaft oiling occurred in two "squirts" - every two (2) crankshaft rotations, - for the second time in a coupla weeks.
Some still don't get it, I re-read the posts, thinking they had somehow changed to a different language, but no, English U.S.
Then I ran into this old quote from over a decade ago on another site I frequent.

It's so true today as it was decades ago .
(Replace "carb" with whatever)


Good luck .
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How about telling people where to get the best deal on something, they ignore you, they spend more someplace else, then brag about the deal they got...
Statistics say blue has better resale value.
I love how some simply respond to a thread to show off their ****, without helping the OP AT ALL.
Why is it car guys gotta brag the most?
Humility goes a long ways....
Let’s face it. People don’t want to know the right answer, they want to know the easy answer.

Like the tire is only flat on the bottom. That must be where the leak is.
My favorite is when someone asks about improvements a 4 barrel carb and intake would make, and 20 posts later we're talking stoking, convertors, taller gears and aluminum heads. :) Oh yeah, and getting another engine:lol:
My favorite is when someone asks about improvements a 4 barrel carb and intake would make, and 20 posts later we're talking stoking, convertors, taller gears and aluminum heads. :) Oh yeah, and getting another engine:lol:
Sometimes there is merit in telling a guy his stock 318 is **** and not worth throwing a 4 barrel on
Consider the source.

Somewhat harder to do via the interweb.
My favorite is when someone asks about improvements a 4 barrel carb and intake would make, and 20 posts later we're talking stoking, convertors, taller gears and aluminum heads. :) Oh yeah, and getting another engine:lol:
Exactly. It always ends up with a maximum horsepower engine build when the op just want's a little more pep with his 318 using some bolt on parts.
I work at an auto repair shop. There's a term I use for people that want some issue figured out on their vehicle, then don't want the repair done by the shop. Give them a DETAILED explanation in writing on their receipt what it needs to repair.
A week or two later they schedule their car back to repair. I ask what they did to "fix" their cars issue. They typically say, I saw a cheaper fix on YouTube and tried it..
. After more money to fix what they screw up plus the original fix, it's out the door right.

I call these people ASKHOLES, cause they ask for all kind of advice and never use it..lol
*looks at spelling errors, word useage, syntax*

yup, that checks out.

never change interwebs, never change.
*looks at spelling errors, word useage, syntax*

yup, that checks out.

never change interwebs, never change.
And then there's the other extreme- I'm not going to be a grammar nazi, but if the person can't even take the time to write a coherent message, I have zero confidence in his ability to take the time to perform an effective repair or modification.
I check out without answering, because I can't figure out what the question is.
(And don't blame the phone- you're the one who hit "Send".)
I never even bother to respond if:
a) Someone else has already given the correct answer
b) I haven't actually experienced the issue myself
And then there's the other extreme- I'm not going to be a grammar nazi, but if the person can't even take the time to write a coherent message, I have zero confidence in his ability to take the time to perform an effective repair or modification.
I check out without answering, because I can't figure out what the question is.
(And don't blame the phone- you're the one who hit "Send".)
so much this.

giant blocks of text without any sentence breaks, rife misspelling, nonsensical reasoning. my ability to help you is based on communication, and if you can't do the bare minimum then, well, that sucks for you.
Exactly. It always ends up with a maximum horsepower engine build when the op just want's a little more pep with his 318 using some bolt on parts.
right? we're not all drag racers. some of us like cars that aren't all rowdy handfuls and enjoy trips that are longer than a 1/4 mile as wells as passing gas stations without stopping.