Diet to quit smoking



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Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
I have got to throw these stupid cigarettes away and clean my body out.
I think there was a thread started back last year here by a member.
I guess it is just the time of the year :angry7:but I feel so run down and low energy
lately and stress has been zapping my energy.
Hot tea in the morning and no coffee for a week and hot showers with a table spoon of honey two times a day along with fresh fruit and fish to help
get me cleaned out and loose about 20 lb's so I can be memike again.
I woke up this morning around 7 am and went to bed at 10:30pm last night :-k
But by 11 am I was tore down tired and slept till 5:30 pm.:shock:

I don't know what is going on with me , but this is not me :angry7:

It might be cabin fever or something but I just have not been getting out side much for fresh air and a walk or just bundle up and go fishing like I usually do. Where did my Ching go :angry7:

I have smocked 5 cigarettes today and I have number six lit up know.
I just put myself on the scales and I am at 187 lbs and 5'7" so all the folks here can cheer me on and pray for the best.
I need to keep fit and look my best for myself and my lovely wife, But mainly for myself :-D

Here is some things I will be doing to get me cleaned out.

Thanks for reading this and help if you have anything that might help me allong. Your Arkansas member Mike

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I tried the patch and quit for 9 months,went from 165lbs. to 194.Whoa!!Chubby:bootysha:Well i was playing cards and drinking beer with the guys and..had 1 smoke,that,s all it took(and I was doing so good)You have to set your brain,and tell yourself how much you want to quit.It,s all upstairs Mike.You can do it!!You just have to tell yourself that,s it.Good Luck!I don,t think the plant water from the kitchen window is gonna help?TeeHe!
I tried the patch and quit for 9 months,went from 165lbs. to 194.Whoa!!Chubby:bootysha:Well i was playing cards and drinking beer with the guys and..had 1 smoke,that,s all it took(and I was doing so good)You have to set your brain,and tell yourself how much you want to quit.It,s all upstairs Mike.You can do it!!You just have to tell yourself that,s it.Good Luck!I don,t think the plant water from the kitchen window is gonna help?TeeHe!

Same here, I quit for 11 months, then I was having a real bad wheel/ tire problem for 2 weeks at the hunting camp. I said f%$# it, bought a pack of cigs. and now I'm as hooked as ever. Have to quit all over again! Like I say, it's like crack cocain, You can't partially quit, it's QUIT FOR GOOD!
Best go to the doctor!
Could be your blood pressure!
Hope you get better soon!!

I have had nothing but good blood pressure at every visit to my doctor,
But Treva said maybe I should have it checked tomorrow when I go in town.
Thank you 71produster8)
I have had nothing but good blood pressure at every visit to my doctor,
But Treva said maybe I should have it checked tomorrow when I go in town.
Thank you 71produster8)

Also check your blood sugar, could be high. That will make you feel really crappy, believe me I know.
I have never smoked ... I tried it but I just couldn't no matter what.. it would absolutely kill me. But what is so funny is I could smoke the crap out of a hog leg joint with no problems. I smoked pot for years and drank all of the time .. to much actually. I quit drinking in 2001 and of course I quit smoking pot also. I do not use any mind or mood alternating chemicals .. just caffeine. When I decided to quit drinking, partying, and started to take care of my body I slowly started feeling better. Everything taste better and smelled better for some strange reason. I started thinking more clearly.. looking at things in a different light if you will. I catch a normal high every so often that is not produced by a drink or drug and it feels ten times better than any drug/drink that I have ever done. It's very, very, hard to quit smoking. I know this even though I have never been addicted to cigarettes. Look at Patrick Swayze (sp). The poor fellow can't quit and he got some form of cancer. He only gets half of his kim-mo because he smokes and they can only give him so much at a time. I know it's tuff Mike but if you quit smoking I bet you will automatically start feeling better. Do you walk in the woods like you used to? I remember you did some deer hunting couple years ago.

I have not been myself either lately. Last years divorce ripped some gitty up and go out of me or something. I lost faith. I don't do as much praying like I used to but I will definitely pray for you Mike because you are my buddy!:-D
Also check your blood sugar, could be high. That will make you feel really crappy, believe me I know.

Great suggestion!

I'm a diabetic and back when my sugar would be high for a couple days I felt really, really bad and ill ... I could bite a nail in half. I'm type 1 diabetic.
Great suggestion!

