DIY's opinion on why you need a 318



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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W..............................TF?? LOL
It sums up my feelings about a different thread on SBM size

But I didn't want to muddy the waters there, since they were so busy arguing religion and fords
But I didn't want to muddy the waters there, since they were so busy arguing religion and fords
LMAO @ the Archie Bunker gif. Very good!
AJ introduced religion and made religious accusations.
He got butt hurt over someone else’s comment.
I asked the general forum for prayers for him.
I still say build what ever you want and if I can help I will.
LMAO @ the Archie Bunker gif. Very good!
AJ introduced religion and made religious accusations.
He got butt hurt over someone else’s comment.
I asked the general forum for prayers for him.
I still say build what ever you want and if I can help I will.
Wow, I go to a car show and miss out on all the fun. LOL Build what you want.
i never shy away from a good religious debate, but this didnt sound like it was a debate (you know, where two people offer up their opinions, listen to the opposing point of view, and try to persuade one another)

Yea, you missed the AJ explosion.
I’m not even sure what it was that was said that made him go off.

it was a the whole flat earth thing again
(how in the world we got to that, from a displacement argument, i have no idea)

and i may have had a hand in the derailment when i posted this picture (tongue in cheek, i assure you)
The problem lies in a multi fold.
Having a poke at someone is one thing we basically all do. But that another doesn’t take kindly to. Then the butt hurt happens and rolls like a snowball down hill. A sense of humor is needed reading text.

This is a car forum and I keep it cars so everything else becomes taboo. Talk about other things at your own risk of having it thrown back in your face. Take what is thrown back in your face as lightly as possible. Try not to post when angry.

If you talk about your great or rotten kids, someone will make a mention to that sooner or later. Be prepped for it. I actually didn’t really get the punch line from the above picture. But I knew it was a joke. If AJ is a “Flat Earther”, and he took offense to it, that’s his issue and problem. He probably said somewhere (?) that he believes that. Which now leaves him open to a poke or someone ridicule. The amount of offense he takes to it is his own person issue.
I actually didn’t really get the punch line from the above picture. But I knew it was a joke. If AJ is a “Flat Earther”, and he took offense to it, that’s his issue and problem. He probably said somewhere (?) that he believes that. Which now leaves him open to a poke or someone ridicule. The amount of offense he takes to it is his own person issue.

the guy in the picture is the lead singer from the smashing pumpkins
one of their songs claims "the world is a vampire"

so the joke is that this is more ridiculous then the idea that the world is flat

and the the description given to the flat earthers in the picture is mild compared to what they called AJ

Ahhhhhh…. Thanks. I might be getting old…..

i never shy away from a good religious debate, but this didnt sound like it was a debate (you know, where two people offer up their opinions, listen to the opposing point of view, and try to persuade one another)

it was a the whole flat earth thing again
(how in the world we got to that, from a displacement argument, i have no idea)

and i may have had a hand in the derailment when i posted this picture (tongue in cheek, i assure you)

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There inlays the problem. State your facts of what you believe if the other person changes their opinion fine if not fine also you do not need to “persuade” them to come over to your way of thinking. Usually all that does is get the fur up on the back of the neck. My opinion for what it’s worth
And there in lies the beginning of the problem. Stating why you should bla bla bla over what you want to do with what you have is just the start. Then it’s more and more people saying the same thing over and over again. Then you restate your position with more facts and opinions followed by others parroting your reply. Do this across the board by 5 people which equals ten responses of why this guys thinking is flawed…. See what I mean.

Perhaps we should simply help a guy out and ask questions along he says before we suggest another route.
And there in lies the beginning of the problem. Stating why you should bla bla bla over what you want to do with what you have is just the start. Then it’s more and more people saying the same thing over and over again. Then you restate your position with more facts and opinions followed by others parroting your reply. Do this across the board by 5 people which equals ten responses of why this guys thinking is flawed…. See what I mean.

Perhaps we should simply help a guy out and ask questions along he says before we suggest another route.
He got butt hurt over someone else’s comment.
I did not get my feelings hurt; I'm married; men can't hurt my feelings. My wife gathered them up, put em' in a box, and buried them decades ago.
You don't know me at all, but you're willing to take a stab at assessing my feelings./ Nice, now yur an internet psychologist..... put up a shingle.
i never shy away from a good religious debate, but this didnt sound like it was a debate (you know, where two people offer up their opinions, listen to the opposing point of view, and try to persuade one another)

it was a the whole flat earth thing again
(how in the world we got to that, from a displacement argument, i have no idea)

and i may have had a hand in the derailment when i posted this picture (tongue in cheek, i assure you)

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Thanks now that terrible voice and song are stuck in my head!! Ugh
I did not get my feelings hurt;
BS! You went off the deep end. Everyone seen your explosion.

I'm married; men can't hurt my feelings. My wife gathered them up, put em' in a box, and buried them decades ago.
So, you admit to being a heartless S.O.B. Congrats, your making progress.
Now man up like a real man and not an internet hero.
You don't know me at all, but you're willing to take a stab at assessing my feelings.
Better than yourself passing judgment based on text from a stranger that you can’t properly read.
Nice, now yur an internet psychologist.....
Better than a self proclaim man of GOD passing judgement. Perhaps you should read read the Ten Commandments and a few other passages. You have clearly broken a few.

I’ll sum it up for you since I don’t want you to make a mistake in your reply and remove all doubt to others that your dim. Your reading comprehension is in the toilet!
But we all still like you AJ.
put up a shingle.
I have no idea what that means.

Any hooooo, I posted up a (for me anyway) lengthy post asking for the membership of FABO to pray for you. So far, it does seem, the good lord has heard our prayers.
IMO, he was horrible at the start. He has come along way but no cigar here.