Stop in for a cup of coffee

I am not a fan of welding and filing them at all. I should send you some weights to play with. Usually they are 58G, been messing around with brining them lighter seems to extend the curve a bit. Just *** deep here between the truck and the dock and the field.
Sounds good. When you have time, if you a set of light weights to spare
I'm working mostly on house stuff - that's the priority here. I'm making brackets for a fence post. I forgot to bring a good hacksaw and spare blades yesterday - made the job twice as hard.
Sounds good. When you have time, if you a set of light weights to spare
I'm working mostly on house stuff - that's the priority here. I'm making brackets for a fence post. I forgot to bring a good hacksaw and spare blades yesterday - made the job twice as hard.
LOL I was just going to send you spare weights to grind down, small block or big?
LOL I was just going to send you spare weights to grind down, small block or big?
That would work - I have that sb distributor with a worn out shaft I could take the weights from. I need to invest in a good scale.
high of 55 today, and more rain is what they are forecasting. Gotta work anyway so doesn't really matter lol
'bout the same on temp here. Our rain should hold off till this afternoon around the time I start work. :thumbsup:

No long term power tool usage. A lot of vibration through the steering wheel in my old tool trucks for 28 years probably did it. I think driving those trucks for so long did more damage than I realize.
I have used plenty of power tools. Some people think of the heavy stuff like Jackhammers and hammer drills... Having done woodworking as a job and hobby -If anything did damage to me it was sanders. Especially years ago, they vibrated a lot more. Felt it in hands and arms long after...
Find a college with a 3-D printer? Have them print them as part of a class project???
We need to figure out the software or get a 3D scanner.
Thats a great tool think they would hold up If I cant find them? Doubt used would be any good mine were pretty brittle.
Was looking at them yesterday... they have them for less than $1000 now that are big enough to print small things like clips and such. Or up to $5,000 for bigger stuff.
Whats funny I have some NOS I got in a lot of parts but they are for the pop's rocker moulding took years to find them.
I have one just let me know what you want Grams work the best on them, Stock is usually 58.
What's the tach drive race units? 56g - that would seem to be a good start.
Drill press was an option I had thought about
Whats funny I have some NOS I got in a lot of parts but they are for the pop's rocker moulding took years to find them.
Same type? There was a place here on Spring Garden St, East of N Broad that had lots of that stuff. OMR may know where they moved - assuming they still exist.
@Old man ray
Might be less actually they are pretty small next time I am in one I will weigh them. I HAVE ONE THAT IS OPEN NEED A PICKUP PLATE FOR IT! Cannot find one without getting a distrib and pulling it!
I told my son there's a need for simple plastic parts like molding clips as long as there's a sample. We need that software to run it though. It would be cool if you could arrange them on a parts tree like model car parts. You could produce a half dozen at a time. The initial set up is a little tricky.
Might be less actually they are pretty small next time I am in one I will weigh them. I HAVE ONE THAT IS OPEN NEED A PICKUP PLATE FOR IT! Cannot find one without getting a distrib and pulling it!
Not the same as anything else? Know anyone with a Bridgeport?