What the hell is going on with shops?



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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My Nephew took his Dodge Ram to a trans shop today and asked them how much it would cost him to have them replace the converter lockup solinoid in his trans and they told him $1,100.00
Seriously this is a drop the pan and filter, take out one bolt, unplug and pull the solinoid out and put the new one in.
He can do it himself, he just didn't really want to mess with doing it in the driveway.
On a lift I could do it in 30 min max, and the part is about $100.00
What the hell is going on with shops these days?
Bunch of frikkin thieves.

He knows better than that and told them there wasn't a chance in hell.
Happens when shops lose work. There's a reason ,that shop quoted a high estimate. High pressure service writers,owners deep in the red.
Happens when shops lose work. There's a reason ,that shop quoted a high estimate. High pressure service writers,owners deep in the red.

That's exactly what I told my Nephew. (except I used the word RUN! also):D
Our , it causes a shop to lose work.... I'd sooner think the shop had no clue what was involved and through out some high number to CYA - and lost the job..
Fix an AT means complete rebuild out here. Diagnosis, labor to pull, warranty...tell him just do it yourself.
That's what's it cost to run a business. No one works for free, then you have insurance and workers comp. then you have part etc etc. I'm sick of people complaining how much every thing cost.
That's what's it cost to run a business. No one works for free, then you have insurance and workers comp. then you have part etc etc. I'm sick of people complaining how much every thing cost.

1 hr labor and some marked up parts. = not $1,100.00
They're not doctors with malpractice insurance.
And having done it for a living for decades I know exactly how it is and what is reasonable.
That's what's it cost to run a business. No one works for free, then you have insurance and workers comp. then you have part etc etc. I'm sick of people complaining how much every thing cost.
AMEN Plus you missed shop payment however it may be rent or payment. Plus i didnt vote for him sorry to stir the pot.
I trust in the free market to set prices. Many people say "pay someone to do it and you concentrate on what you do best". That ignores all the "transaction fees" like taxes on both ends (my pay and their income), different agendas - I want cheap, they want to ream me, and trust issues, plus the costs of frustration. Turns out easier for me to just do it myself, whether mowing the lawn or fixing the roof. I need exercise anyway.

Too many people claim to be "professionals" when there is little skill in their profession and no degree required. I rebuilt 2 Mopar transmissions without ever having attempted one before. It was quite easy, I just followed the manual. Easier than hauling it to a shop and back and waiting for them, plus fretting over the bill.
Did a Turbo 350,Turbo 400. Assisted ,on a 727. If you nave patience,clean all,buy a ATRA manual(hint,hint.....).
no differrent building houses 10 years ago no 1 in history made 75k to put up a houe but the whole game changed when the crash came , now every 1 here any ways has to be lisensed that meeens schoolour a bodies dont have this funky computer every thing , ave person cant fix nothing a guy lost his job he picked up a hammer and he was a carpenter ;last week he was sittting trying to sell cars tho he didnt know **** about them i look up to the older guys and wish i woulda listend more takes 1/2 a day to change a headlight now days i still cant figgure out my ckock and radio let alone turn on the seat vibrate no ashtray theres a tv there now to back up my wifes explorer it takes 2 hours to change the plugs it all looked good on paper but i can fix most my pre 72 cars the rest you better have a gr8 friend car you want to turn a keey thro on a seat bealt cause it wont start if you dont put it in gear and drive you should be able too for 30k just like a house they want to com e home hit the garage door opener hit the light switsh flush a toilet turn on a sink and see no dripps and there all good try to teach some kid from the 90s this chit there there for a paycheck but it takes 2000 hours training just to pass first part of working on a car and pay for your own tools most places pay the un employment payroll wich you have to kick in on noe for med,ssi ,ins ,and work comp i sure *** hell dont wanna be president but we got to cut half those basterds out get in turn on the key it doesnt start things start beepin lights are on doesnt run right but you got to get you *** to work or your out buiss changed but the theifs keep on theifn you need a mechanic ,a home improve it or tear it out and do it right guy an and a computer buddie do stay up in this world of payment and confussion we got put in no 1 wanted that farm life where you worked hard but could do it all if not you traded work JEBB BUSH Ssays he can str8ten it out just what we need another bush in the white house streets are raising the kids and the rest of us hanging buy a tread we down to 1 shop in our town and theres 15000 people he can pick what he wants to work on or jack the price up and see if you want it done i dont have the answers but i try to keep the old cars running so i can do my own work when noy to major and make a trade when it is i feel a revalution started on get your do nothing government *** outa my way and go get a real job y vote for the job first it pays 20 k a year and has no bennies how bad you wanna help just venting now i dunno
What did the estimate specifically have on the estimate for parts and labor?

