New carpet problem- mass backing issue



South Florida Member
FABO Gold Member
Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
North Palm Beach, FL
Just rcvd my "new" carpet and just wanted to see if this product is acceptable (see pics). I paid an extra $55 for the mass backing option and it looks like someone rushed thru the job? Part of the carpet that sits on the hump isnt even coated, and there are a couple areas that werent finished... almost looks like it was folded over and then pulled apart while wet.
I dont wanna seem picky or a pain in the a** but: has anyone who has used the mass backing had this issue? I know its not a big deal- and it probably wont even be noticeable (espec under a console) BUT when you spend the extra $ for the "upgrade"... you would hope it was done with care.

I guess I could coat the missed areas with some liquid rubber...

Any/all feedback would be greatly appreciated.



IMG00243.jpg I bought some carpet for my wife's car, did not go for that option but, the pad they installed looked like they did not get it on straight with the carpet... driver's side was off.....

it was less $$ than other places though.

your right, it looks bad... on the other hand, it is on the bottom and should be covered up... call them and send some pics and tell them you want 20 or 25$ off... cheaper than sending it back, and them sending you another one!
I just hate the hassle of it all...
I guess I could call and see if they might offer a partial refund?
Again- not a big deal... but when you shop around, and then spend your hard earned $$$ you would like to see some quality?

Also- if they want it returned... Ill be waiting another couple weeks for a new carpet to be delivered. My seats are out now....
I`d send it back. That looks like a half-assed job. If nobody calls them on the crap they`re peddling to the public then they`ll continue to push crap like that. You are right, it`s your hard-earned money and you should get what you paid for. Send it back, get them to pay shipping both ways and tell them you have a deadline to meet for the job to be completed. I hate to see sh*tty work like that. It shows that the people working there don`t take pride in their product.
I second what Longgone said.
Give the company the link to this thread, tell them the pictures are up and the jury is in. If they won't stand behind it, the pictures and story will definitely cost them business. On the other hand, if they make it good you can be quite willing to post a follow up with the new pictures and that would most likely gain them customers.
Hooray for digital pics and FABO!
yes send it back. I'm weird when I buy parts, if I pay for something with my hard earned cash, it better damn well be perfect...if i got that I would be kinda pissed off...
i would just ask for the extra 55 dollars that you -paid
You might be better off to send it back and just get the regular carpet.Then use Dynamat all over the floor and put your carpet on top of that. I did that with my car and it was always nice and cool on the floor and it really quiets them down.
Update- called the seller explaining situation and sent pics along. They seemed to be honestly surprised that this carpet left the factory in the condition it was in and seem genuinely interested in getting this situation corrected. They in turn, contacted ACC (who supplied product).

I told them being that my seats are out and all ready for carpet install and that I hated to see $ wasted on shipping back/forth/back/etc... if they wanted to refund the mass backing charge- I would keep the carpet, and be satisfied, figuring I could spray the bare sections w/liquid rubber.
But- ACC said they wanted the carpet back due to their "level of quality factor" and also to see who did what/where to prevent re-occurrence. They are supposed to be sending a courier to pick it up tomorrow.

Totally understandable... but now I have to wait another week or more(?) days to get my new carpet. I asked them to please make carpet and ship ASAP- not to wait for return of carpet to start process. Bummer in that I was ready to get the carpet in... I did , however, put the driver seat back in so I could run around as needed.

Ill keep you posted on the outcome.
Nice to know they are going to fix the issue. Hopefully you get the new one a little faster and a lot better!!
By the way Clutch... I was going to put the DynaMat down (actually had bought the Peal/Seal from Lowes)... but I had a few people tell me not to.
They said if any water gets under it- youre screwed... and also that if you ever need to take it up... its a nasty job.
Being that I have a convertible that has occ leak issues... its made me reluctant. I purchased the sound deadner kit and was gonna install that instead due to the fact that it doesnt adhere to the floor. Figured that along with the mass backing on the carpet should help with the heat/noise levels.

Any feedback from anyone on this?
Its actually a used "alternative" for Dynamat. Saw it in a few Dynamat/Fatmat threads. It com in 6" x 25' strips for $15. I have 4 rolls sitting in the trunk.
Im gonna start a new thread to get some feedback on it. Ive read the old ones and it seems as tho the jury is still out...

I like the fact that it should help with the heat/noise but my main concern is the extreme heat in FLA and possible melting/smell that could result in use.
I think that even if it takes an extra week or two to get the carpet put in it`s worth it. Do it once and do it right.

It sounds as if the carpet manufacturer may have a genuine interest in finding out just where things went wrong. :thumbup:

I put Dynamat Extreme down in my Barracuda and I frankly don`t see how water could ever get under it. I had an occasion where I had to remove a section of it to wire some things and had no problem getting it out. It`s only been down a couple years but so far there`s no issues with removing it. It`s expensive but it works very well both thermally and acoustically.
I agree with Longgone. I used a product called Hushmat, and installed it with the edges pretty tight together. I don't see how any water could get under there. I also coated the whole floor with Rust bullet before putting that down.
DA, glad to see that the problem is being taken care of. One of those two vendors should pony up for 2nd Day Air for you (and not wait for the first carpet to be returned before sending it out).
Almost all the replacement carpets sold in North America are made by ACC, so the choice of where to buy it comes down to price and customer service. I'm not quite clear on who sold you this or a different vendor?
Not to hijack your thread but where did you get it, Does anyone know of a good place? I will need a carpet before too long and was just wondering
nice to see a company stand behind there product for a change. and it's worth the wait to get what you paid for.
I got it from Pro Fit Auto Interiors in Munford, AL. Met them at Garlits show in Ocala, FL a few months back.
When I orig called them- I told them Stock Interiors price and they beat it! And- they have been very helpful in identifying orig options for my carpet as well as my seats/doors. They had samples sent to me within 3 days!
I have dealt with Libby who has been amazing thru the whole thing... both she and Rick have showed genuine/sincere concern in righting the problem and have been prompt and courteous in their communication.

I would have no problem recommending these people... as it wasnt really their fault- but ACC's.

And- ACC seems to be taking credible steps. UPS came to pick up box today and Libby told me my new carpet should be recvd by Mon/Tues per ACC.

... to be continued

Got new carpet and looks great! Will download pics over weekend to show difference between them...

Thanks Pro Fit Auto Interiors and ACC for "making it right".