Pain meds....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Have been thinking about cutting back on them...then I wake up...and holy hell does that thought go away. I must be out of my mind....
My wife gets a 3 week supply per month, and she has to stretch them out to last the whole month. I've seen what she goes through, so I don't envy you at all. Take care, my friend!
My wife gets a 3 week supply per month, and she has to stretch them out to last the whole month. I've seen what she goes through, so I don't envy you at all. Take care, my friend!
I am lucky in that my doc writes the prescriptions for a 30 day supply. The way he writes one if them doesnt make much sense to me...take 1 to 2 tablets every 4 to 6 hours. 2 tablets every 4 hourswould mean 12 per day if my math is correct...but there is only enough for 4 per day. But 4 per day in conjuction with the other ones is enough to knock the pain down to a somewhat tolerable level. At least as far as my back goes. This stuff doesn't seem to be doing squat for my shoulder pain.
If, and this is a big if, you can get a patch, they are better than the pills. The pills are like being on a roller coaster. The patches take most of that out. Patches do have issues, like where to put them, falling off in the shower, or in bed.

Pain relief is a full time *****. There is no real good single answer. I have tried some medical marijuana, and for sleep it was the bomb. Much better than zolpidem. The issue with MM is carrying a gun. Right now it's one or the other so I chose my guns. When the government decides to get out of my life I will go back to MM. First for sleep, and then for pain. I think if done correctly, I can get off all the synthetic pain dope and just do MM. That's my goal anyway.
If, and this is a big if, you can get a patch, they are better than the pills. The pills are like being on a roller coaster. The patches take most of that out. Patches do have issues, like where to put them, falling off in the shower, or in bed.

The only problem we had with the patches was coming off them. My wife was on 75mcg of Fentanyl for almost 4 years. This was on top of Oxy as needed for breakthrough pain. When the doctor decided to pull her off ALL pain meds, he originally wanted to have her go cold turkey off both pills and patches. My wife threw a huge fit in the waiting room and basically said that would kill her. Literally kill her. We found out later the preferred method to come off Fentanyl is through an in-patient detox facility where you can be monitored while you are stepped down. My wife's pain doctor gave her a laughable two week supply of patches. This consisted of two 50mcg patches and two 25mcg patches. Have you ever seen someone going through ****** withdrawals? It's not a pretty sight. Fentanyl withdrawals are similar. At least she was at home when the hallucinations kicked in.

Once she had all the pain meds out of her system, she found that she didn't actually need them as much. Apparently prolonged use of painkillers decreases one's tolerance for pain, and increases one's sensitivity to pain. Once she came off the patches and the oxy, and got them out of her system, she found she wasn't in as much pain as her body was leading her to believe. I am in no way saying this is what is happening to you, though. Only you can determine what's right for you. I'm just relating what happened with my wife.

So, for pain relief the patches do a pretty good job. It's just what comes with them that we didn't like. Ultimately, it's your call.
There are certain compounds, tablets and liquids (tinctures) of MM that might help. I do know that tolerance buildup is a huge factor in prolonged pain med usage. The body builds up tolerance to opioids and alcohol exponentially and pretty soon nothing works. I have chronic pain, knees, shoulder, neck ect ect and work full time at a drug free company with random testing. It's all Aleve all the time for me and I get by but it is hard to walk some days----------Had the talk with the wife about MM when I retire but she comments that my car building would suffer along with my motivation and I know she is right. I have a 40 ford pickup already bought for my next build and I am determined to build it so I guess for me, All Aleve all the time--------------------
Doug------I know you are in pain, be careful with the meds----------I would miss hearing your stories about the dogs----------:)
Almost 2 years ago, Tuesday before Thanksgiving, I suddenly developed swelling and excruciating pain in my left hand. Off to the ER at 3:AM. Long story short... the docs determine I have Gout and put me on yet another pill.
During sixteen months of miserable existence, I figured out that the joint or those joints exerted most is where a flare up could happen. Front tips of shoulders was the very worst. That came from steering the riding mower. I had to tie the husky's leash around my waste to walk her out for a full 3 days.
The not knowing where the next attack would be or how long it would last had me afraid to do anything.
So sometime late March, early April, still sitting in front of the TV for hours on end, I watched a documentary titled Prescription Thugs. That info inspired a lot of thought, refection, and further research. My quandary was ,
Could my meds be interrupting my liver and kidney function, thereby causing more pain, depression, misery in general ? Only way to know was to go off of them.
I won ! No more severe attacks since.
I did take a few pain pills at one point ( August ), only to wake with a drug hangover/seeking the hair of the dog state of mind and body.
Get this.. Depending on what prescriptions and what insurance, Over the counter remedies like Aleve, Tums, bath salts, those smelly old people creams, etc.., can cost nearly as much.
I'm not moving mountains here, Didn't expect to. Quite proud of my mole hill moving.
Good luck to all
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The only problem we had with the patches was coming off them. My wife was on 75mcg of Fentanyl for almost 4 years. This was on top of Oxy as needed for breakthrough pain. When the doctor decided to pull her off ALL pain meds, he originally wanted to have her go cold turkey off both pills and patches. My wife threw a huge fit in the waiting room and basically said that would kill her. Literally kill her. We found out later the preferred method to come off Fentanyl is through an in-patient detox facility where you can be monitored while you are stepped down. My wife's pain doctor gave her a laughable two week supply of patches. This consisted of two 50mcg patches and two 25mcg patches. Have you ever seen someone going through ****** withdrawals? It's not a pretty sight. Fentanyl withdrawals are similar. At least she was at home when the hallucinations kicked in.