A smart shop is still going to diagnose the problem for themselves and not go by the customers diagnostic. Going by customer diagnostic burns shops. So that 1 hour diagnose with hookup to $1K+ diagnositic computer. ??About $85/hr in Arizona for labor rate??

So what is the book labor rate for this job? I doubt it's an hour. It may take you 30 mins on the rack. But you have to rack the car, un rack it, test drive it when finished.

I'll WAG a guess at 3-4 hours with diagnostic. So about $255 to $340

If the part cost you $100, the shop will have to charge 2 times of what they buy it for. So $200 or less for the part. Then you have what 5 quarts of ATF-4 at about $9/qt to the customer. And what $50-70 to the customer for filter and gasket depending if its the good plastic metal core mopar gasket. So I see $300 at least in parts.

So I am totally WAG on this but I see $550-$650 mininum. $1100 is probably too much, but there is not itemization shown here to go with that estimate. IMHO, tranny shops are notorious on thier pricing structures compared to general repair.

But I can't see this as a $200 job from a typical professional shop.
^^^ Yep

Don't forget when we work on a car we can't afford to have it come back that means also maybe a few more new parts then what it necessarily needs (to scrape by) but it has to be done right the first time or else we can't stay open.
it's called "too much regulation" too much liability too much complexity in newer cars scare tactics ( the word transmission ) not enough information on the customers part not enough work because of not enough jobs equal hard times for shops who need big $ for staying afloat cars are just appliances that are supposed to be junked instead of fixed these days (and people says im quiet ha) how about why someone asks me why I don't have a newer truck to drive everyday, I guess this is why. Ill just stick with this old powerwagon.
no differrent building houses 10 years ago no 1 in history made 75k to put up a houe but the whole game changed when the crash came , now every 1 here any ways has to be lisensed that meeens schoolour a bodies dont have this funky computer every thing , ave person cant fix nothing a guy lost his job he picked up a hammer and he was a carpenter ;last week he was sittting trying to sell cars tho he didnt know **** about them i look up to the older guys and wish i woulda listend more takes 1/2 a day to change a headlight now days i still cant figgure out my ckock and radio let alone turn on the seat vibrate no ashtray theres a tv there now to back up my wifes explorer it takes 2 hours to change the plugs it all looked good on paper but i can fix most my pre 72 cars the rest you better have a gr8 friend car you want to turn a keey thro on a seat bealt cause it wont start if you dont put it in gear and drive you should be able too for 30k just like a house they want to com e home hit the garage door opener hit the light switsh flush a toilet turn on a sink and see no dripps and there all good try to teach some kid from the 90s this chit there there for a paycheck but it takes 2000 hours training just to pass first part of working on a car and pay for your own tools most places pay the un employment payroll wich you have to kick in on noe for med,ssi ,ins ,and work comp i sure *** hell dont wanna be president but we got to cut half those basterds out get in turn on the key it doesnt start things start beepin lights are on doesnt run right but you got to get you *** to work or your out buiss changed but the theifs keep on theifn you need a mechanic ,a home improve it or tear it out and do it right guy an and a computer buddie do stay up in this world of payment and confussion we got put in no 1 wanted that farm life where you worked hard but could do it all if not you traded work JEBB BUSH Ssays he can str8ten it out just what we need another bush in the white house streets are raising the kids and the rest of us hanging buy a tread we down to 1 shop in our town and theres 15000 people he can pick what he wants to work on or jack the price up and see if you want it done i dont have the answers but i try to keep the old cars running so i can do my own work when noy to major and make a trade when it is i feel a revalution started on get your do nothing government *** outa my way and go get a real job y vote for the job first it pays 20 k a year and has no bennies how bad you wanna help just venting now i dunno

