Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

I agree parts of it are actual. Some.....
Yeah, the part where they were in a certain part of the World. Pretty much everything else was written by men trying to pretend to know what God was or wanted.

Kinda funny how every religion in the World follows Prophets that claim to know the “Man” best...but don’t seem to bypass the prophets and go straight to the “Man” himself. Men worshiping the wisdom of other men?

Call the Gnostics again, time for an encore...
Boing 777 made with millions of non flying parts. Put together by intelligent people.
Put it together the right way with years of education the world over by million of
intelligent people. This includes mining and design.
Now it is a flying machine! Incredible!

A living Cell has millions of nonliving parts in it. Much more complex then the Boeing 777.
And it just magically put it self together? This is the Imagination of evolution.

Aliens did it! or give it millions of years. This is NOT science. This is IMAGINATION.
More people have been killed in the name of god than for any other reason...
I don't mean to be disrespectful to those who have faith.
Just don't disrespect my right to question it.
Fair enough. I don't criticize those who question it or flat deny it. That's their choice, their right. I won't ever force my beliefs on anyone and I expect the same in return.
Why does the bible state that the earth is flat???

If the bible was written by god, wouldn't he have known that it was round/spherical????
Does it?
More people have been killed in the name of god than for any other reason...
This is your willfully ignorant statement. Not even close. Learn the subject before posting.
I just live my life like the thief on the cross.
I'll ask for forgiveness at the end.

Yep, why take a chance...:lol:

If Jesus died for our sins, if we don't sin then he died for nothing...

In fact, we should sin as much as possible so he gets the most bang for his buck....