Asa needs a little help



Despicable Damn Yankee
Oct 26, 2015
Reaction score
all Mopar driveway
Hey folks, Asa (Dart Doctor) - could use a little help. He is going through a really tough time and I am hoping to get some help up for him here. Yep, things are tough all over and we all have our crosses to bear.. and if you're not able to help a little, it's all good. What I am hoping for is that as many people as possible can hit him up with say.. a $10 spot? (or more if you can) - sorry folks, no auction here this time, his need is immediate.
I am hoping we can all help the man out - he has come to the rescue a bunch of times for other members here and I am hoping we can return the kindness!!!
Thank you in advance!!!!
here's a link to donate (it's his wife's account)
Pay Kristina Lee using PayPal.Me

also, here is the "back story" in case you're interested Been a hard few days .
Will do, Moving what I can in to my paypall thingie and send it out to our young member in need ....
Done! Hope a few bucks here gets Asa back on track.
Ok i copied and pasted this from a pm i was havin . I dont think i can put it any better then i did in it . There is more to the stroy but i dont want to go there . i dont even know where to start . Means so much to me . My ole lady is outta town with are kid . She dose not live with us . (dont have the means to give her the life she needs ) She lives 70 ish miles away . She will be getting cut on . On the 26 . With us me and her mom . Oweing the 1000 bucks . I was thinking i was not going to get to be there . I hope i can be there . Your asking yourself why would 1000 bucks hold every thing up ? Well nether one of us can work . Why you ask my ole lady can see just good enough to get her DL and really i think that was a fluk. Btw she sucks at driving and dont drive with out me . i have to hold the wheel and move the car some tims lol Me a few car crashes have made me unable to keep any kinda job. And some other things i dont want to go into. But you dont know what this means to me you to help us out this way.
wish I could send more. colonostomy for me next wed. last one 3 yrs ago didn't cost squat. now, medicare plan and hospital seems to think they need $300 to start! ha

if everyone would just send the $10 it would not take long to help this family, and $10 will not break anyone, even me!
it is far better to give, than to receive.
Let me scratch up some cash for my friend Asa.

Done deal. How many times has Asa headed up benefit auctions for others? Or made you laugh?