That's a mouthfull!
no differrent building houses 10 years ago no 1 in history made 75k to put up a houe but the whole game changed when the crash came , now every 1 here any ways has to be lisensed that meeens schoolour a bodies dont have this funky computer every thing , ave person cant fix nothing a guy lost his job he picked up a hammer and he was a carpenter ;last week he was sittting trying to sell cars tho he didnt know **** about them i look up to the older guys and wish i woulda listend more takes 1/2 a day to change a headlight now days i still cant figgure out my ckock and radio let alone turn on the seat vibrate no ashtray theres a tv there now to back up my wifes explorer it takes 2 hours to change the plugs it all looked good on paper but i can fix most my pre 72 cars the rest you better have a gr8 friend car you want to turn a keey thro on a seat bealt cause it wont start if you dont put it in gear and drive you should be able too for 30k just like a house they want to com e home hit the garage door opener hit the light switsh flush a toilet turn on a sink and see no dripps and there all good try to teach some kid from the 90s this chit there there for a paycheck but it takes 2000 hours training just to pass first part of working on a car and pay for your own tools most places pay the un employment payroll wich you have to kick in on noe for med,ssi ,ins ,and work comp i sure *** hell dont wanna be president but we got to cut half those basterds out get in turn on the key it doesnt start things start beepin lights are on doesnt run right but you got to get you *** to work or your out buiss changed but the theifs keep on theifn you need a mechanic ,a home improve it or tear it out and do it right guy an and a computer buddie do stay up in this world of payment and confussion we got put in no 1 wanted that farm life where you worked hard but could do it all if not you traded work JEBB BUSH Ssays he can str8ten it out just what we need another bush in the white house streets are raising the kids and the rest of us hanging buy a tread we down to 1 shop in our town and theres 15000 people he can pick what he wants to work on or jack the price up and see if you want it done i dont have the answers but i try to keep the old cars running so i can do my own work when noy to major and make a trade when it is i feel a revalution started on get your do nothing government *** outa my way and go get a real job y vote for the job first it pays 20 k a year and has no bennies how bad you wanna help just venting now i dunno

I read your first few lines and gave up. This is impossible to read without punctuation. Its like one long sentence.
My Nephew took his Dodge Ram to a trans shop today and asked them how much it would cost him to have them replace the converter lockup solinoid in his trans and they told him $1,100.00
Seriously this is a drop the pan and filter, take out one bolt, unplug and pull the solinoid out and put the new one in.
He can do it himself, he just didn't really want to mess with doing it in the driveway.
On a lift I could do it in 30 min max, and the part is about $100.00
What the hell is going on with shops these days?
Bunch of frikkin thieves.

He knows better than that and told them there wasn't a chance in hell.

I don't believe the crap about "this is what it costs to run a shop" when it comes to installing a $100 part. Parts and labor used to be fairly close to equal. But I also dont think gas is worth $4 plus a gallon and a new truck $70,000 +. Maybe I'm wrong but isn't everything overpriced today? Especially when they "claim" to be technicians.
Originally Posted by daredevil http://www.forabodiesonly.com/mopar/showthread.php?p=1969881132#post1969881132
I read your first few lines and gave up. This is impossible to read without punctuation. Its like one long sentence.

X's 2

You left out the imposable to read and comprehend alpha numerical phonetic spelling knitted into this incomprehensible run on paragraph…

I too gave up trying to decipher post after attempting to decode a few lines.

Hint to composers of this writing style; peck out your message in MS Word or equivalent, and take advantage of its automatic spelling & grammar correction prompts. Once you complete your thoughts “Copy & Paste” the whole shoot’en-match into this site’s text box. It’s a win-win; you look smart, and we can read it.