Once she had all the pain meds out of her system, she found that she didn't actually need them as much. Apparently prolonged use of painkillers decreases one's tolerance for pain, and increases one's sensitivity to pain. Once she came off the patches and the oxy, and got them out of her system, she found she wasn't in as much pain as her body was leading her to believe. I am in no way saying this is what is happening to you, though. Only you can determine what's right for you. I'm just relating what happened with my wife.

So, for pain relief the patches do a pretty good job. It's just what comes with them that we didn't like. Ultimately, it's your call.

This is 100% FACT.

There is no real good way to deal chronic, debilitating pain. Been on fentanyl since 2010 and I am double dog dead *** scared to death to stop without some form of detox.

Ain't none of this any good.
Few things to say...just dead tired and heading to bed shortly. I am in a different situation than many folks to the the laws here in Washington state. In addition to all of the physical troubles I have a well documented mental health history. Thanks to the way Opioids being over prescribed and abused Washington has a somewhat restrictive law....
Because of my history with "substance abuse", I was living on fistfuls of Hydrocodone while employed at the USPS. In addition to the Hydrocodone I was taking 3-5 MG of Xanax daily. This was the only thing that kept me from "going Postal" and putting folks in the hospital. Anyhow, between the history and the fact that I have psychiatric comorbidities I have to be extremely careful in what I do. If I were to use "medical pot" without getting my docs ok I will no longer be able to get my pain meds. I have asked my doc about getting put on something other than "hillbilly ******"..he said ain't gonna happen. He mentioned that every other pain med that is strong enough for me is "dirty"...they are not pure pain meds they are a mix. He told m that because I do not have a snow balls chance in hell of ever having a reduction in pain he would not be comfortable on putting me on something that is not a pure medication.
I turned 50 in April. He recently told me that if he were to just look at me without knowing my age he would guess me to be in my mid 60's. Thanks to a bum deal, gene wise, and working WAY to hard I tore myself to pieces. My spine has gotten bad enough that I have all sorts of pinched nerves. As I type this I feel like someone stuck a hot iron in both my hips...I don't have sciatica problems on one side...I have them on both. Will be seeing my rheumatologist this week for my pseudo gout. He told em that I am his youngest patient to have this...normally it does not occur til folks are in their mid to late 60's. He did a complete blood test on me. He told me that I am missing some sort of protein enzyme...this missing enzyme is partially responsible for the pain I am in...or something to that effect...
Good night all...
Have been thinking about cutting back on them...then I wake up...and holy hell does that thought go away. I must be out of my mind....

sorry to hear of your pains. I cant really add anything because I don't have any long term or abnormal pains myself at the current time but I wish I could share it with you or relieve you of it and bear it myself because you are too good for this. You are in my prayers and thoughts.
Few things to say...just dead tired and heading to bed shortly. I am in a different situation than many folks to the the laws here in Washington state. In addition to all of the physical troubles I have a well documented mental health history. Thanks to the way Opioids being over prescribed and abused Washington has a somewhat restrictive law....
Because of my history with "substance abuse", I was living on fistfuls of Hydrocodone while employed at the USPS. In addition to the Hydrocodone I was taking 3-5 MG of Xanax daily. This was the only thing that kept me from "going Postal" and putting folks in the hospital. Anyhow, between the history and the fact that I have psychiatric comorbidities I have to be extremely careful in what I do. If I were to use "medical pot" without getting my docs ok I will no longer be able to get my pain meds. I have asked my doc about getting put on something other than "hillbilly ******"..he said ain't gonna happen. He mentioned that every other pain med that is strong enough for me is "dirty"...they are not pure pain meds they are a mix. He told m that because I do not have a snow balls chance in hell of ever having a reduction in pain he would not be comfortable on putting me on something that is not a pure medication.
I turned 50 in April. He recently told me that if he were to just look at me without knowing my age he would guess me to be in my mid 60's. Thanks to a bum deal, gene wise, and working WAY to hard I tore myself to pieces. My spine has gotten bad enough that I have all sorts of pinched nerves. As I type this I feel like someone stuck a hot iron in both my hips...I don't have sciatica problems on one side...I have them on both. Will be seeing my rheumatologist this week for my pseudo gout. He told em that I am his youngest patient to have this...normally it does not occur til folks are in their mid to late 60's. He did a complete blood test on me. He told me that I am missing some sort of protein enzyme...this missing enzyme is partially responsible for the pain I am in...or something to that effect...
Good night all...

