who here hates yard work, and other **** that annoys me, just venting

I have a 27-acre parcel and I love it.


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I LOVE working in my yard! And when my sons used to cut the grass, I wasn't the happiest camper because I had a higher standard I adhered to, and they just mostly wanted to "knock it out". The only thing that sucks is that it eats into my weekend time, so I have to try and cut/edge the grass right before the sun goes down......a time that I probably wouldn't be doing much of anything.

But I have a lot of trees and bushes too, on over an acre, and we can't have tall weeds because of the fire danger. I actually feel like a full-time maintenance groundskeeper to a park! Then there's the broken or clogged sprinklers, the malfunctioning sprinkler timers and valves, and recently I had some damn gophers gnaw right thru my drip system hose (underground) and caused a huge sinkhole looking water leak. Yeeesh! It's overwhelming at times.
Beat you to it. Built one in my back yard years ago right where i could never get grass to grow anyways. 27' deep x.31' wide. 837 sq feet. Took up a lot of mowing area. Prefer to pave over the front yard then glue down astro turf. Always green, never needs mowed, never needs water, never gets weeds. Problem solved, oh and you can park your car on it without leaving ruts

As far as my daughter goes, she dont mow the lawn anymore. It needs done, i dont say a word, i just pull the mower out n do it myself. She only gets an allowance based on chores she does. There is a value placed on every chore. Do it get payed, dont do it dont get payed. Its not our fault if she has no money to go to the mall. She has to work to get payed. No work no pay. When she bitches about not having any money we remind her about all the chores around the house that need to be done. We.dont wait forever tho, if she doesnt do them, either her little sisters do if its an age appropriate job, and they get payed , or my wife and i do the jobs ourselves.

Trying to give her the education no work = no pay. Already knows the free ride stops at 18. Get a job, and if living in my home u will pay rent. Alreafy told her enjoy your free cell phone, because she will have to pay for her own phone at 18 as well. Already told her i will not support an adult child.

Yeah, exactly, perfect. Too many kids think everything in life will just be handed to them, but that's just not the way it is. I have a feeling it's harder now that it was maybe in the past, or at least when I graduated.
I just LOL !! Thank you Oldmanmopar :D

Yep got all to starting on the sunporch this morning after mowing the grass, ran into problems with the sheetrock n plaster yet again. Figured i'd just say f##k it for today. Just not in the right frame of mind for this right now.

Sometimes i get these really big highs and lows like a roller coaster ride. Eventually they even out, this is when i want the wife n kids to leave me alone, but it never happens.

When these things happen i tend to just leave **** alone till im in a better frame of mind to actually finish it. Problem is sometimes i dont ever finish it tho. The sunporch has to get done. Im 4 months in on a 6 month permit from the city, so close to finishing up. Everything i got to buy is costing me, still drowning in debt but i will get it done.
I love yard work even though my back hurts a lot and it's not the easiest thing for me to do. My wife is a great helper too. I grew up out in the country where everybody had huge yards, chickens, rabbits, ducks, horses, and a big garden to take care of so this little 1/2 acre place on the edge of town I have seems like a walk in the park.
Personally, I'm glad we've had a bad drought {drouth, whatever. It ain't rained} the past several years. I was spending a half a day every Saturday on a 38" riding mower. Now I just water the grass right around the house, can knock out the mowing and weed eating in about an hour.

The weed eating around the pond is what I hate. Have to take a dip net and clean all the cuttings out or they plug up the pumps. The waterfall looks nice, like to sit on the back porch and drink coffee, listen to the water on the rocks, but overall it's just another time consuming pain in the *** to keep looking nice. The more stuff you have the less time you have to enjoy it.

You ever see that movie about the World's Fastest Indian? Guy lived in his little shop and worked on his bike all day. Grass was all grown up so he set it on fire. Seems to me like the way to go. The hell with all the projects/maintenance/honey do's on a house lol.
Personally, I'm glad we've had a bad drought {drouth, whatever. It ain't rained} the past several years. I was spending a half a day every Saturday on a 38" riding mower. Now I just water the grass right around the house, can knock out the mowing and weed eating in about an hour.

The weed eating around the pond is what I hate. Have to take a dip net and clean all the cuttings out or they plug up the pumps. The waterfall looks nice, like to sit on the back porch and drink coffee, listen to the water on the rocks, but overall it's just another time consuming pain in the *** to keep looking nice. The more stuff you have the less time you have to enjoy it.

You ever see that movie about the World's Fastest Indian? Guy lived in his little shop and worked on his bike all day. Grass was all grown up so he set it on fire. Seems to me like the way to go. The hell with all the projects/maintenance/honey do's on a house lol.

That is a great movie.
I don't mind doing it at home because its setup so if i have to get off the lawnmower it does not get cut. Weed eaters are the dumbest invention because the damn string just messes up and i feel like i am fighting the thing more then i am actually doing. Yes, every tree shrub and garden is spaced so the lawnmower can squeeze through. If not ... its a weed patch (roundup)

At work is a different story because i hate the mower they have and collecting all the clippings. Its another dumb invention .. over an acre of grass that they want collected and dumped out. Natural organic matter is being removed from the grass and replaced with chemical... make sense? not to my farming mind. Another case of the shoot getting plugged up and spending more time digging out the mower then cutting grass. Its a make work program. Also they have these damn flowers planted all over the place that need to be watered every day. But i get paid to do all this plus the factory work. So i am always busy which is nice for the paycheck.
I had to mow the lawn when I was living at home and when I got married I told her I was not mowing any lawns and no yard work and in 51 years I have not done any lawn mowing or any type of yard work but have always kept the mowers running for her. But I take care of all the cars and pay the bills and still that way today.
I like doing my yard. Its something i,m proud of like my car. BUT! This Texas heat sux sweaty munkey danglers.

Damn....that sure is a beautiful yard. We have a touch under 5 acres and don't do a damn thing to it. Will be getting a bush hog for the back of the tractor sometime soon. Once we get our housing nightmare squared away we will end up with a yard of some sorts. But I am not going to have something that I am married to. I am very lucky, the wife likes to help outside. We have a crap load of rocks. She has no problem with hoping on the tractor and doing a bit of rock farming, when she is up to it. One thing I do like doing is trimming the trees. So much so that I volunteered to trim the sides of our roads. Have not been out there in a while, to damn warm. If I could skip the trimming part and go right to the burning part it would suit me just fine.