Stop in for a drink.

Cheers all my Glen Fargo is almost gone and was hopping it would last another month before a new bottle was bought.
Been working on my Scamp getting it ready for Mopars in the park and hard to believe another 4 or 5 months of winter here and I'm still not ready for the show.
You all better be there I'll be riding shot gun behind Sublimeone if I can keep up with him in that green beast he has.
2 fingers of 1800 tequila, a dash of cointreau and two shakes of lime juice makes the perfect margarita for sitting by the camp fire at the lake house. Winter around here is about 45*, so perfect for being outside with a good drink and a fire.
Almost a year old Witbier. Yum!



Hello Mike and Fred, I am in the same boat with Fred, Bud beer and a little herb to help my energy level. This cold weather moved me into the house, two buds down and a shot of....of.... I will say it...Jim Beam.
Hello Mike and Fred, I am in the same boat with Fred, Bud beer and a little herb to help my energy level. This cold weather moved me into the house, two buds down and a shot of....of.... I will say it...Jim Beam.
Herb, I like Herb. May be he will come for a visit someday. :rofl:
Well, I must say that the pharmaceutical tech at my dispensary knows what I want as I walk up to the counter, she is easy on the eyes and has been filling my prescription for 9 months now, I don't like the wild and crazy high that sets me on my butt, I go for the flower that gives me energy and makes my creativity kick in high gear, not the opposite.
It is so satisfying to know my buds are clean of anything foreign, before I was leagal i was scared of what was put in this weed that got me so stoned. Not anymore men :thumbsup:
Well, I must say that the pharmaceutical tech at my dispensary knows what I want as I walk up to the counter, she is easy on the eyes and has been filling my prescription for 9 months now, I don't like the wild and crazy high that sets me on my butt, I go for the flower that gives me energy and makes my creativity kick in high gear, not the opposite.
It is so satisfying to know my buds are clean of anything foreign, before I was leagal i was scared of what was put in this weed that got me so stoned. Not anymore men :thumbsup:
It would enjoy something that wouldn't put me to sleep. I remember one saturday I polished our old piano all afternoon. Hasn't looked that good since.
Well, I must say that the pharmaceutical tech at my dispensary knows what I want as I walk up to the counter, she is easy on the eyes and has been filling my prescription for 9 months now, I don't like the wild and crazy high that sets me on my butt, I go for the flower that gives me energy and makes my creativity kick in high gear, not the opposite.
It is so satisfying to know my buds are clean of anything foreign, before I was leagal i was scared of what was put in this weed that got me so stoned. Not anymore men :thumbsup:
Sounds like this buds for you Mike. lol
How many states now? We are getting surrounded. LOL 17 states.
I had to stop that nonsense when I went to work for an employer that mandated a drug test for any injury or accident on the job. "I don't care if he is bleeding to death! Drug test first!" was their attitude :lol:
You know I am a big Rye fan. Got this today. I think the best ever.

Samples? Taste test?
Very smooth, slightly sweet. Slight floral taste right off. No alcohol burn. Nice spicy peppery taste through to the end. Makes your lips tingle a little a min or two after swallowing.