Holy crap. We are damn near neighbors. Probably chewed some of the same dirt.

I'll text you my phone number Sunday. Give me a call and we'll shoot the bull.

Going to see Hacksaw Ridge Sunday so I'll hit you up after that.

The USPS has ate up lots of good people. My friend who lives with us for a bit was at the Portland USPS for a while. Damn near drove him nuts.

Anyway, I'll hit you up Sunday.
Been on pain meds for over 20 years. 3 months ago due to a mix up at Pain Management Dr's office I was without my Oxycodone for 2 1/2 days.I was in early stages of full blown detox and I wish that on nobody.Good thing I'm too much of a coward to harm myself because you could without Medical help. Long story /short I have talked to both my Pain Dr. and my Regular Dr. about help with possible detox. Both tell me it's complicated mentally and to think real hard about going through detox only to find out I can't continue without help subduing the pain.I am at max dosage they will give me and so far I have been able to manage without needing more. At my age(67) with crappy health issues I may just continue and cross bridges when I get to them. I am lucky now that my dosage does keep me somewhat pain free most of the time.Ink I know your situation is much more complicated than mine but I can sympathize with you some.I wish you well.
Damn, I'm with you on that, it's definitely not for sissys. I'm in my late 50's and I'm kind of the opposite of what you guys are talking about. I have arthritis real bad and my knees are shot to the point where they're bone on bone. I won't take any kind of narcotic pain medicines because I've seen too many good people go down that path with bad results. My doctors are always trying to force pain medicines down my throat but I just can't go there. My knees are in such severe pain that it makes it tough to function. Trying to get some new knees but the doctors keep slow playing me.
I can relate to all here a bit.
2 lower back operations removing about 1/3 of 2 discs.
Wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy.
Things are somewhat better comparative speaking.
RA in hands and joints. Work on car for an hour next day
Swollen joints can't make a fist for hours.
Anyhow, can't take real pain Meds cause found out only have
1 functioning kidney,(from birth) from MRI with back.
I'm forced to deal with the pain other than aleve and alcohol
Prescriptions to lessen pain and help me sleep.

It does suck getting old, but I keep telling myself things could be worse...........and one day they probably will be.

Damn, I'm with you on that, it's definitely not for sissys. I'm in my late 50's and I'm kind of the opposite of what you guys are talking about. I have arthritis real bad and my knees are shot to the point where they're bone on bone. I won't take any kind of narcotic pain medicines because I've seen too many good people go down that path with bad results. My doctors are always trying to force pain medicines down my throat but I just can't go there. My knees are in such severe pain that it makes it tough to function. Trying to get some new knees but the doctors keep slow playing me.

As one who has had one knee replaced it's really nice to have the pain go away but you need to be forwarned that they don't function 100% like your real knee.No more kneeling down on that knee or using it to help yourself up. I'm not saying not to do it but just be aware of how replacement knees work.
I haven't been able to kneel down or help myself up with then for quite a while now. About 15 years ago I had a doctor tell me I shouldn't ever kneel on my knees again. Up till 5 years ago I was still hiking 10/15 mile hikes with our Boy Scout troop, but the last five have just descended into this cesspool of constant pain. Like Dave said, I still feel more fortunate than many, I've been fortunate and made my way through life and never had any special consideration or public assistance. Everybody says why don't you get a handicapped parking pass or a hoveround, I just feel like those things are for people that really don't have the choice. I just suck it up and trudge on. It's really just hard to accept in my mind.
As many of you might know, Nella is almost always in constant pain as well! Her pain stems from her movement disorder, which is constantly building muscle in her legs, where she needs it the least! And when I say near constant pain, I mean writhing in pain from "charley horse" like muscle pain!! No pill prescribed to her has been the least bit effective, and at doses that put others completely out!! We are now trying to get her a medical marijuana card so she can try the strain with high CDG's, which have no effects of being high, but hopefully will relax her body the way the good old fashioned eating a gram of hash used to do for me!! We have a very good chance of her getting her card, and we have a very good team of professionals who know how to target her symptoms! She is a most welcome addition to their patient their words "we finally get to deal with somebody who actually needs this"!! Apparently, most MM "patients" are in it for maximum buzz, which is the exact opposite of what we need!! Now that she is out of school, we feel that it is now time to put the stigmatism of marijuana aside and try any means necessary!! Pharma has done nothing to alleviate her pain, maybe natural means can help!!