I'm a diabetic and back when my sugar would be high for a couple days I felt really, really bad and ill ... I could bite a nail in half. I'm type 1 diabetic.

Yup, I can control mine with Diet, but I'm not allways a good boy.
I have never smoked ... I tried it but I just couldn't no matter what.. it would absolutely kill me. But what is so funny is I could smoke the crap out of a hog leg joint with no problems. I smoked pot for years and drank all of the time .. to much actually. I quit drinking in 2001 and of course I quit smoking pot also. I do not use any mind or mood alternating chemicals .. just caffeine. When I decided to quit drinking, partying, and started to take care of my body I slowly started feeling better. Everything taste better and smelled better for some strange reason. I started thinking more clearly.. looking at things in a different light if you will. I catch a normal high every so often that is not produced by a drink or drug and it feels ten times better than any drug/drink that I have ever done. It's very, very, hard to quit smoking. I know this even though I have never been addicted to cigarettes. Look at Patrick Swayze (sp). The poor fellow can't quit and he got some form of cancer. He only gets half of his kim-mo because he smokes and they can only give him so much at a time. I know it'stuff Mike but if you quit smoking I bet you will automatically start feeling better. Do you walk in the woods like you used to? I remember you did some deer hunting couple years ago.

I have not been myself either lately. Last years divorce ripped some gitty up and go out of me or something. I lost faith. I do as much praying like I used to but I will definitely pray for you Mike because you are my buddy!:-D

They say smoking a joint is like smoking a pack of cigarettes!!!
I smoked for 12 yrs quit by using the patch for 1yr 1/2 same thing as pettybludart had a few drinks and back smoking again...Then I went to DR. to get those chantix pills they talk so badly about...I didn;t care i had to quit I couldn't breath and I am only 33 yrs old..I have been 6 months w/out one at all....The chantix makes the cigs taste like dirt...really :puker...Word to the wise...DO NOT DRINK W/ PILLS THEY WACKED ME OUT REALLY BAD...I know that part was stupid of me...any how, My senses all came back it feels like double the power...I can smell again:cheers: Hang in their...
I tried the patch and quit for 9 months,went from 165lbs. to 194.Whoa!!Chubby:bootysha:Well i was playing cards and drinking beer with the guys and..had 1 smoke,that,s all it took(and I was doing so good)You have to set your brain,and tell yourself how much you want to quit.It,s all upstairs Mike.You can do it!!You just have to tell yourself that,s it.Good Luck!I don,t think the plant water from the kitchen window is gonna help?TeeHe!

I have taken aspirin two times in my life when I was young and I am elegaic to it and they always tray and give me something ells but I brake out in hives and the Tequila works good in moderation " two shots a day at the most"
It does make me feel better, I think you are right It,s all upstairs.
The apple vinegar is taken to help wash the nicotine out and help get my taste buds to reject the nasty taste of a cigarette, Like when you get a cold and a cigarette tastes like $h!!
The bud light is so my wife can put up with me while I quit this nasty habit.
and be a better grandfather for a bit longer :clock:
hey Mike for 20 years I smoked John Player Specials { the strongest smokes in Canada } and Reds when I lived in Michigan and I got to tell you man the only way to quit is to man up and do it and every time you want to smoke again realize your just making an excuse to puss out , I quit after 20 years of 25+ smokes a day and so can you { I chewed the hell out of that dentyne ice gum for a couple of months } ain't nothin to it but to do it - 5 years and I gained 40 pounds , as for your health get a full workup done and start walking again
I smoked for 12 yrs quit by using the patch for 1yr 1/2 same thing as pettybludart had a few drinks and back smoking again...Then I went to DR. to get those chantix pills they talk so badly about...I didn;t care i had to quit I couldn't breath and I am only 33 yrs old..I have been 6 months w/out one at all....The chantix makes the cigs taste like dirt...really :puker...Word to the wise...DO NOT DRINK W/ PILLS THEY WACKED ME OUT REALLY BAD...I know that part was stupid of me...any how, My senses all came back it feels like double the power...I can smell again:cheers: Hang in their...

