Economy Caught Me - Job Ending 12/31



Inland Mopars Car Club
FABO Gold Member
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
North OC, SoCal
Well, it finally happened. I was informed last Tuesday that my job is ending on 12/31. "Happy Holidays" turned into "Bah, humbug".
The company I worked for was purchased by a foreign-owned worldwide corporation 3 years ago and they've been purging the original employees through various layoffs over the years. Outsourcing the manufacturing we used to do until all is left of my product is final assembly and some calibration work on existing systems.
I've been with the product for over 7 years and was originally part of a 5-person team worldwide responsible for sales of a specialty aviation-market product that's been the best-respected product in the market since it was first developed over 50 years ago. For the past 2 years I've been the only salesperson responsible for worldwide sales.
Funny thing is that now my boss has to assume those responsibilities and he doesn't have much of a clue on the product or what I did to market the product.
It's such a specialty item that there are only 3 manufacturers in the world.
Both my wife and I are SoCal natives so we're hopeful my 20+ years in aerospace/aviation item sales will turn up something here.
Oh well, at least I have a paycheck until the end of the year.
wow that sucks dude...don;t give your boss any inside tips.. he'll figure it out...I could say allot more stuff..but I have grown up allot on this site..if you know what I mean
Sorry to hear bout that OC.Like you say ,you have a lot of experience so let's hope that will open some doors for you. Good luck.
Thanks, chasduster. The last couple of hours I spent in the office last Wednesday was for his 'training'. I could tell from the questions that he was asking that he doesn't have a clue about the product.
I'm on salary until the end of the month only so I have my company cell phone so he can call and ask me questions. Other than that, I guess they're paying me my salary so I can do my jobsearch from home.
I 'grew up' about this type of thing some time answers are going to be by the philosophy of "the truth, the whole truth, but only what you need to know."
It just sucks that they did this right after Thanksgiving and just before Christmas. I'm just glad the kids are grown and on their own. They understand why Christmas this year is going to be just for the couple of grandkids.
Oooooooooooooooh man! My heart goes out to ya.

Best of luck.
Don't wait, get out there ASAP and go gett'em.
ain't that a boot to the teeth!!!sorry for your misfortune and best of luck in your job search!! Try to have a merry Xmas
a few years back I got my notice with my last paycheck which was severely under funded! This was Christmas Eve.

then new years eve my house caught fire!

That was a great year! :toothy7:
Sorry to hear of any layoff during the holidays. Don't these employers have any kind of heart anymore......they could have waited !!

Good luck to you and I hope you find something in your field that is better. :thumbup: Go get 'em OC
Sorry to hear about your layoff OC. Here is hoping that the New Year brings you fortune in finding a new job!

Last year a company a friend works for here gave a guy his pink slip at the Christmas party in front of all his co-workers and their spouses. He was asked to get up and leave before the meal too!

Really sorry to hear of your job situation, especially at this time of the year. Hope you and all those who have experienced similar circumstances bounce back quickly.

Wish you all the best.


Sorry to hear that OCDart. Typical that the worker bees get the shaft. I am also in Aerospace and we have almost as many clueless middle-managers as competent workers. Since funded by taxpayer's money, they don't have to be cost-effective and can load up the ranks with their buddies. If like here, they will probably try to get you back thru a contract company, but without the same benefits.
that sux man.

It's bee real slow for us too, not much work, not much if any money either.

Yup that sucks big time

7 personal in my department are going to lose there jobs here.There 4 of us in my group, 2 newest got pulled into the bosses office last week one will lose his job for sure as his 2 yr contract has a layoff clause the other (we wish was the one going) most likely will be gone too.
Sorry to hear this news. best of luck bro!!!!
Sorry to hear that you're losing your job Ken. At my last job in Hawaii I was told on 12/30 that when the new owners took over on 1/1, I would no longer have a job.
Sorry to hear about your layoff OC. Here is hoping that the New Year brings you fortune in finding a new job!

Last year a company a friend works for here gave a guy his pink slip at the Christmas party in front of all his co-workers and their spouses. He was asked to get up and leave before the meal too!

Now THAT is some COLD BLOODED **** right there. What the hell is wrong with people? :angry7:
ocdart, sorry to hear of your job loss, it's all too common these days.

And as far as the "how" that people find out, the guy getting the news at the Christmas party is just wrong, totally wrong.

I worked for a large, very large company for 15 years, left them just over 14 years ago for a small company, very locallized to my area, but same business, computer service. The other company was a big , worldwide company, Manufactured their own systems, sold them, sold software for them, and serviced them, I worked in service.

When times got especially lean, oh, about 16 yrs ago, they started their first ever layoffs. What I didn't like, was the means they used to inform people. A worker would be @ his/her desk, and get a tap on the shoulder, turn around, and there would be their manager, along with a security guard, to escort them to Personnel for their exit interview, where, they would be shown the door from there. All of their possessions would be gone thru, and boxed up, then shipped to their house.

I worked 3:30-midnight, and used to show up @ 3:15 or so, but as moral started circling the drain, I would show up @ 3:25-3:28. ONe day, when I arrived, some co-workers informed me that the other second shift worker had been taken to personnel as he entered the building for his shift.

Made for a great working environment, never knowing which Monday you might get the "Tap".

I rode it out, and eventually got a couple of phone calls from very good friends at the company I am now with, telling me to make the call if I wanted to get out of the big company environment, and I made the call, got a great offer, and have never looked back.

Good luck OC. News like this is never good and around the holidays it sucks even more. We've got something similar going on here. Three family members employed by the same company, said company sending out letters stating that as of 2/15/10 no one will have a job. Everyone expects it to be sooner so the company can try to skate away from having to pay accumulated vacation time.
Everyone is trying to keep a good attitude, but the worry of what's coming is making the holidays more stressful than usual.
We're praying for you.