I'm praying for all of you that are in pain, after years of witnessing how much pain Nella is in, I can feel first hand what you all are going through!!
gentlemen, the aging process sucks. Often when you hear about someone having a beat up body, you think about a guy that grew up farming, hanging iron, framing houses, etc. Hard, demanding work. Reality is, having an office job or sitting job is just as bad, if not worse. Just ask the guys that drive truck for 20yrs.

One fight we lose is against muscle. No matter what you do, you will begin to lose muscle mass as you age. That effects quality of life, but not nearly as much as the fight we can win, and that is with range of motion. One of the best things you can do is walk daily, and have a good stretching routine. It greatly boosts your health both physical and mental. You can try yoga, PNF stretching, etc, whatever you want, just do something. Tight hamstrings, QL, shoulders, neck, all contribute to make other injuries unbearable. There are routines all over the internet from foam rollers to lacross balls, and I'm telling you IT ALL WORKS. Those little old Korean ladies you see walking all the time and doing tai chi in the park, well they are doing this aging thing just right

InkJunkie, what are they saying is the actual issue with your back?
I've been on pain meds since 2006. It's a pain in the rump, having to take these pills 4 to 5 times a day. But it's the only way I can make it through the day. I still work part time in a job that requires walking all day. Yes this helps my legs, but doesn't do anything for the pain in my upper body.
I hope the marijuana works for you, I know it has helped quite a few folks. My wife had cancer at one time and she really got in touch with the holistic side of things. There are so many things that can be helped with simple herbs and natural stuff. It's worth looking into
gentlemen, the aging process sucks. Often when you hear about someone having a beat up body, you think about a guy that grew up farming, hanging iron, framing houses, etc. Hard, demanding work. Reality is, having an office job or sitting job is just as bad, if not worse. Just ask the guys that drive truck for 20yrs.

One fight we lose is against muscle. No matter what you do, you will begin to lose muscle mass as you age. That effects quality of life, but not nearly as much as the fight we can win, and that is with range of motion. One of the best things you can do is walk daily, and have a good stretching routine. It greatly boosts your health both physical and mental. You can try yoga, PNF stretching, etc, whatever you want, just do something. Tight hamstrings, QL, shoulders, neck, all contribute to make other injuries unbearable. There are routines all over the internet from foam rollers to lacross balls, and I'm telling you IT ALL WORKS. Those little old Korean ladies you see walking all the time and doing tai chi in the park, well they are doing this aging thing just right

InkJunkie, what are they saying is the actual issue with your back?
Just worn out. All of my lumbar discs are toast. And because this happened rom overuse I have arthritis as well. Spoke with several docs about a potential fix...and told it simply is not going to happen. Surgeon I talked to said that they will not fuse all my discs together....said that the most they do is every other one. And with as badly worn out as they all are it will only make things worse. She also told me that with as arthritic as I am I won't get any real pain relief. She,also noted that my hips are pretty arthritic...and the added strain of a fused lower back will just make them worse. All started when I got tossed off a dirtbike. into a berm...was going 45mph, misjudged the entry...and landed on my right hip. Was 14 or so. Manual labor jobs til I left the USPS. Degenerative disc disease turned into lumbar spinal stenosis . Now it is pretty much just bone on bone.
Goung to he orthopedic surgeon n see about what I did to my shoulder when I fell. MRI report mentioned a SLAP tear as well as rotator cuff damage. My wife was rubbing an ointment on my shoulder last night....she said she could feel all sorts of fluid moving around. Going to see the rheumatologist the same day...have pseudo gout n my fingers...can no longer make a fist on either side..
Good times.
I always get frustrated when folks tell me to switch Doctors. Have went to 2 different facilities . Neither one will prescribe pain meds, at least not to someone like myself that has been battling mental health troubles for years. That is why I have to sign a pain contract. Spoke with the one potential new doc. She told me that I will need to go see a pain management "specialist". That they will not prescribe either Oxy to me right away. I will have to go into a detox center and "get clean". Then start all over....Being bi-polar...and already having suicidal thoughts on a very regular basis simply can't see this happening...