I may have to give this a try and ask my doctor about chantix
Wow Congratulations chasduster.:cheers:
And thank you.
Quote by mullinax95= I will definitely pray for you Mike because you are my buddy Thank you bud,
hey Mike for 20 years I smoked John Player Specials { the strongest smokes in Canada } and Reds when I lived in Michigan and I got to tell you man the only way to quit is to man up and do it and every time you want to smoke again realize your just making an excuse to puss out , I quit after 20 years of 25+ smokes a day and so can you { I chewed the hell out of that dentyne ice gum for a couple of months } ain't nothin to it but to do it - 5 years and I gained 40 pounds , as for your health get a full workup done and start walking again

I like the way you got me to thinking cannucky :cheers:
Thank you for the inspiration "an excuse to puss out" That will stick :-D
Also check your blood sugar, could be high. That will make you feel really crappy, believe me I know.

I will have my Doctor check that, No wait, My brothers daughter has a tester I can do that myself tomorrow, Thank you for the heads up
the only way to quit is to man up and do it and every time you want to smoke again realize your just making an excuse to puss out , I quit after 20 years of 25+ smokes a day and so can you

Good advice!

My wife used to smoke a pack a day. About four years ago right around this time she got the flu. Since she was sick she couldn't go outside to smoke cause it was too cold - it helped her to quit. Hasn't smoked since. She was miserable for a few months though, I wanted to strangle her on a few occasions... definitely one of the harder things to kick!

Good luck Mike.
I tried Chantix, first off, It is expensive 120.00 a 30 day supply. Yes I know it is expensive to smoke. It didn't work for me. I had to just quit and I took Commit lozenges to help.
Memike. You just explained me to a T. You are not alone.:angry7: I am 39 and have been smoking a pack a day or more since I was 16. I am feeling the same way. No energy and no reason to get off the couch on the weekends. I go the 19th of Jan. to get my long overdue wisdom teeth jerked out and am going to quit cold turkey. I have tried many of times with no success. If it will give me my energy back I am all for it. 6'3 and 235 will turn into 260+ I am afraid.
I tried Chantix, first off, It is expensive 120.00 a 30 day supply. Yes I know it is expensive to smoke. It didn't work for me. I had to just quit and I took Commit lozenges to help.

I will get a bag of them tomorrow Thanks SGBARRACUDA :-D
BE VERY Careful with the Chantix / Champix. I took it for 6 weeks and have quit smoking for more than 4 months now. I do not even know what it is like to be a smoker anymore. It has also caused me to pretty much quit drinking. I know several people who have taken the drug and have very good luck with it. That stuff flat out kicked my as$! when i quit taking it. I was off work for two weeks with various side effects. Health Canada announced this week that it is adding additional warnings to the labling of the drug. Do some research on your own before taking it. Good luck!
Also, when you check your blood sugar, do it in the morning before coffee or food or anything else. If your in the 140 plus range you may be a diabetic.
Memike. You just explained me to a T. You are not alone.:angry7: I am 39 and have been smoking a pack a day or more since I was 16. I am feeling the same way. No energy and no reason to get off the couch on the weekends. I go the 19th of Jan. to get my long overdue wisdom teeth jerked out and am going to quit cold turkey. I have tried many of times with no success. If it will give me my energy back I am all for it. 6'3 and 235 will turn into 260+ I am afraid.

Racerex1, I will stay in touch and we can do this together.
I can think of allot better things to spend my money on :-D
I think a nice 4 wheeler will fit the bill for me. :-D
I have never owned one ,But have enjoyed them allot.
Get them two teeth pulled and lets put these nasty things out of our life
for good, I am so tired of looking to make sure I have a liter and a pack in my pocket before I go anywhere. I was raised around smokers my hole life and the tv showing off how cool it was to do sure did not help any.:angry7:
But we know better know. :clock:
Hey can do this

believe me, I know

I quit smoking on Christmas Day back in 1991 (3 packs of Kool filter kings
a day). This was the day after my heart attack. Didn't know I had the
attack.....the smokes just didn't taste right. Thought I had the flu.

Any time you get the urge just inhale clean air 3 or 4 times and pull it
all the way down to your toes! This fills your lungs up as if you were
doing it with smoke. Give it a try the next time you want a smoke.

You may have to do it every few minutes.....which is much better
than doing it with smoke.

Hang in there and win this one. My prayers are with you.

Your friend,